Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Most people love animals — that’s just the way it goes.

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And, barring a severe allergy or having had a legitimately traumatic experience with an animal in the past, it’s a bit weird if they’re indifferent to or actively dislike our furry and feathered friends. What’s weird is that those people also happen to be ones who tend to have some other unpleasant characteristics as well.

1. They lack empathy.

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It’s not a hard and fast rule, but people who can’t connect with animals often struggle to put themselves in other people’s shoes. Animals are pretty straightforward with their needs and emotions, so if someone can’t feel for a hungry kitten or a scared dog, they might have trouble empathising with humans too.

2. They’re often impatient.

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Animals don’t always do what we want when we want it. People who can’t stand animals are often the same ones who get annoyed when things don’t go their way immediately. They might be the type to honk their horn in traffic or snap at waiters.

3. They can be control freaks.

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Let’s face it, you can’t control an animal 100% of the time. People who need everything to be just so often can’t handle the unpredictability of animals. They might be the ones who freak out if there’s a single hair on their clothes or if things aren’t in perfect order.

4. They’re sometimes self-centred.

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Taking care of an animal means putting someone else’s needs before your own sometimes. People who don’t like animals might be more focused on themselves, struggling to see why they should bother with a creature that can’t directly benefit them.

5. They can be overly materialistic.

Kniel Synnatzschke

If someone’s more concerned about their stuff than living beings, that’s a red flag. They might be the type to freak out about a dog on their couch or a cat scratching their furniture, valuing possessions over the joy of animal companionship.

6. They might lack a sense of humour.

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Animals do funny, silly things all the time. If someone can’t laugh at a dog’s goofy antics or a cat’s weird sleeping position, they might be taking life a bit too seriously. A good chuckle at animal shenanigans can brighten anyone’s day.

7. They can be judgmental.

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People who don’t like animals often judge pet owners harshly. They might see having pets as a waste of time or money, or look down on people who treat their pets like family members. This judgmental attitude often extends to other areas of life too.

8. They might struggle with commitment.

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Taking care of an animal is a long-term commitment. People who shy away from animals might also be the ones who struggle with committing in other areas, like relationships or jobs. They might prefer to keep things casual and avoid responsibility.

9. They can be overly anxious.

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Sometimes, a dislike of animals stems from anxiety. These folks might be overly worried about germs, mess, or potential harm. While it’s okay to be cautious, extreme anxiety about these things can make life pretty stressful.

10. They might lack curiosity.

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Animals are fascinating if you take the time to observe them. People who don’t like animals might lack curiosity about the world around them in general. They might not be interested in learning new things or exploring different perspectives.

11. They can be inflexible.

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Dealing with animals requires adaptability. You never know when your cat might knock over a plant or your dog might need an unscheduled walk. People who can’t roll with these punches might be pretty rigid in other areas of life too.

12. They sometimes lack compassion.


Compassion for animals often translates to compassion for humans. If someone can’t feel for a hurt or scared animal, they might struggle to show compassion in other situations, too. They might be the type to say “just get over it” when someone’s going through a tough time.

13. They might have trouble relaxing.

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There’s something soothing about petting a cat or playing with a dog. People who don’t like animals might miss out on these simple pleasures. They might have a harder time unwinding and finding joy in the little things in life.

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