Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Being able to see the bright side of even the darkest situations is a really valuable skill.

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People who laugh a lot aren’t just jokesters — they’re setting themselves up for success in life because they can always handle these things with ease.

1. They’re great at breaking up tense situations.

female friends laughing on streetSource: Unsplash

When things get heated, a well-timed joke or a playful comment can work wonders. People who laugh a lot have a knack for finding humour in even the most stressful situations, helping to ease tension and bring people back to a calmer state. Their laughter is like a social lubricant, smoothing out the rough edges and creating a more relaxed atmosphere.

2. They bounce back from setbacks with ease.

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Life throws curveballs at all of us, but those who laugh a lot seem to have a built-in resilience mechanism. They don’t dwell on failures or setbacks; instead, they find a way to laugh at the absurdity of it all and move on. Their ability to find humour in adversity helps them maintain a positive outlook and keep their spirits high.

3. They build strong connections with people.

Yuri Arcurs

Laughter is contagious, and people who laugh a lot naturally draw people to them. Their positive energy and sense of humour create a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere, making it easy for people to connect and feel comfortable in their presence. Laughing with people creates a sense of camaraderie and much stronger social bonds.

4. They embrace their imperfections and don’t take themselves too seriously.

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They understand that nobody’s perfect, and they’re not afraid to laugh at their own mistakes or shortcomings. This self-deprecating humour is endearing and makes them more relatable. They don’t take life too seriously, which allows them to navigate challenges with a sense of lightness and perspective.

5. They’re not afraid to be silly and let loose.

Source: Unsplash

They understand the importance of playfulness and don’t shy away from embracing their inner child. They’re willing to be silly, make funny faces, and let go of inhibitions. This playfulness is infectious and reminds those around them to not take life too seriously.

6. They find happiness in the everyday moments.

Yuri Arcurs

They don’t need grand events or extravagant experiences to find happiness. They appreciate the simple pleasures in life, from a funny meme to a shared joke with a friend. This ability to find joy in the mundane helps them maintain a positive outlook and appreciate the little things that make life special.

7. They create a positive and uplifting atmosphere wherever they go.

Envato Elements

Their laughter is like a ray of sunshine, brightening even the darkest of rooms. They have a knack for lifting people’s spirits and creating a sense of optimism and hope. Their presence is a reminder that even during tough times, there’s always something to smile about.

8. They navigate awkward situations with grace and humour.

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Embarrassing moments happen to everyone, but those who laugh a lot know how to handle them with grace and humour. They’re not afraid to laugh at themselves, and they can quickly turn an awkward situation into a lighthearted one. Their ability to diffuse tension with a smile can put everyone at ease.

9. They’re creative problem-solvers.

Yuri Arcurs

Laughter can stimulate creative thinking and help people approach problems from a fresh perspective. Those who laugh a lot are often able to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. Their playful mindset allows them to see possibilities where other people might see obstacles.

10. They’re more likely to forgive and forget.

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Holding onto grudges and resentment can be toxic, both emotionally and physically. People who laugh a lot tend to be more forgiving and less likely to harbour ill will. Their ability to let go of negativity helps them maintain healthy relationships and move forward with a positive outlook.

11. They’re less likely to experience stress and burnout.


Laughter is a natural stress reliever, and those who laugh frequently tend to be more resilient to the pressures of life. They’re better equipped to handle stressful situations and less likely to experience burnout. Their positive outlook and ability to find humour in tough times help them maintain a healthy work-life balance.

12. They have a strong immune system.

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Studies have shown that laughter can boost the immune system, increasing the production of antibodies and natural killer cells that fight off infections. People who laugh a lot might be less susceptible to illness and recover more quickly when they do get sick. So, go ahead and laugh your heart out; it’s good for your health!

13. They live longer and healthier lives.

Yuri Arcurs

Laughter has been linked to a variety of health benefits, including reduced stress, lower blood pressure, and improved cardiovascular health. People who laugh a lot tend to live longer and enjoy a higher quality of life. So, embrace your sense of humour and enjoy the ride; it might just add years to your life.

14. They’re simply more fun to be around.

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Let’s face it, who doesn’t love being around someone who makes them laugh? People who laugh a lot are naturally magnetic and bring joy to those around them. They create a positive and uplifting atmosphere, making every interaction more enjoyable. Their laughter is a gift that keeps on giving.