Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Life gets busy sometimes, and quality time with your partner is often one of the things that suffers as a result.

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While existing like ships in the night isn’t so bad for a few weeks, if the hectic pace of your daily existence is keeping you apart for lengthy periods, you’ll need to do something about it. You may not have a lot of time and energy, but you can easily stay connected with your partner by doing these things until your schedule (or theirs!) clears up a bit.

1. Send a quick “thinking of you” text.

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It takes seconds but means the world. A simple “Hope your day’s going well” or “Miss you” can really make your partner’s day. It shows you’ve got them on your mind, even when you’re swamped. Don’t overthink it – even a heart emoji can do the trick.

2. Leave little notes around the house.

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Scribble a quick “I love you” on a Post-It and stick it on the bathroom mirror or in their work bag. It’s a lovely surprise that’ll make them smile. You can get creative with where you hide them – the more unexpected, the better.

3. Share a meme or funny video.

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See something that makes you laugh? Send it their way. It’s a fun way to share a moment, even when you’re apart. Plus, it gives you something to chat about later. It doesn’t have to be deep – sometimes a silly cat video is all you need.

4. Have a quick phone call during your commute.

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Use that dead time in the car or on the train to catch up. Even five minutes can help you feel connected. Just hearing their voice can be a mood-booster. If you’re driving, make sure you’re using hands-free, of course.

5. Set up a shared online calendar.

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It might not sound romantic, but knowing each other’s schedules can help you feel more in sync. You can add little notes or emojis to brighten up boring work appointments. It’s also handy for planning future date nights.

6. Have a code word for “I love you”.

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Pick a random word that means “I love you” to both of you. It’s like your own secret language. You can drop it into conversation or texts without anyone else knowing what it means. It’s a bit of fun that’s just between the two of you.

7. Set a daily alarm to think about your partner.

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When it goes off, take a minute to send them a message or just think positive thoughts about them. It’s a nice way to make sure you’re not getting too caught up in the daily grind. You might be surprised how much it lifts your mood, too.

8. Keep a shared online wishlist.

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Add things you’d like to do together when you have more time. It gives you both something to look forward to. It doesn’t have to be big stuff – even “try that new ice cream place” counts. It’s a reminder that there’s fun to be had in the future.

9. Have a quick video call before bed.

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If you’re apart, a quick goodnight call can help you feel close. Even if you’re just showing each other your pyjamas, it’s a nice way to end the day. Keep it short and sweet if you’re tired – it’s the thought that counts.

10. Share your daily wins, no matter how small.


Did you finally clear your inbox? Tell them about it. Celebrating small victories together can be really bonding. It’s a way of including them in your day, even when you’re not together. Plus, it feels good to have someone cheering you on.

11. Set up a shared music playlist.

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Add songs that remind you of each other or your relationship. It’s a nice way to feel connected, even when you’re apart. You can listen to it during your workday and feel like they’re with you. Plus, it’s fun to surprise each other with new additions.

12. Have a quick coffee date over video call.

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If you can’t meet for lunch, why not have a virtual coffee break together? It doesn’t have to be long – even 10 minutes can help you reconnect. You can chat about your day or just enjoy each other’s company in silence. It’s like a mini-date in the middle of your workday.

13. Send a photo of your day.

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Snap a quick pic of something interesting you see and send it their way. It could be a pretty flower, a weird cloud, or just your messy desk. It’s a visual way of sharing your day with them. It’s like giving them a little window into your world.

14. Have a designated cuddle time.

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Set aside just five minutes a day for a proper hug. No phones, no distractions, just you two. It’s amazing how much a good hug can do for your connection. Even if you’re knackered, those few minutes of physical touch can work wonders.

15. Play an ongoing game together.

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Start a game of Words with Friends or Chess that you can dip in and out of. It’s a fun way to stay connected throughout the day. You don’t need to finish it in one go – just make a move when you have a spare minute. It keeps a playful connection going, even when you’re busy.