Cheating in relationships is horrible behaviour, and the people who do it tend to have a whole bag of tricks to keep their dirty little secret under wraps.

Whether you’re suspicious of a partner or just curious about how these sneaky people operate, here are some of the tactics they use to pull the wool over your eyes.
1. They suddenly become obsessed with their phone privacy.

If your partner’s gone from leaving their phone lying around to guarding it like it’s got the nuclear codes, something might be up. They might start taking calls in another room, or their phone’s always face down. Maybe they’ve even slapped a new passcode on it.
2. Their work hours mysteriously get longer.

Suddenly, they’re always “working late” or have loads of “business trips”. Sure, sometimes work gets busy, but if it’s happening all the time and they’re vague about the details, it could be a red flag. It’s an easy excuse to spend time away without raising suspicion.
3. They start accusing you of cheating out of nowhere.

This one’s really twisted. Some cheaters will actually accuse their partner of being unfaithful. By doing this, they’re trying to throw you off the scent by making you defend yourself. Plus, if you’re busy worrying about your own behaviour, you might not notice theirs.
4. They’ve got a new “friend” they never want you to meet.

If your partner’s always chatting about their new friend from work or the gym, but somehow you never get to meet them, it might not be just a mate. Keeping their affair partner separate from their real life makes it easier to keep the lie going.
5. They start picking fights over nothing.

Some cheaters will start arguments over the smallest things. It gives them an excuse to storm out and “cool off” — aka, go see their bit on the side. Plus, if the relationship feels rocky, they might use it to justify their cheating to themselves.
6. Their showering habits suddenly change.

If they’ve started showering as soon as they get home, or they’re suddenly showering before bed when they never used to, it could be to wash away evidence. Perfume, aftershave, or just the smell of someone else — a quick rinse sorts it all out.
7. They become weirdly protective of their laundry.

Doing their own laundry might seem like they’re just being helpful, but if they never cared before, it could be suspicious. They might be trying to hide lipstick stains, unfamiliar smells, or other obvious signs on their clothes.
8. They start using cash instead of cards.

If your partner suddenly starts withdrawing cash all the time instead of using their card, they might be trying to hide their spending. No paper trail means no awkward questions about that lunch for two or those hotel charges.
9. They’re always “bumping into” people when they’re out.

If every time they pop to the shops they end up “bumping into” someone and being gone for ages, it might not be so accidental. It’s an easy way to plan meetups without raising suspicion.
10. They’ve suddenly developed an interest in their appearance.

A new haircut or a wardrobe update isn’t always suspicious, but if it’s out of character and comes with other changes, it might be. Especially if they’re dressing up for “work” more than usual.
11. They start deleting their browser history.

If you share a computer and suddenly the browser history is always squeaky clean, they might be covering their tracks. Whether it’s messages, dating sites, or hotel bookings, deleting history hides a lot.
12. They’re overly nice and attentive out of the blue.

Some cheaters overcompensate by being extra loving. Surprise gifts, lots of compliments, breakfast in bed — if it’s not their usual style, they might be feeling guilty.
13. They’ve got a new “hobby” that takes up loads of time.

Whether it’s suddenly taking up golf or joining a book club, new hobbies that eat up time could be a cover. It’s an easy excuse to be out of the house regularly without suspicion.
14. They start mentioning a specific person less.

If they used to talk about a workmate or friend all the time, and now they never mention them, it could be because they’re trying not to slip up. Sometimes, saying nothing is less suspicious than lying.
15. They’re always “forgetting” their phone.

Constantly leaving their phone at home or in the car might seem forgetful, but it could be deliberate. Can’t get caught out by a suspicious text if the phone’s not there, right?
16. They start using new apps or messaging services.

If you notice new apps on their phone, especially messaging ones like WhatsApp or Snapchat that they never used before, it could be a way to keep communications separate.
17. They’re overly interested in your schedule.

If they’re always asking about your plans or when you’ll be home, they might be trying to plan around you. Knowing your movements makes it easier for them to plan theirs.
18. They start talking about trust issues in relationships.

Some cheaters will start philosophical chats about trust and fidelity out of nowhere. It might be them trying to gauge your reaction or justify their actions to themselves.
19. They’ve got a sudden password change across all accounts.

If all their social media, email, and even Netflix accounts suddenly have new passwords, they might be locking you out of their digital life. It’s an easy way to control what you can and can’t see.
20. They’re overly defensive about innocent questions.

If simple questions like “How was your day?” are met with snappy or defensive responses, it could be because they’re trying to avoid slipping up in their lies.
21. They start talking about how “everyone cheats”.

Some cheaters will try to normalise infidelity by talking about how common it is. It’s their way of making their actions seem less bad in their own mind.
22. They’ve got a new “work phone” you never see.

A separate phone for “work” that’s always out of sight is a classic cheater move. It keeps all their dodgy communications in one place, away from prying eyes.
23. They’re always volunteering to run errands.

If they’re suddenly eager to do the shopping, pick up the dry cleaning, or any other errand that gets them out of the house alone, it might not be helpfulness. It’s an easy way to squeeze in quick meetups without raising suspicion.