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Dealing with a narcissist can be an emotionally draining experience.

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They crave attention, admiration, and control, often at the expense of everyone around them. If you’re tired of being manipulated and exploited, there are ways to make a narcissist fear you without stooping to their level. Here’s how you can regain your power and set healthy boundaries.

1. Set clear boundaries and make sure you enforce them.

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Narcissists often push boundaries to see how far they can go. It’s essential to establish clear, firm limits on what you will and won’t tolerate. Whether it’s their constant need for attention, their disregard for your feelings, or their manipulative tactics, don’t hesitate to say “no” and stick to your guns. Consistency is key; any wavering will only embolden them.

2. Don’t engage in their mind games.

Vladimir Poplavskis

Narcissists thrive on drama and chaos. They may try to provoke you, gaslight you, or play the victim to maintain control. Refuse to be drawn into their manipulative games. Stay calm, rational, and focused on the facts. By not reacting emotionally, you deny them the satisfaction of seeing you flustered and take away their power.

3. Document absolutely everything.

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If you’re dealing with a narcissist in a professional or legal setting, keeping detailed records of your interactions can be crucial. This includes emails, text messages, phone calls, or any other form of communication. These records can serve as evidence of their behaviour and protect you from false accusations or manipulation attempts.

4. Expose their lies and manipulation tactics.

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Narcissists rely on deception and manipulation to maintain their facade. By calmly and factually pointing out their inconsistencies, exaggerations, or outright lies, you can chip away at their carefully constructed image. This can be particularly effective in front of other people, as narcissists are highly sensitive to public humiliation.

5. Don’t feed their ego.

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Narcissists crave attention and admiration like oxygen. By withholding praise or refusing to engage in their self-aggrandising conversations, you can starve them of the fuel they need to thrive. This can be a powerful way to make them fear you, as it threatens their fragile sense of self-importance.

6. Stay calm and assertive.

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When dealing with a narcissist, it’s important to remain calm and collected. Losing your temper or resorting to aggression will only give them more ammunition to use against you. Instead, communicate assertively, expressing your needs and boundaries clearly and confidently. This shows them that you’re not afraid to stand up for yourself and won’t be intimidated by their tactics.

7. Refuse to be their emotional punching bag.

Igor Kardasov

Narcissists often project their insecurities and frustrations on to other people. They may belittle you, criticise you, or try to make you feel worthless. Don’t internalise their negativity. Remind yourself that their words and actions are a reflection of their own issues, not yours. Refuse to be their emotional dumping ground and walk away from situations that become toxic.

8. Call out their bad behaviour.

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Don’t be afraid to call out a narcissist’s bad behaviour directly. Whether it’s their rudeness, their insensitivity, or their manipulative tactics, let them know that you see through their facade. This can be a humbling experience for them, as it exposes their vulnerability and lack of genuine empathy.

9. Set and enforce consequences.

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Narcissists often believe they are above the rules and consequences. Establish clear consequences for their unacceptable behaviour and enforce them consistently. This could mean ending a conversation, leaving a social gathering, or even limiting contact with them. By showing them that their actions have repercussions, you establish a sense of accountability and regain control of the situation.

10. Don’t try to change them.

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One of the biggest mistakes people make when dealing with narcissists is trying to change them. Narcissists are deeply ingrained in their patterns of behaviour, and it’s unlikely that your efforts will result in any significant change. Focus instead on protecting yourself and setting boundaries. Trying to fix them will only drain your energy and leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed.

11. Focus on your own mental and emotional health.


Don’t let a narcissist’s negativity and drama consume you. Prioritise your own happiness and well-being. Engage in activities you enjoy, spend time with supportive people, and focus on your own goals and aspirations. By showing them that you’re not dependent on their approval or attention, you diminish their power over you.

12. Surround yourself with supportive people.

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Having a strong support system is crucial when dealing with a narcissist. Surround yourself with friends, family, or a therapist who can offer emotional support, validation, and guidance. Sharing your experiences with people can help you gain perspective, validate your feelings, and develop strategies for dealing with the narcissist in your life.

13. Be prepared to walk away.

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In some cases, the healthiest option may be to distance yourself from the narcissist altogether. If their behaviour is consistently toxic and damaging to your well-being, don’t hesitate to cut ties. This may be difficult, especially if there are shared responsibilities or emotional attachments involved, but ultimately, protecting yourself and your mental health should be your priority.

14. Don’t take their behaviour personally.

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Remember that a narcissist’s behaviour is a reflection of their own deep-seated insecurities and issues, not yours. Their attempts to belittle or manipulate you are not a reflection of your worth or value. By recognising this, you can detach yourself from their negativity and maintain your own sense of self-worth.

15. Stand your ground and don’t back down.

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Narcissists may try to intimidate or bully you into submission. Don’t let them. Stand your ground, assert your boundaries, and refuse to be manipulated. Your strength and resilience will make them think twice before trying to cross you again.

16. Practice self-care and self-compassion.

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Dealing with a narcissist can be incredibly draining. Make sure to prioritise self-care activities that help you recharge and de-stress. This could include exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, or pursuing hobbies you enjoy. Taking care of yourself will equip you with the emotional resilience needed to cope with the narcissist’s antics.

17. Get professional help if needed.

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If you’re struggling to cope with the effects of a narcissist’s behaviour, don’t hesitate to talk to a professional. A therapist can provide you with support, guidance, and tools to navigate the complexities of dealing with a narcissist and develop healthy coping mechanisms.