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We’ve all experienced moments of uncertainty, feeling a little lost or unsure of our next steps.

It’s a normal part of life, but for some people, this feeling of drifting without a clear direction becomes a recurring theme. How can you tell if someone is in this headspace? They’re likely to display these behaviours.

1. They frequently change jobs or career paths.

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While some career exploration is natural, constantly switching jobs without a clear reason could indicate a lack of direction. It’s like trying on different hats without finding one that fits just right. This behaviour might stem from a feeling of dissatisfaction or a lack of clarity about their true passions and interests.

2. They struggle to make decisions or commit to plans.

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This could manifest as constantly changing plans, cancelling at the last minute, or having difficulty choosing between options. Indecisiveness can stem from a fear of making the wrong choice or a lack of confidence in their own judgment. It can be frustrating for both themselves and those around them.

3. They have difficulty setting goals or sticking to them.

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Setting goals gives us something to strive for and a sense of purpose. People who lack direction might struggle to define what they want to achieve, or might set vague goals that lack clear action steps. They might also start projects or commitments with enthusiasm, but quickly lose interest or motivation.

4. They often feel overwhelmed or stressed about the future.

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The uncertainty of not knowing where they’re headed can create a sense of anxiety and overwhelm. They might worry about what the future holds or feel pressure to figure things out quickly. This constant worry can lead to stress, burnout, and difficulty focusing on the present moment.

5. They compare themselves to other people and feel like they’re falling behind.

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Social media and societal pressures can make it easy to feel like everyone else has their life figured out. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a sense of being stuck while others are moving forward. It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is different and that comparison is often based on an incomplete picture.

6. They have difficulty prioritising their time and energy.

Yuri Arcurs

Without a clear sense of direction, it can be hard to know what tasks or activities are most important. They might spend time on things that don’t align with their values or goals, or they might procrastinate on important tasks because they don’t know where to start. This can lead to a feeling of being scattered and unproductive.

7. They chase validation and approval from other people.

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When you’re unsure of your own path, it’s easy to look to other people for guidance and reassurance. This can manifest as the need to ask for advice from everyone, constantly changing your opinions to fit in, or feeling like you need other people’s approval to make decisions. While it’s healthy to need support, relying too heavily on external validation can hinder your own self-discovery.

8. They feel a sense of emptiness or dissatisfaction with life.


Even if they have achieved some level of success or have a comfortable life, they might still feel like something is missing. This feeling of emptiness can stem from a lack of purpose or meaning in their life. They might feel like they’re going through the motions without a sense of passion or excitement.

9. They have difficulty following through on commitments.

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Whether it’s a project at work, a promise to a friend, or a personal goal, they might start with good intentions but struggle to see things through. This can be due to a lack of motivation, difficulty focusing, or simply feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand.

10. They often engage in escapist behaviours.


This could include excessive use of social media, video games, or substances as a way to avoid facing the reality of their situation. While these activities might provide temporary relief, they ultimately prevent them from addressing the underlying issues and finding a sense of direction.

11. They lack a strong sense of purpose or meaning.

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Feeling like your life lacks purpose can be demotivating and lead to feelings of emptiness. People who lack direction might struggle to identify what truly matters to them or what they want to contribute to the world. This can lead to a feeling of aimlessness and a lack of fulfilment.

12. They have a fear of failure or taking risks.

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The fear of failure can be paralysing and prevent people from taking the necessary steps to move forward in life. This fear might manifest as avoiding challenges, sticking to safe and familiar routines, or not pursuing opportunities that could lead to growth and change.

13. They have a negative or pessimistic outlook on life.

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A lack of direction can lead to a sense of hopelessness and a belief that things will never change. They might focus on the negative aspects of their life and feel like they’re stuck in a rut. This negativity can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, preventing them from seeing opportunities and taking positive action.

14. They isolate themselves from the world around them.

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Feeling lost and directionless can be isolating, and some people might withdraw from social interactions. They might feel like they don’t have anything to offer or that other people won’t understand their struggles. This isolation can further exacerbate feelings of loneliness and disconnection.

15. They have a history of unfinished projects or unfulfilled dreams.

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Their past might be littered with half-finished projects, abandoned hobbies, or unfulfilled dreams. This pattern of starting things but not finishing them can be a sign of a lack of commitment or a fear of failure. It can also create a sense of regret and disappointment, further fuelling feelings of aimlessness.