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Cheating is a common concern in relationships, but it’s not always easy to gauge someone’s loyalty.

However, the assumption that all (or even most) men cheat is unfair and pretty ridiculous. In fact, many men seem to have a knack for staying faithful. What sets them apart? While there’s no foolproof formula, certain behaviours and traits often distinguish men who are less likely to stray.

1. They prioritise open and honest communication.

Source: Unsplash

Men who value fidelity understand that open communication is the bedrock of any healthy relationship. They’re not afraid to have tough conversations, share their feelings, and listen to their partner’s concerns. They believe in transparency and create an environment where both partners feel safe expressing themselves without fear of judgment.

2. They’re emotionally present and supportive.

© Lomb | Giuseppe Lombardo

Loyal men are tuned into their partner’s emotional needs. They offer a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, and words of encouragement. They’re not afraid to show vulnerability and create a deep emotional connection with their partner, furthering trust and intimacy.

3. They express appreciation and affection regularly.

Envato Elements

These men understand that love needs to be nurtured and expressed. They don’t take their partners for granted and make sure to show their appreciation through compliments, gestures of affection, and small acts of kindness. They make their partners feel valued and cherished every day.

4. They actively listen and validate their partner’s feelings.

Envato Elements

Faithful men know that being heard and understood is crucial in a relationship. They pay attention to their partner’s words, body language, and emotions. They validate their feelings, even if they don’t always agree with them, and strive to create a safe space for open dialogue.

5. They set healthy boundaries and respect their partner’s autonomy.

Envato Elements

These men understand the importance of personal space and individuality. They don’t try to control their partners or dictate their choices. Instead, they encourage them to pursue their passions and interests while maintaining a strong sense of togetherness.

6. They have a strong moral compass and values.

Envato Elements

Men who are less likely to cheat often have a clear set of values and a strong moral compass. They prioritise honesty, integrity, and respect in their relationships. They understand the consequences of infidelity and are committed to staying true to their partner.

7. They foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration.

Adrian Exposito

Faithful men see their relationship as a partnership. They work together with their partners to achieve common goals, make decisions, and overcome challenges. They value their partner’s opinions and contributions and strive to create a harmonious and supportive dynamic.

8. They prioritise quality time and meaningful experiences.

Pavel Vladychenko

These men understand that spending quality time together is essential for maintaining a strong bond. They make an effort to create shared experiences, whether it’s a romantic date night, a fun adventure, or simply cuddling up on the couch. They cherish the moments they spend with their partner and create lasting memories together.

9. They maintain transparency and honesty about their whereabouts.

Envato Elements

Men who are committed to their relationships don’t create unnecessary secrecy or suspicion. They’re open about their daily activities, whereabouts, and social interactions. They don’t hide their phones or passwords and are comfortable sharing details about their day with their partner.

10. They invest time and effort into maintaining the spark in their relationship.

Envato Elements

Faithful men understand that relationships require continuous effort and nurturing. They don’t let the romance fade away and actively look for ways to keep the spark alive. They surprise their partners with thoughtful gestures, plan romantic dates, and make an effort to keep things exciting and fresh.

11. They seek emotional intimacy and connection with their partner.

Envato Elements

These men crave a deep emotional bond with their partners. They don’t just want a physical connection, but also a mental and emotional one. They share their thoughts, dreams, and fears with their partners and create a safe space for vulnerability and trust.

12. They have a strong support system and healthy friendships.

Envato Elements

Men who are less likely to cheat often have a solid network of friends and family who support their relationship. They avoid situations that could lead to temptation and surround themselves with people who uphold their values and encourage their commitment to their partner.

13. They take responsibility for their own happiness and well-being.

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

These men understand that their happiness doesn’t depend solely on their partner. They take responsibility for their own emotional well-being and engage in activities that bring them joy and fulfilment. They don’t rely on their partner to make them happy, but actively contribute to their own happiness and, in turn, the happiness of their relationship.

14. They show genuine interest in their partner’s life and passions.


Loyal men take a genuine interest in their partner’s life, hobbies, and passions. They ask questions, listen attentively, and offer support and encouragement. They celebrate their partner’s achievements and show a genuine desire to be involved in their lives.

15. They address conflicts constructively and seek resolution.

Envato Elements

Disagreements and conflicts are inevitable in any relationship, but faithful men don’t shy away from them. They address issues head-on, communicate their concerns respectfully, and work collaboratively with their partner to find solutions. They prioritise understanding over winning and strive to maintain a healthy and respectful communication style.

16. They express gratitude for their partner and the relationship.

Envato Elements

These men appreciate the unique bond they share with their partners and express their gratitude regularly. They acknowledge their partner’s efforts, express their love and appreciation, and make sure their partner feels valued and cherished. They create a positive and loving atmosphere that fosters loyalty and commitment.