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In every relationship, there’s a natural give and take of power and responsibility. But let’s be real – sometimes, one person tends to take the lead more often than the other. If you’re the one calling the shots and making the decisions, you might be the one wearing the pants in your partnership. Here are 15 signs that you’re the boss in your romantic duo.

1. You pick the Netflix shows.

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When it’s time to binge-watch, your partner knows the drill. You’ve got the remote and the final say on what to queue up next. From true crime docs to sappy rom-coms, your streaming preferences reign supreme. They might occasionally suggest a title, but let’s be real — you’re the one calling the shots.

2. You’re the designated driver.

Marko Ristic

Whenever you two head out for a night on the town, you’re the one behind the wheel. It’s not that your partner can’t drive, but you prefer to be in control of the radio and the GPS. Plus, you know all the secret shortcuts to avoid traffic. They’re happy to kick back in the passenger seat and let you take the lead.

3. You’re the master chef.

max gurov

In your household, the kitchen is your domain. You whip up gourmet meals like it’s no big deal, while your partner is lucky if they can boil water without setting off the smoke alarm. They’re more than happy to be your sous chef, chopping veggies and washing dishes while you work your culinary magic.

4. You plan the vacations.

Vladimirs Poplavskis

When it’s time for a getaway, you’re the one with the spreadsheet and the colour-coded itinerary. You’ve got every detail mapped out, from the flights to the hotel to the must-see attractions. Your partner is along for the ride, trusting that you’ll create the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure.

5. You’re the social director.

Vladimir Cosic

Your partner relies on you to keep your shared social calendar in check. You’re the one who remembers birthdays, coordinates double dates, and RSVPs to events. Without you, they’d probably forget to leave the house on weekends. It’s a good thing you’re there to keep them connected and engaged.

6. You’re the interior decorator.

Source: Unsplash

When it comes to your living space, you’ve got a vision. You pick out the paint colours, the furniture, and the accent pieces. Your partner is happy to let you take the reins, knowing that you’ve got an eye for design. They might offer the occasional opinion, but ultimately, they trust your judgment.

7. You’re the financial planner.

Source: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

You’re the one who keeps tabs on your shared expenses and long-term financial goals. You’re not afraid to crunch numbers and make tough decisions when it comes to budgeting. Your partner appreciates your fiscal responsibility and is happy to let you take the lead on money matters.

8. You’re the handy person.

Source: Unsplash

When something breaks around the house, you’re the first one to whip out the toolbox. You’re not afraid to get your hands dirty and tackle home repairs head-on. Your partner is in awe of your DIY skills and is happy to let you take charge of any fix-it projects.

9. You’re the party planner.

Andy Dean Photography

When it comes to hosting gatherings, you’re the one who makes it happen. From the guest list to the menu to the decorations, you’ve got it all under control. Your partner is happy to help out where needed, but they know that you’re the mastermind behind every successful soirée.

10. You’re the gift giver.

Source: Unsplash

You have a knack for finding the perfect present for every occasion. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or just because, you always seem to nail it. Your partner appreciates your thoughtfulness and is happy to let you take the lead on gift-giving duties.

11. You’re the car maintenance expert.

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You’re the one who keeps track of oil changes, tire rotations, and other essential vehicle upkeep. Your partner trusts you to keep your shared ride in tip-top shape. They might help out with the occasional car wash, but you’re the one who makes sure everything is running smoothly under the hood.

12. You’re the tech support.

Source: Unsplash

When your partner can’t figure out how to work the new smart TV or troubleshoot their laptop, they turn to you for help. You’ve got a knack for navigating user manuals and solving technical glitches. They’re grateful to have you as their personal IT department.

13. You’re the schedule keeper.

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You’re the one who keeps track of doctor’s appointments, parent-teacher conferences, and other important dates. Without you, your partner would be lost in a sea of sticky notes and forgotten commitments. They rely on you to keep your shared schedule running like a well-oiled machine.

14. You’re the decision maker.

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When it comes down to it, you’re the one who makes the tough calls. Whether it’s choosing a new insurance plan or deciding whether to adopt a puppy, your partner looks to you for guidance. They trust your judgment and know that you’ll always have their best interests at heart.