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Empathy is like the social glue that binds us together, but some folks seem to be running low on this essential ingredient. While we all have our off days, a consistent lack of empathy can be a red flag. It might not be intentional, but these individuals often possess certain traits that make it difficult for them to connect with people on an emotional level. Recognising these traits can help us understand their perspective and navigate our interactions with them more effectively.

1. They struggle to see things from other perspectives.

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Empathy requires the ability to step into someone else’s shoes and see the world through their eyes. People who lack empathy tend to get stuck in their own viewpoint, making it difficult to understand or relate to other people’s feelings and experiences. It’s like they’re wearing blinders that prevent them from seeing the bigger picture.

2. They dismiss or downplay other people’s feelings.

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Ever shared something personal, only to be met with a dismissive remark like “Just get over it” or “It’s not that big of a deal”? This is a classic sign of low empathy. These folks might not understand the depth of your emotions or simply don’t know how to respond appropriately. Either way, it can leave you feeling invalidated and unheard.

3. They interrupt or change the subject a lot.

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Conversation is a two-way street, but those lacking empathy might miss the memo. They tend to dominate conversations, interrupting people or abruptly changing the topic to something they find more interesting. This can make it difficult to form a deeper connection, as they’re not truly listening or engaging with what you have to say.

4. They’re quick to judge or criticise.


Judgmental people rarely exhibit empathy. They’re quick to criticise people without considering their circumstances or motivations. It’s like they’re constantly looking for flaws and shortcomings, rather than trying to understand the person behind the behaviour.

5. They’re always focused on themselves and their own needs.

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Empathy involves putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, but self-centred individuals tend to wear their own pair exclusively. They focus on their own needs and desires, often neglecting other people’s feelings and experiences. This can make them appear insensitive and uncaring.

6. They’re not very good at picking up on non-verbal cues.

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Empathy isn’t just about what people say; it’s also about what they don’t say. Non-verbal cues like facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice can reveal a lot about how someone is feeling. People who lack empathy might miss these subtle signs or misinterpret them, leading to misunderstandings and miscommunications.

7. They tend to be defensive and argumentative.

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Unsplash/Jandre Van Der Walt

When faced with criticism or disagreement, empathetic people usually try to understand the other person’s perspective. However, those lacking empathy tend to become defensive and argumentative. They might feel attacked or threatened, even if the feedback is constructive and well-intentioned. This can make it difficult to resolve conflicts or build trust.

8. They find it hard to connect with people on an emotional level.

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Empathy is the foundation of emotional connection, but some people simply aren’t wired for it. They might struggle to understand people’s feelings, or they might not feel them as deeply themselves. This can make it difficult for them to form meaningful relationships or navigate social situations that require emotional sensitivity.

9. They offer a lot of unsolicited advice or opinions.

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When someone is venting or sharing their struggles, empathetic people typically offer a listening ear and supportive words. However, those lacking empathy might jump straight to offering unsolicited advice or solutions. They might think they’re being helpful, but it can come across as dismissive or invalidating. Sometimes, people just need to be heard, not fixed.

10. They rarely apologise or take responsibility for their actions.

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Everyone makes mistakes, but empathetic people are usually quick to apologise and take responsibility for their actions. Those lacking empathy might have a harder time admitting when they’re wrong or recognising the impact of their behaviour on other people. This can make it difficult to repair relationships or build trust.

11. They make jokes at other people’s expense.

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Humour can be a great way to bond with people, but there’s a fine line between playful teasing and hurtful jokes. People who lack empathy might cross that line more often, making jokes at other people’s expense without realizing how their words might sting. They might laugh it off as “just a joke,” but it can leave lasting scars on the recipient.

12. They regularly blame other people for their problems.

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Empathetic people tend to be accountable for their own actions and emotions. However, those lacking empathy might blame people for their problems or misfortunes. They might see themselves as victims of circumstance, rather than taking ownership of their choices and consequences. This can make it difficult to resolve conflicts or hold them accountable for their behaviour.

13. They don’t show much interest in other people’s lives.

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Source: Unsplash

Empathy allows us to consider different viewpoints and find common ground. However, people lacking empathy might be rigid in their beliefs and unwilling to compromise. They might see things as black and white, with little room for nuance or understanding. This can make it difficult to work with them or find solutions that satisfy everyone involved.