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Dealing with a narcissist can be tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Their fragile egos and insatiable need for validation can make communication tricky. However, there are certain phrases that can disarm them, challenge their manipulations, and even trigger a touch of self-reflection. These phrases aren’t about being cruel; they’re about setting boundaries, asserting your own needs, and regaining control of the conversation. Remember to use them wisely and look after yourself.

1. “I’m not responsible for your happiness.”

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Narcissists often try to manipulate people into taking responsibility for their emotional well-being. This phrase clearly establishes a boundary and reminds them that their happiness is their own responsibility. It’s a way of saying, “I care about you, but I won’t let you control my emotions.”

2. “Your opinion of me is none of my business.”


Narcissists thrive on external validation and often use criticism and judgment to manipulate people. This phrase dismisses their attempts to define your self-worth and asserts your independence. It’s a powerful way of saying, “I value myself, and your opinion doesn’t change that.”

3. “I won’t engage in this conversation.”

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Narcissists love to argue and create drama. This phrase shuts down their attempts to drag you into a pointless argument or emotional outburst. It’s a way of saying, “I’m not interested in playing your games, and I’m not going to waste my energy on this negativity.”

4. “I need some space.”

Ekaterina Pereslavtseva

Narcissists can be incredibly draining and demanding. This phrase allows you to create healthy distance and prioritise your own well-being. It’s a way of saying, “I need time to recharge and focus on myself, without your constant demands and manipulations.”

5. “I don’t appreciate being spoken to like that.”

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Narcissists often use condescending or belittling language to assert their dominance. This phrase directly addresses their disrespectful behaviour and sets a boundary. It’s a way of saying, “I deserve to be treated with respect, and I won’t tolerate your verbal abuse.”

6. “I’m not going to change my mind.”

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Narcissists can be incredibly persuasive and manipulative. This phrase puts a stop to their attempts to change your opinion or influence your decisions. It’s a way of saying, “I’ve made up my mind, and your charm and manipulation won’t work on me.”

7. “That’s not how I remember it.”

Avelino Calvar Martinez

Narcissists often distort the truth to suit their own narrative. This phrase challenges their version of events and asserts your own recollection. It’s a way of saying, “I know what I saw and heard, and I won’t let you rewrite history.”

8. “I’m not interested in playing games.”

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Narcissists love to play mind games and manipulate people for their own amusement. This phrase calls out their behaviour and makes it clear that you won’t participate. It’s a way of saying, “I’m not your toy, and I refuse to be manipulated by your games.”

9. “I don’t need your approval.”

Vadym Drobot

Narcissists often try to control people by withholding approval or giving it conditionally. This phrase asserts your independence and self-worth, letting them know that their opinion doesn’t define you. It’s a way of reclaiming your power and refusing to be manipulated by their approval-seeking tactics.

10. “I’m not interested in competing with you.”

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Narcissists thrive on competition and comparison. This phrase shuts down their attempts to create a rivalry or make you feel inferior. It’s a way of saying, “I value collaboration and cooperation, and I won’t play into your need for dominance.”

11. “I see things differently.”


Narcissists often believe their perspective is the only valid one. This phrase gently challenges their viewpoint and asserts your right to hold your own opinions. It’s a way of saying, “I respect your perspective, but I don’t agree with it, and that’s okay.”

12. “I’m not going to apologise for being myself.”

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Narcissists often try to mould people to fit their own idealised image. This phrase asserts your authenticity and refuses to apologise for being who you are. It’s a way of saying, “I won’t change to please you, and I embrace my flaws and imperfections.”

13. “I’m not going to tolerate your disrespect.”

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Narcissists often cross boundaries and disrespect other people’s feelings. This phrase sets a clear boundary and communicates that you won’t accept their mistreatment. It’s a way of saying, “I deserve to be treated with respect, and I won’t allow you to walk all over me.”

14. “I’m not going to participate in your drama.”

Liubomyr Vorona

Narcissists thrive on drama and chaos. This phrase disengages from their attempts to create conflict and emotional turmoil. It’s a way of saying, “I’m not interested in your drama, and I won’t let you drag me down with your negativity.”

15. “I’m not your punching bag.”

Valerii Honcharuk

Narcissists often use people as emotional punching bags, venting their frustrations and insecurities. This phrase asserts your boundaries and refuses to be their emotional dumping ground. It’s a way of saying, “I care about you, but I won’t let you take your anger out on me.”

16. “I have my own priorities.”

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Narcissists often expect everyone to prioritise their needs and wants above all else. This phrase asserts your own autonomy and reminds them that you have your own life and goals. It’s a way of saying, “I won’t always be available to cater to your whims, and I have my own agenda.”

17. “I’m done with this conversation.”

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Narcissists can be relentless in their attempts to manipulate and control. This phrase ends the conversation on your terms, signalling that you won’t engage in further discussion. It’s a way of saying, “I’ve had enough, and I’m walking away.”

18. “Your actions don’t match your words.”

Igor Emmerich

Narcissists often say one thing and do another. This phrase calls out their hypocrisy and highlights the discrepancy between their words and actions. It’s a way of saying, “I see through your facade, and I won’t be fooled by your empty promises.”

19. “I don’t need to prove anything to you.”

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Narcissists often challengep people to prove their worth or value. This phrase asserts your self-worth and refuses to play their game. It’s a way of saying, “I know my value, and I don’t need your validation.”

20. “Goodbye.”

Yuri Arcurs YAPR

Sometimes, the most powerful thing you can say to a narcissist is simply goodbye. This phrase ends the relationship on your terms and allows you to walk away from their toxicity. It’s a way of saying, “I deserve better, and I’m choosing to prioritise my own well-being over this relationship.”