Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Some people are under the impression that they’re the centre of everyone’s universe, even though that couldn’t be further from the truth.

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Their sense of entitlement is clear not only in their behaviour, but in the things they say to the people around them, from colleagues and friends to even their romantic partners. Here are some things you’ll likely hear from people who think the world revolves around them.

1. “I’m just being honest.”

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While honesty is generally a good policy, some people use this to justify insensitive or hurtful comments. It’s often a way to deflect responsibility for their words and ignore how their “honesty” impacts other people. True honesty involves tact and consideration for other people’s feelings.

2. “You’re too sensitive.”

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This is an obvious way of trying to invalidate someone else’s feelings. Instead of acknowledging that their actions or words might have been hurtful, they shift blame to the person who was hurt. By saying this, they’re avoiding accountability and maintaining their self-centred world-view.

3. “I don’t have time for this.”

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While everyone gets busy, people who consistently say this often believe their time is more valuable than other people’s. They tend to cancel plans or show up late, demonstrating a lack of respect for other people’s schedules and priorities.

4. “Do you know who I am?”

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This clichĂ© is a clear indicator of someone who believes they’re entitled to special treatment. It suggests they view themselves as better than everyone else and expect rules or social norms to bend in their favour. It’s often used in an attempt to intimidate or manipulate people.

5. “I’m not here to make friends.”

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While it’s not necessary to be friends with everyone, this statement often indicates a lack of interest in creating positive relationships or considering other people’s feelings. It can be a way of justifying selfish or inconsiderate behaviour in various settings, from workplaces to social gatherings.

6. “That’s not my problem.”

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This  demonstrates a lack of empathy and unwillingness to help people. While it’s true that we can’t solve everyone’s problems, consistently using this phrase shows a disregard for people’s challenges and a reluctance to be part of a community or team.

7. “I deserve better than this.”

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While it’s important to have self-respect, frequent use of this phrase can indicate an inflated sense of entitlement. It often comes without consideration of circumstances or other people’s efforts, and may be used to demand preferential treatment or to complain about reasonable situations.

8. “I’m just telling it like it is.”

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Similar to “I’m just being honest,” this is often used to justify blunt or unkind statements. It suggests that their perspective is the absolute truth, disregarding the possibility of other viewpoints or the impact of their words on other people.

9. “Why are you making such a big deal out of this?”

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This question minimises people’s concerns and emotions. It’s frequently used when someone’s actions have upset people, allowing them to deflect blame and avoid addressing the issue. It shows a lack of empathy and an unwillingness to consider the impact of their behaviour.

10. “I’m not like other people.” - #1395165

While everyone is unique, this statement often implies a sense of superiority. It can be used to justify breaking rules or social norms, or to demand special treatment. It demonstrates a belief that they are exceptional and therefore exempt from ordinary expectations or considerations.

11. “You should be grateful that I…”

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This is often used to demand appreciation, even for basic decency or minimal effort. It suggests that their actions, no matter how small, are extraordinary and deserving of excessive gratitude. It can be a way of manipulating people and maintaining a position of perceived superiority.

12. “I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”

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While confidence in one’s own opinions is valuable, this statement often indicates a complete disregard for other people’s perspectives. It can be used to dismiss valid criticism or concerns, showing an unwillingness to grow or consider how their actions affect those around them.

13. “That’s beneath me.”

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This shows a sense of superiority and unwillingness to engage in tasks they deem unworthy. It often indicates a lack of humility and respect for other people’s work. In team settings, it can create resentment and a breakdown of cooperation.

14. “You owe me.”

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While reciprocity is a normal part of relationships, saying this often can point to a transactional view of interactions. It suggests they keep score of every favour or kind act, expecting immediate returns rather than genuine generosity or friendship.

15. “I’m the best at…”

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Confidence is one thing, but constant self-aggrandisement is another. This phrase, especially when used frequently and about multiple skills or attributes, indicates an inflated sense of self-importance and a need to be seen as superior in various aspects of life.

16. “You’ll never find anyone better than me.”

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This manipulative statement is often used in personal relationships to undermine the other person’s self-esteem and options. It demonstrates a belief in their own superiority and a disregard for their partner’s autonomy and worth outside of the relationship.

17. “I don’t need anyone’s help.”

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While independence is admirable, stubbornly refusing assistance can indicate an inability to acknowledge one’s own limitations. It may stem from a fear of appearing vulnerable or a belief that accepting help diminishes their perceived superiority. This attitude can lead to isolation and missed opportunities for growth and connection.

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