Envato Elements

Some people just have an aura of “don’t mess with me.”

Valerii Honcharuk

They’re the ones who call out nonsense when they see it, set firm boundaries, and don’t let anyone walk all over them. Why? Because they have a certain confidence and self-respect that’s both admirable and intimidating. So, what exactly makes these people tick? What do they have in common that allows them to navigate life with such unwavering resolve?

1. They know their worth.

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People who don’t put up with anyone’s nonsense understand their value and refuse to settle for less than they deserve. They don’t need validation from anyone else, and they certainly don’t let anyone define their worth. This inner confidence gives them the strength to stand up for themselves and walk away from situations or relationships that don’t serve them.

2. They have strong boundaries.

Envato Elements

They know what they’re willing to tolerate and what they’re not. Because of this, they communicate their boundaries clearly and enforce them consistently, and they definitely don’t let people take advantage of their kindness or generosity. When someone crosses the line, they’re not afraid to speak up and protect their space.

3. They don’t seek approval from anyone.

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They’re not afraid to be different, to go against the grain, or to challenge the status quo. That’s because they don’t need everyone to like them, and they certainly don’t change who they are to please anyone else. They’re comfortable in their own skin and don’t seek validation from external sources.

4. They’re not afraid of conflict.


They understand that conflict is a natural part of life and don’t shy away from it. Instead, they address issues directly and honestly, even if it means having difficult conversations. They’re not afraid to stand up for what they believe in, even if it means ruffling some feathers.

5. They’re assertive, not aggressive.

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There’s a difference between being assertive and being aggressive. People who don’t put up with BS are assertive in expressing their needs and opinions, but they do so respectfully. They don’t resort to name-calling, insults, or personal attacks. They state their case clearly and calmly, without letting emotions cloud their judgment.

6. They’re not afraid to walk away.

Envato Elements

They know when to cut their losses and move on. As a result, they don’t waste their time on people or situations that drain their energy or bring them down. They understand that their time and energy are valuable resources, and they invest them wisely.

7. They prioritise self-care.

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They understand that taking care of themselves is not selfish but essential. No matter what’s happening in their lives, they make time for activities that nourish their mind, body, and soul. They know that when they’re feeling their best, they’re better equipped to handle challenges and set boundaries.

8. They have a strong sense of self.

serious man looking upSource: Unsplash

They know who they are and what they stand for, and they’re not easily swayed by the opinions of others or by societal pressures. They have a clear set of values and principles that guide their decisions and actions. This strong sense of self allows them to stay true to themselves, even when faced with adversity.

9. They’re not afraid to say “no.”

man onlySource: Unsplash

They understand that saying “no” is not a rejection, but a way to protect their time and energy. They prioritise their own needs and don’t overcommit themselves. That’s because they know that saying “no” to something they don’t want to do opens up the space for something they actually do want to do.

10. They don’t tolerate disrespect.

man standing aloneSource: Unsplash

Whether it’s a snide remark, a condescending tone, or outright rudeness, they don’t let disrespect slide. They address it head-on, calling out the behaviour and setting clear expectations for how they want to be treated. They know that tolerating disrespect only invites more of it.

11. They don’t play games.

Envato Elements

They’re straightforward and honest in their communication; they don’t manipulate or play mind games. They say what they mean and mean what they say. This directness can be refreshing and avoids unnecessary misunderstandings and drama.

12. They trust their gut.


They have a strong sense of intuition and trust their gut feelings. If something feels off, they don’t ignore it. They listen to their inner wisdom and act accordingly. This doesn’t mean they’re always right, but they trust themselves enough to make decisions based on their instincts.

13. They learn from their mistakes.

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They’re not afraid to admit when they’re wrong and take responsibility for their mistakes. They see setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. They don’t dwell on the past but use their experiences to become wiser and stronger.

14. They surround themselves with positive people.

carlo prearo

They choose their friends and inner circle carefully; they surround themselves with people who lift them up, support them, and share similar values. They avoid negative people who drain their energy and bring them down because they understand that the company you keep can significantly impact your well-being. If someone doesn’t treat them well, they move on without a second thought.

15. They’re not afraid to be alone.

Source: Unsplash

They’re comfortable in their own company and don’t rely on others for validation or happiness. They enjoy spending time alone, pursuing their interests, and recharging their batteries. They know that solitude is not loneliness but a necessary ingredient for self-discovery and personal growth. This gives them the strength they need not to deal with anyone who doesn’t add anything to their lives.