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Everyone dreams of success — the big house, the fancy car, the financial freedom to do whatever we want.

However, success rarely comes without hard work. Nevertheless, there are some people who seem to want all the rewards without putting in the effort. They have this idea that success should just fall into their lap, like winning the lottery. If you’ve ever come across someone who fits this description, you might have heard them utter some of these phrases.

1. “I just need to find the right opportunity.”

Yuri Arcurs

This phrase often implies that success is solely dependent on external factors, like a lucky break or a chance encounter. While opportunities are important, they usually require hard work and preparation to recognise and seize. People who use this phrase might be waiting for a magical opportunity to appear instead of actively creating their own path to success.

2. “I’m not cut out for a 9-to-5 job.”

Envato Elements

This statement often reflects a disdain for traditional work structures and a belief that success can be achieved without conforming to societal norms. While unconventional paths to success exist, most require dedication, discipline, and a willingness to work hard, even if it means starting with a “regular” job to gain experience and resources.

3. “I deserve better than this.” - #1395165

This phrase suggests a sense of entitlement and a belief that success is owed to them, regardless of their efforts. People who use this phrase might have unrealistic expectations about what they deserve in life and may be unwilling to put in the work required to achieve their goals. It’s important to remember that success is earned, not given.

4. “I’m just not lucky.”

Envato Elements

Blaming luck for their lack of success is a common tactic used by those who don’t want to work for it. While luck can play a role, it’s usually a minor factor compared to hard work, persistence, and smart decision-making. People who use this phrase might be using luck as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions and choices.

5. “I have so many great ideas, but I just don’t have the time to pursue them.”

Envato Elements

This phrase often reveals a lack of prioritisation and a tendency to procrastinate. People who say this might have a wealth of creative ideas, but they fail to take action on them due to a lack of time management skills or a fear of failure. Success requires turning ideas into reality through consistent effort and dedication.

6. “Someone else will do it.”

Envato Elements

This statement reflects a lack of initiative and a reliance on other people to achieve their goals. People who say this might be hoping for a free ride or expecting other people to take on the burden of their aspirations. Success, however, is often the result of personal drive and a willingness to take ownership of one’s own journey.

7. “I’ll start tomorrow.”

Envato Elements

Procrastination is the enemy of progress, and this phrase is a classic example of it. People who constantly delay taking action are unlikely to achieve their goals. Success requires consistent effort and a commitment to starting now, not tomorrow.

8. “Why bother? The system is rigged against me anyway.”

Envato Elements

This defeatist attitude reflects a belief that external factors are to blame for their lack of success. While it’s true that systemic barriers exist, they can be overcome through hard work, perseverance, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. People who use this phrase might be using it as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for their own choices and actions.

9. “I’m too old/young to start now.”

Vadym Drobot

Age is often used as an excuse for inaction. People who say this might believe that they’ve missed the boat or that they’re not experienced enough to succeed. However, success can be achieved at any age with the right mindset and determination. It’s never too late or too early to start working towards your goals.

10. “I don’t need anyone’s help.”

Envato Elements

This phrase often masks a fear of vulnerability and a reluctance to ask for help. People who say this might believe that they have to do everything on their own to prove their worth. However, success is often a collaborative effort, and asking other people for help can be a sign of strength, not weakness.

11. “I’ll be successful when…”


This statement reflects a conditional approach to success, where people believe that they’ll only be successful once certain external factors align. They might say things like, “I’ll be successful when I have more money,” or “I’ll be successful when I find the right partner.” However, success is not dependent on external circumstances; it’s about taking action and creating your own opportunities.

12. “I don’t have the resources.”

Envato Elements

People who use this phrase often focus on what they lack rather than what they have. While resources can be helpful, they’re not always necessary for success. Many successful people started with limited resources and found creative ways to overcome their challenges. It’s about resourcefulness, not just resources.

13. “It’s not fair that other people are more successful than me.”


Comparing yourself to other people can be a recipe for unhappiness and resentment. People who say this might be focusing on other people’s achievements instead of their own progress. Success is a personal journey, and it’s important to focus on your own path rather than comparing yourself to anyone else.

14. “I just need to win the lottery.”

Envato Elements

This statement reflects a reliance on chance rather than effort. While winning the lottery is a nice fantasy, it’s not a viable strategy for success. True success comes from hard work, dedication, and perseverance, not from hoping for a lucky break.

15. “I’m just not good enough.”

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Self-doubt is a common obstacle to success, and this phrase is a reflection of it. People who say this might lack confidence in their abilities and believe that they’re not worthy of success. However, self-belief is a crucial ingredient for achieving your goals. It’s important to recognise your strengths and believe in your potential.