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If you’re the type of person who enjoys time to yourself like a fine wine, you’re not alone (pun intended).

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The world is constantly pressuring us to be social, extroverted, and always on the go, so it’s easy to feel like there’s something wrong with you if you prefer your own company. However, numerous studies (via Forbes) over the years have shown just how valuable and beneficial solo time can be. Here’s why you shouldn’t feel bad for your decision to roll solo more often than not.

1. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want.

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When you’re alone, you’re the master of your own domain. You don’t have to compromise, negotiate, or consider anyone else’s needs or preferences. If you want to spend the entire day binge-watching your favourite show in your pyjamas, you can. If you want to take a spontaneous road trip to a random destination, you can. You’re the one calling the shots, and it feels incredible.

2. You can recharge your social batteries.


Even the most extroverted people need alone time to recharge their social batteries. But for introverts, it’s not just a nice-to-have — it’s a must. When you’re alone, you can give yourself permission to be quiet, reflective, and introspective. You can process your thoughts and emotions without the pressure of having to perform or interact with anyone. It’s like hitting the reset button on your brain.

3. You can pursue your passions and hobbies.

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When you’re alone, you have the time and space to pursue your passions and hobbies without interruption or distraction. Whether it’s writing, painting, cooking, or collecting rare stamps, you can immerse yourself in the things that bring you joy and fulfilment. You don’t have to worry about anyone else’s opinions or judgments — you can just do you.

4. You can be your authentic self.

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When you’re with other people, there’s always a certain level of performance involved. You might find yourself censoring your thoughts, filtering your words, or trying to fit in with the group dynamic. But when you’re alone, you can be your true, authentic self without any masks or pretences. You can let your guard down, be vulnerable, and explore the depths of your own psyche.

5. You can enjoy the silence.

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The world is full of so much noise and stimulation, making silence is a rare and precious commodity. When you’re alone, you can bask in the blissful quiet and let your mind wander. You can hear your own thoughts, listen to the subtle sounds of nature, and appreciate the beauty of stillness. It’s like a mini-meditation session for your soul.

6. You can get more done.

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Let’s face it — other people can be a major distraction when it comes to productivity. When you’re alone, you can focus on your tasks and goals without interruption. You don’t have to worry about someone else’s schedule, needs, or opinions — you can just put your head down and get stuff done. Plus, you can work at your own pace and take breaks whenever you need to without feeling guilty.

7. You can indulge in guilty pleasures.

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We all have those guilty pleasures that we’re a little embarrassed to admit to anyone else. Maybe it’s watching trashy reality TV, eating an entire tub of ice cream in one sitting, or belting out show tunes in the shower. When you’re alone, you can indulge in these guilty pleasures without fear of judgment or ridicule. It’s like having a secret club with yourself.

8. You can learn more about yourself.

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Spending time alone is one of the best ways to get to know yourself on a deeper level. When you’re not distracted by other people’s opinions or expectations, you can start to explore your own thoughts, feelings, and desires. You can ask yourself the big questions and figure out what really matters to you. It’s like having a heart-to-heart with your inner self.

9. You can practice self-care.

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Self-care is essential for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, but it’s easy to neglect when we’re constantly surrounded by other people’s needs and demands. When you’re alone, you can prioritise your own self-care without feeling guilty or selfish. You can take a long bath, do a face mask, meditate, or whatever else makes you feel nourished and rejuvenated.

10. You can be spontaneous.

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When you’re alone, you don’t have to worry about coordinating schedules or making plans in advance. You can be spontaneous and impulsive, following your whims and desires wherever they may lead. If you wake up one morning and decide you want to go on a hike, you can just grab your boots and go. If you’re feeling creative and want to paint a mural on your bedroom wall, you don’t have to ask anyone’s permission.

11. You can appreciate the little things.

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When you’re alone, you have the time and space to notice and appreciate the little things in life. The way the sunlight filters through the trees, the smell of freshly brewed coffee, the feeling of a soft blanket against your skin. These small moments of joy and beauty can get lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life, but when you’re alone, you can savour them and let them fill you up.

12. You can process your emotions.

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Emotions can be messy and overwhelming, especially when we’re constantly surrounded by other people’s energy and expectations. When you’re alone, you can give yourself the time and space to process your emotions without judgment or interference. You can cry, scream, journal, or do whatever you need to do to release and heal. It’s like having a private therapy session with yourself.

13. You can boost your creativity.

female pensiveSource: Unsplash

Solitude is a breeding ground for creativity. When you’re alone, you can let your mind wander and explore new ideas and possibilities. You can brainstorm, daydream, and experiment without the pressure of having to produce or perform for people. Some of the greatest works of art, literature, and music were created in moments of solitude.

14. You can build your independence.

man in hat looking up to skySource: Unsplash

Spending time alone is a great way to build your independence and self-reliance. When you’re not constantly relying on other people for entertainment, validation, or support, you learn how to take care of yourself and stand on your own two feet. You develop a sense of inner strength and resilience that can carry you through life’s challenges.

15. You can connect with something greater than yourself.

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Finally, spending time alone can be a spiritual experience. When you’re not distracted by the noise and chaos of the outside world, you can tune into something greater than yourself. Whether it’s nature, art, or a higher power, solitude can help you connect with a sense of meaning and purpose that transcends the mundane. It’s like tapping into the infinite wisdom of the universe.