Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Getting older doesn’t have to mean becoming more and more miserable.

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Research has consistently shown that people tend to be incredibly unhappy starting around middle age, but that’s not necessarily a foregone conclusion. If you want to stay happy in your 40s, 50s, and beyond, here are some things you should do every day.

1. They get moving and stay active throughout the day.

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Happy people in their 50s and beyond know that staying active is key. They make exercise a must-do in their daily routine. It could be a quick walk, a bit of yoga, or a dip in the pool. Moving your body isn’t just good for your health — it also gives you a nice mood boost. They also try to avoid sitting for too long. They’ll take breaks to stretch or walk around, keeping their bodies happy.

2. They keep their social circle strong and meaningful.

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People who are happy in their later years know how important good relationships are. They put effort into staying connected with family, friends, and their community. That means regular phone chats, coffee catch-ups, or getting involved in local events. Having strong connections helps them feel supported and gives them a sense of belonging.

3. They take time to be mindful and grateful each day.

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Happy people often start their day with a bit of quiet time or jot down things they’re thankful for. These little practices help them stay grounded and appreciate the good stuff in life. It’s all about focusing on the present and keeping a positive outlook, even when things get tough.

4. They never stop learning and trying new things.

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People who stay happy as they age love to keep learning. They’re always up for new experiences, whether it’s picking up a new language, learning an instrument, or trying out a new hobby. It keeps their minds sharp and gives them a nice sense of achievement. Plus, it’s exciting to discover new things you can do.

5. They eat well and enjoy their food.

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Happy people in their 50s and beyond know that what you eat affects how you feel. They focus on eating lots of fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and good fats. They don’t forget to drink plenty of water too. Eating well isn’t just about being healthy — it also helps keep your mood up and your energy levels high.

6. They stick to a good sleep routine.

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Getting enough quality sleep is a big deal for staying happy. They aim for a good number of hours of shut-eye each night — at least 7 as often as possible. They might have a relaxing bedtime routine, avoid screens before bed, and make sure their bedroom is comfy. Good sleep helps them wake up in a better mood and keeps their brain sharp.

7. They help people and give back.

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Doing good for other people is a great way to feel good yourself. Happy people often make a habit of being kind and helping out. They might volunteer at a local charity, lend a hand to a neighbour, or just be there to listen when a friend needs to talk. It gives them a sense of purpose and makes them feel good about themselves.

8. They know how to handle stress.

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Everyone deals with stress, but happy people have figured out ways to manage it. They might do some deep breathing, try to relax their muscles, or dive into a calm hobby like gardening or painting. They know that keeping stress in check is important for staying happy and healthy.

9. They keep their living space tidy and organised.

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A clean and organised home can really help you feel more relaxed. Happy people often make a habit of keeping their space neat. They might spend a few minutes tidying up each day or regularly go through their stuff to get rid of things they don’t need. It helps them feel more peaceful at home.

10. They set goals and work towards them.

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Having something to aim for keeps life interesting. People who stay happy in their later years often set goals for themselves and work on achieving them. These goals could be about personal growth, work, or helping their community. Working towards something gives them a sense of progress and accomplishment.

11. They’re smart with their money.

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Money worries can really bring you down, so happy people try to stay on top of their finances. They might stick to a budget, save regularly for the future, and make smart choices about where to put their money. Taking control of their finances helps them feel more secure and less stressed about money.

12. They make time for creativity.

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Doing something creative is a great way to stay happy. Whether it’s writing, painting, gardening, or crafting, happy people in their 50s and beyond often have a creative outlet. It’s a chance to express themselves and relax. Plus, it keeps their minds active and gives them a sense of achievement.

13. They take care of their health.

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Staying on top of your health is important for staying happy. These people make sure to get regular check-ups and don’t ignore health concerns. They also do things to take care of themselves, like getting massages or taking relaxing baths. Looking after their health helps them feel good, both physically and mentally.

14. They stay positive and go easy on themselves.

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Happy people try to focus on the good things in life. They approach challenges with a “can-do” attitude. They’re also kind to themselves, treating themselves with the same understanding they’d give a good friend. Having some positive self-talk helps them stay upbeat and content.

15. They’re open to change and can roll with the punches.

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Life is full of changes, and happy people know how to adapt. They’re open to new things, whether it’s trying out new tech or adjusting to changes in their family or work life. By staying flexible and open-minded, they’re better equipped to handle whatever life throws their way.

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