People Who’ve Experienced These 14 Things Are Luckier Than Most

Life deals different cards to everyone, and some of them just aren’t fair.

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There are a lot of things we have no control over, and no matter what choices someone makes or opportunities they’re presented with, luck just doesn’t seem to be on their side. However, it’s always important to look on the bright side whenever possible — not to dismiss or minimise the bad stuff, but to remind yourself of your blessings. After all, people who experienced these things are luckier than most people in this world, and that’s worth a bit of recognition. Can you relate?

1. Had a grandparent as a best friend

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Some of us hit the jackpot with grandparents who went way beyond the usual cookie-baking duties. These cool grandparents were more like friends who happened to have the best snack drawer in town and endless patience for your rambling stories. They’d slip you money behind your parents’ backs, teach you card games they probably shouldn’t, and somehow make you feel like the most important person in the world just by listening to your kid-sized problems.

2. Grew up with pets from day one

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Having a furry sibling from the start means you probably never ate alone, always had someone to blame those weird smells on, and learned early that love sometimes comes with muddy paw prints. These lucky people had built-in comfort during thunderstorms, a loyal audience for practice presentations, and a friend who thought they were the greatest thing since squeaky toys. Plus, they developed that supernatural ability to spot pet hair on black clothes from a mile away.

3. Had parents who encouraged curiosity

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Some lucky ducks had parents who didn’t just tolerate the endless “but why?” phase – they ran with it. Every random question became a mini-adventure instead of an annoyance. These parents turned regular stuff into cool experiments, even if it sometimes meant the kitchen looked like a science lab gone wrong. They weren’t afraid to say “I don’t know, let’s find out” and actually meant it.

4. Found their passion early in life

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While some of us were trying to figure out if we wanted to be an astronaut-chef-veterinarian, lucky people already knew their thing. Maybe they picked up a guitar at six and never looked back, or wrote stories that didn’t just feature talking dogs. They skipped that whole “what am I doing with my life” phase and jumped straight into getting really good at their thing. Talk about a head start!

5. Had actual real friends in school

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Not just the “we’re friends because we sit together at lunch” kind, but actual ride-or-die pals who stuck around even during that questionable haircut phase. These lucky ones had friends who shared their snacks, didn’t ditch them when the popular kids came calling, and knew all their embarrassing stories but kept them secret. The kind of friendship where you could show up at their house unannounced and their parents had an extra plate ready at dinner.

6. Had a mentor who actually understood them

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Some people lucked out with a teacher, coach, or family friend who saw past their awkward phase and spotted their potential. This person didn’t just give advice – they actually remembered what it was like to be young and confused. They’d tell you the truth without making you feel stupid, and somehow made you believe you could do stuff you thought was impossible.

7. Grew up surrounded by books

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These lucky readers had homes where books weren’t just decoration — they were like extra family members. Reading wasn’t a chore; it was just what you did for fun. Having a home library meant always having somewhere to escape when real life got boring, plus you developed a killer vocabulary without trying. Though, explaining why you were reading under the covers with a torch got old pretty fast.

8. Had regular family dinners

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Some people got to experience the magic of regular family dinners where everyone actually showed up and talked. Not just about grades or chores, but real conversations where you could share your day without fear of a lecture. Sure, there were probably some awkward moments and weird casseroles, but these daily check-ins created a vibe where everyone felt like they belonged at the table.

9. Got to travel young

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Whether it was road trips with questionable gas station snacks or actual overseas adventures, these lucky travellers got to see different slices of life early on. They learned that the world is way bigger than their hometown drama and that people are pretty interesting everywhere you go. Plus, they mastered the art of sleeping in weird places and can probably pack a suitcase in record time.

10. Had siblings who weren’t total pains

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Some hit the sibling lottery with brothers or sisters who were more like built-in best friends. These siblings covered for each other’s mishaps, shared clothes without (too much) drama, and created enough inside jokes to fill a book. They fought too, sure, but it was the kind of fighting where you’d still throw hands if anyone else tried to mess with your sibling.

11. Learned about money early

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These fortunate people had someone teach them about money before they had to learn the hard way. They got the lowdown on saving, spending, and why credit cards aren’t free money. Maybe they had a piggy bank that actually made it to the bank, or learned early that sometimes you have to skip the small stuff to get the big stuff later.

12. Had family who backed their dreams

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Some lucky souls had families who didn’t laugh when they shared their big dreams. Instead of getting the “be realistic” talk, they got actual support — even when their plans sounded a bit out there. These families showed up for recitals, games, or whatever weird hobby phase was happening, making it clear that pursuing your passions wasn’t just allowed, it was encouraged.

13. Grew up with nature nearby

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Having easy access to outdoor spaces meant these lucky ducks never had to look far for adventure. Whether it was a backyard perfect for fort-building or woods nearby for exploring, they had a free playground that didn’t come with rules about indoor voices. They learned early that fresh air fixes most bad moods and that dirt washes off, but good memories stick around.

14. Picked up a second language without trying

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Whether through family, location, or just lucky circumstances, these people got fluent in another language while the rest of us were still mastering our first one. They didn’t have to suffer through language apps or awkward classroom conversations — they just absorbed it naturally, probably while watching cartoons or hanging out with relatives. Now they can watch foreign films without subtitles and never have to wonder what the other side of the menu says.