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Some people are just sort of “extra” by nature. They go all-in on every project they take on, are all about pursuing their passions, and they have an insatiable thirst for life. These are the highly intense people, and they’re not afraid to dive headfirst into the deep end. If you’re wondering if you’re one of them, or if you just know someone who fits the bill, check out these signs.

1. You take on challenges most people would avoid.

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While others are content with the familiar and comfortable, you pursue challenges that push you to your limits. You thrive on the adrenaline rush of facing the unknown and overcoming obstacles. Whether it’s climbing a mountain, starting a business, or learning a new language, you’re always up for a challenge that tests your mettle.

2. Your passion is contagious.

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When you’re passionate about something, it’s impossible to hide it. Your enthusiasm is infectious, and you can’t help but share your excitement with others. You inspire those around you to pursue their own passions with the same vigour and determination. Your energy is like a spark that ignites a fire in the hearts of others.

3. You have an insatiable curiosity.

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You’re always asking questions, looking for answers, and exploring new ideas. You’re fascinated by the world around you and eager to learn as much as you can. You’re not content with surface-level explanations; you want to delve deeper and understand the underlying principles. Your curiosity fuels your creativity and drives you to explore new possibilities.

4. You’re not afraid to take risks.

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You understand that growth and success often require stepping outside your comfort zone. You’re not one to shy away from risks, even if they seem daunting. You’re willing to put yourself out there, try new things, and embrace the possibility of failure. You know that even if you don’t succeed, you’ll learn valuable lessons along the way.

5. You have a strong sense of purpose.

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You have a clear vision for your life and a deep understanding of what you want to achieve. You’re driven by a sense of purpose that fuels your actions and decisions. You’re not content with simply going through the motions; you want to make a meaningful impact on the world. Your purpose gives you a sense of direction and clarity, even in the face of challenges.

6. You’re fiercely independent.

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You don’t rely on others for validation or approval. You trust your own instincts, make your own decisions, and chart your own course. You’re not afraid to go against the grain or challenge the status quo. Your independence allows you to pursue your goals with unwavering determination, even when others doubt you.

7. You have a high tolerance for pain.

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Whether it’s physical, emotional, or mental pain, you’re able to endure it with remarkable resilience. You don’t let setbacks or challenges deter you from your goals. You see pain as a temporary obstacle, not a permanent roadblock. Your ability to withstand discomfort allows you to push through adversity and emerge stronger on the other side.

8. You have an intense focus and determination.

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When you set your mind to something, you give it your all. You’re not easily distracted or discouraged. You have laser-like focus and an unwavering determination to achieve your goals. You’re willing to put in the long hours, make sacrifices, and do whatever it takes to succeed. Your dedication is inspiring and sets you apart from the crowd.

9. You’re always striving for improvement.

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You’re never satisfied with the status quo. You’re constantly looking for ways to improve yourself, your skills, and your life. You ask for feedback, learn from your mistakes, and never stop pushing yourself to be better. You’re not afraid to try new things, experiment with different approaches, and step outside your comfort zone. Your commitment to growth is what sets you apart.

10. You have a magnetic personality.

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People are drawn to your energy and enthusiasm. You’re a natural leader, inspiring others with your passion and vision. You’re confident, charismatic, and engaging. You make people feel seen, heard, and valued. Your presence is like a ray of sunshine, brightening up any room you enter.

11. You’re not afraid to speak your mind.

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You have strong opinions, and you’re not afraid to share them. You’re honest, direct, and assertive. You don’t shy away from difficult conversations or controversial topics. You stand up for what you believe in, even if it’s not popular. Your authenticity is refreshing and inspiring to those around you.

12. You have a deep capacity for love and compassion.

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Despite your intensity, you’re also incredibly loving and compassionate. You care deeply about others and are always willing to lend a helping hand. You’re empathetic, supportive, and understanding. You make people feel safe and loved. Your kindness and generosity make the world a better place.

13. You have a high level of emotional intelligence.

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You’re aware of your own emotions and can manage them effectively. You’re also attuned to the emotions of others and can empathise with their feelings. You’re skilled at communicating your needs and boundaries, and you can navigate complex social situations with grace and tact. Your emotional intelligence is a key factor in your success in both your personal and professional life.

14. You’re always on the move.

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You’re not one to sit still for long. You’re always on the go, pursuing your passions, exploring new opportunities, and chasing adventure. You’re constantly learning, growing, and evolving. You’re not afraid of change or uncertainty. Your restless spirit is what keeps you young at heart and always looking forward to the next chapter.

15. You’re a force of nature.

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You’re not afraid to be yourself, even if it means standing out from the crowd. You’re bold, daring, and unapologetic. You live life on your own terms and refuse to be boxed in by societal expectations. You’re a true original, and your unique spirit shines through in everything you do.

16. You’re a magnet for drama.

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Your intensity can sometimes attract drama and conflict. You’re not afraid to stir the pot or challenge the status quo. You might find yourself in heated debates or passionate disagreements more often than others. While this can be exciting, it’s important to channel your energy in a positive direction and avoid unnecessary conflict.

17. You burn bright, but you also burn out.

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Your intense energy and passion can be both a blessing and a curse. You’re capable of great things, but you also run the risk of burnout. It’s important to find ways to recharge and take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally. Make time for rest, relaxation,