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Some people just rub us the wrong way for reasons we can’t really pinpoint.

Regardless, there’s an underlying feeling that something just isn’t quite right. Often, it boils down to a lack of dignity and class, which come through in subtle ways that can leave a sour taste in our mouths. These aren’t necessarily about having fancy clothes or using big words. They’re about respect, consideration, and basic human decency. Here are some common traits that might reveal a lack of these qualities.

1. They constantly brag and chase validation.

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People who lack dignity often feel the need to constantly boast about their accomplishments, possessions, or connections. They fish for compliments and validation, chasing external affirmation to boost their fragile egos. This behaviour can be tiresome and off-putting, as it reveals an underlying insecurity and lack of genuine self-worth.

2. They gossip and spread rumours.

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Gossip is like junk food for the ego, providing a temporary sense of superiority at other people’s expense. People who lack dignity often thrive on spreading rumours and tearing people down, hoping to elevate themselves in the process. This behaviour not only hurts those being gossiped about, but it also reflects poorly on the person engaging in it.

3. They lack empathy and compassion.

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A lack of dignity often goes hand in hand with a lack of empathy. These people struggle to put themselves in anyone else’s shoes or understand their feelings. They might dismiss other people’s problems, make insensitive remarks, or simply not care about how their actions affect other people. This lack of compassion creates a cold and unwelcoming atmosphere.

4. They are rude and disrespectful to service workers.

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The way someone treats service workers, such as waiters, cashiers, or cleaners, can reveal a lot about their character. People who lack dignity often look down on those in-service positions, treating them with rudeness and disrespect. This behaviour shows a lack of basic manners and an inability to recognise the dignity and worth of all individuals.

5. They constantly interrupt and talk over people.

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Conversations with someone who lacks dignity can feel like a one-person show. They interrupt, talk over people, and dominate the conversation. This behaviour shows a lack of respect for other people’s opinions and a self-centred focus on their own thoughts and ideas.

6. They have a sense of entitlement.

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People who lack dignity often believe they are entitled to special treatment or privileges. They may expect other people to cater to their every whim, jump through hoops for them, or simply give them whatever they want. This sense of entitlement can be frustrating and disrespectful to those around them.

7. They are unable to take responsibility for their actions.

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When things go wrong, people who lack dignity are quick to point fingers and blame other people. They refuse to take ownership of their mistakes, preferring to shift responsibility onto someone else. This behaviour shows a lack of maturity and accountability, making it difficult to trust or rely on them.

8. They lack basic manners and etiquette.

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Simple things like saying “please” and “thank you,” holding doors open, or chewing with their mouths closed seem to escape them. These basic courtesies show consideration for people and an understanding of social norms. When someone consistently disregards these manners, it can be a sign of a deeper lack of respect for other people and social conventions.

9. They make offensive or derogatory comments.

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Whether it’s racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory remarks, people who lack dignity often have no filter when it comes to expressing their offensive views. They may make hurtful jokes, use derogatory language, or belittle people based on their identity or background. This behaviour not only reveals their own prejudice and ignorance, but it also creates a hostile and unwelcoming environment for those around them.

10. They are unreliable and flaky.

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People who lack dignity often have a casual disregard for commitments and promises. They might cancel plans at the last minute, fail to show up for appointments, or simply not follow through on their word. This behaviour demonstrates a lack of respect for other people’s time and a disregard for the impact their actions have on other people.

11. They are materialistic and superficial.

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People who lack dignity often place a high value on material possessions, status symbols, and superficial appearances. They might judge people based on their wealth, appearance, or social connections, and they might be obsessed with acquiring the latest gadgets or designer clothes. This focus on external validation reveals a shallow understanding of what truly matters in life.

12. They are dishonest and manipulative.

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Honesty and integrity are the cornerstones of dignity and class. People who lack these qualities often resort to dishonesty and manipulation to get what they want. They might lie, cheat, or deceive people to achieve their goals, showing a disregard for ethical principles and a lack of respect for people.

13. They are quick to anger and aggression.

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People who lack dignity often have a short fuse and a tendency towards anger and aggression. They might lash out at people, engage in verbal or physical altercations, or simply create a hostile atmosphere with their negativity. This lack of emotional control not only damages relationships, but it also reflects poorly on their character.

14. They lack self-awareness and refuse to grow.

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People who lack dignity are often blind to their own shortcomings and flaws. They might be unwilling to admit their mistakes, learn from their experiences, or make any effort to improve themselves. This lack of self-awareness prevents personal growth and perpetuates their negative behaviours.

15. They exploit and take advantage of people.


People who lack dignity often see people as means to an end, rather than as individuals with their own needs and desires. They might use people for personal gain, manipulate them for their own benefit, or simply take advantage of their kindness and generosity. This exploitative behaviour reveals a lack of empathy and a disregard for anyone else’s well-being.