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Ever pushed a narcissist too far? Maybe you finally called them out on their BS or dared to put your needs first. If so, you’ve probably witnessed a whole new level of crazy. Narcissists don’t handle anger well, especially when it’s directed at them. Their reaction is a masterclass in manipulation, gaslighting, and all-around emotional mayhem. Let’s break down the top 16 things a narcissist does when you’ve truly made them angry.

1. They explode with rage.

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One minute everything’s fine, the next they’re screaming and throwing things. Their anger is explosive and often disproportionate to the situation. It’s a classic narcissistic tactic to intimidate and regain control. You might find yourself walking on eggshells, unsure of what will trigger the next outburst.

2. They launch a smear campaign against you.

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A narcissist’s reputation is everything. When you enrage them, they’ll go to great lengths to protect their image. This often involves spreading lies and rumours about you to mutual friends and acquaintances. They’ll twist the narrative, making you the villain and themselves the victim. It’s a calculated move to isolate you and undermine your credibility.

3. They give you the silent treatment.

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Narcissists love to punish, and the silent treatment is one of their favourite weapons. They’ll ignore your calls, texts, and any attempt at communication. This can be incredibly frustrating and emotionally draining. It’s their way of making you feel invisible and unimportant.

4. They gaslight you.

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Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic that makes you question your own sanity. A narcissist will deny your reality, twist your words, and make you doubt your own memories. They might say things like, “You’re overreacting,” or “That never happened.” It’s a mind game designed to keep you off balance and under their control.

5. They project their own flaws onto you.

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Narcissists are masters of projection. When they’re feeling insecure or angry, they’ll accuse you of the very things they’re guilty of. If they’re cheating, they might accuse you of being unfaithful. If they’re lying, they might call you a liar. It’s a twisted way of deflecting blame and making you the problem.

6. They play the victim.

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No matter what they’ve done, a narcissist will always find a way to paint themselves as the victim. They’ll exaggerate their own suffering and downplay your feelings. They might say things like, “You’re always attacking me,” or “I can never do anything right in your eyes.” It’s a manipulative ploy to gain sympathy and avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

7. They threaten you.

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Narcissists can become incredibly menacing when they’re enraged. They might threaten to hurt you, your loved ones, or even themselves. This is a serious red flag and should never be taken lightly. If you feel threatened, seek help immediately.

8. They try to hoover you back in.

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Even after all the drama and chaos, a narcissist might try to suck you back into their toxic orbit. This is called hoovering. They might shower you with compliments, apologise profusely, or promise to change. Don’t fall for it. It’s just another manipulation tactic to regain control over you.

9. They engage in passive-aggressive behaviour.

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Narcissists are experts at indirect aggression. Instead of confronting you directly, they’ll make snide remarks, give you the cold shoulder, or sabotage your efforts. This can be incredibly frustrating and confusing. It’s their way of expressing anger without having to take responsibility for it.

10. They try to sabotage your relationships.

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A narcissist thrives on control, and that includes your relationships. They might try to isolate you from your friends and family, or even turn them against you. They might spread rumours or create drama to make you look bad. It’s a calculated move to keep you dependent on them and under their thumb.

11. They become overly critical and demanding.

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When you’ve enraged a narcissist, prepare for a barrage of criticism. They’ll nitpick your every move, belittle your accomplishments, and make unreasonable demands. This is their way of putting you down and making you feel inadequate. It’s a power play designed to keep you submissive and insecure.

12. They engage in self-destructive behaviour.

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Narcissists often have a dark side. When they’re feeling threatened or out of control, they might turn to drugs, alcohol, or other risky behaviours. This is a cry for help, but it’s also a manipulation tactic. They want you to feel sorry for them and take care of them, even though they’re the ones who created the chaos.

13. They try to make you jealous.

Narcissists love attention and admiration. When you’ve wounded their ego, they might try to make you jealous by flirting with people or flaunting their new conquests. This is a childish tactic, but it’s surprisingly effective. It can trigger feelings of insecurity and make you want to win them back.

14. They escalate the conflict.

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Narcissists rarely back down from a fight. Instead of trying to resolve the issue, they’ll escalate the conflict by bringing up past grievances, twisting your words, and making outrageous accusations. This is their way of wearing you down and getting you to give in. It’s a toxic cycle that can be incredibly damaging to your emotional well-being.

15. They discard you.

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If a narcissist feels like you’re no longer serving their needs, they might simply discard you like yesterday’s rubbish. This can be incredibly painful and confusing, especially if you were deeply invested in the relationship. It’s important to remember that their actions are not a reflection of your worth. You deserve better.

16. They try to punish you financially.

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If you share finances with a narcissist, be prepared for financial warfare. They might withhold money, refuse to pay bills, or even try to ruin your credit. This is a vindictive tactic designed to make you suffer and regret crossing them. If you’re in this situation, seek legal advice as soon as possible to protect yourself.