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If you think being intelligent is all about having a sky-high IQ and acing every test you take, think again.

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Some of the most brilliant minds in the world are more than a little quirky and “out there,” and they tend to have habits that might seem slightly odd. These habits aren’t just random  — they’re the result of years of honing their smarts and developing their unique ways of thinking. So, what kind of habits are we talking about? Here are just a few — recognise any?

1. They daydream… a lot.

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Highly intelligent people are often caught staring off into space, lost in their own thoughts. But don’t mistake this for laziness or lack of focus. Daydreaming is actually a sign of a highly active and creative mind. When intelligent people let their minds wander, they’re actually engaging in a process called “creative incubation” — letting their subconscious work on problems and ideas while their conscious mind takes a break. So next time you catch someone daydreaming, don’t interrupt — they might just be on the brink of a breakthrough.

2. They talk to themselves.

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Talking to yourself might seem like a sign of madness, but for highly intelligent people, it’s actually a valuable cognitive tool. When you talk to yourself, you’re engaging in a process called “self-talk” — basically, you’re having a conversation with yourself to work through problems, plan ahead, or motivate yourself. Intelligent people use self-talk to clarify their thoughts, break down complex ideas, and keep themselves on track. So go ahead and talk to yourself — just maybe do it in private.

3. They have messy desks.

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A cluttered desk might seem like a sign of disorganisation, but for highly intelligent people, it’s often a sign of a busy and active mind — at least according to data from the American Psychological Association. When you’re juggling multiple projects and ideas at once, it’s easy for your workspace to become a bit chaotic. But that doesn’t mean intelligent people are slobs — they just prioritise their mental space over their physical space. A messy desk can actually be a sign of creativity and adaptability — two key traits of highly intelligent people.

4. They doodle.

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Doodling might seem like a waste of time, but for highly intelligent people, it’s actually a powerful cognitive tool. When you doodle, you’re engaging the “default mode network” of your brain — the part that’s active when you’re not focused on a specific task. According to Harvard Health, this network is associated with daydreaming, self-reflection, and creativity — all key components of intelligence. Doodling can also help you stay focused and retain information better. So next time you’re in a boring meeting, go ahead and doodle away — just don’t let your boss catch you.

5. They procrastinate.

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Procrastination might seem like the enemy of productivity, but for highly intelligent people, it can actually be a valuable strategy. When you procrastinate, you’re giving your mind time to incubate ideas and work through problems in the background. Intelligent people often have a strong sense of their own cognitive rhythms and know when they need to take breaks to let their minds recharge. They also tend to work well under pressure, so procrastinating can actually help them focus and get things done more efficiently.

6. They read widely and voraciously.

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Highly intelligent people are often avid readers, but they don’t just stick to one genre or subject. They read widely and voraciously, consuming information on a variety of topics from science to history to literature. This broad base of knowledge allows them to make connections and insights that not a lot of other people do. Reading also exposes them to new ideas and perspectives, helping them to think more creatively and critically. So if you want to boost your intelligence, hit the books — and don’t be afraid to venture outside your comfort zone.

7. They ask a lot of questions.

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Highly intelligent people are naturally curious and always eager to learn more. They’re not afraid to ask questions, even if they might seem silly or naive. They know that the only way to truly understand something is to dig deeper and explore it from all angles. Asking questions also helps them to challenge their own assumptions and biases, and to see things from new perspectives. So if you want to be more intelligent, start by being more curious — and don’t be afraid to ask “why?”

8. They take breaks.

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Highly intelligent people know that the brain is like a muscle — it needs rest and recovery time to function at its best. That’s why they make a point of taking regular breaks throughout the day, whether it’s a quick walk around the block or a few minutes of meditation. Taking breaks helps to reduce stress, improve focus, and boost creativity. It also gives the brain time to process and consolidate new information, making it easier to retain and recall later. So if you want to be more intelligent, don’t be afraid to step away from your desk and give your brain a break.

9. They embrace failure.

Yuri Arcurs

Highly intelligent people know that failure is an inevitable part of the learning process. They don’t see failure as a sign of weakness or inadequacy, but as an opportunity to learn and grow. They’re not afraid to take risks and try new things, even if it means falling flat on their face a few times. They know that the only way to truly master something is to push themselves beyond their comfort zone and embrace the challenges that come with it. So if you want to be more intelligent, don’t be afraid to fail — and don’t be too hard on yourself when you do.

10. They’re always pursuing new experiences.

Milan Markovic

Highly intelligent people are always looking for new experiences and challenges to stretch their minds and expand their horizons. They’re not content to stay in their comfort zone and do the same things day in and day out. They seek out new hobbies, travel to new places, and meet new people from all walks of life. This exposure to new ideas and perspectives helps them to think more creatively and adaptively, and to see the world in new and exciting ways. So if you want to be more intelligent, start by saying “yes” to new experiences — even if they scare you a little.

11. They think in analogies and metaphors.

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Highly intelligent people often have a knack for seeing patterns and connections — it’s kinda their thing. One way they do this is by thinking in analogies and metaphors — comparing seemingly unrelated ideas or concepts to find deeper insights and meanings. This type of thinking helps them to break down complex problems into more manageable pieces, and to communicate their ideas more effectively. So if you want to be more intelligent, start practising your analogical thinking skills — and don’t be afraid to get a little creative with your comparisons.

12. They have a growth mindset.

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Highly intelligent people tend to have a growth mindset — a belief that their abilities and intelligence can be developed and improved over time. They don’t see their talents as fixed or innate, but as skills that can be honed and refined through hard work and dedication. This mindset allows them to embrace challenges and persevere through setbacks, knowing that every obstacle is an opportunity to learn and grow. So if you want to be more intelligent, start by adopting a growth mindset — and don’t be afraid to push yourself beyond your perceived limits.

13. They surround themselves with smart people.

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Highly intelligent people know that they can’t do it all alone — they need the support and inspiration of other smart, curious people to help them grow and thrive. That’s why they tend to surround themselves with a diverse network of friends, colleagues, and mentors who challenge and inspire them to be their best selves. They’re not afraid to seek out people who are smarter or more experienced than they are, knowing that they can learn and benefit from their insights and perspectives. So if you want to be more intelligent, start by building a strong support network of brilliant minds — and don’t be afraid to learn from those who know more than you.

14. They have a sense of humour.

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Highly intelligent people often have a sharp wit and a keen sense of humour. They’re not afraid to poke fun at themselves or the world around them, and they know how to use humour to diffuse tense situations or make complex ideas more accessible. A good sense of humour is also a sign of emotional intelligence — the ability to read and respond to social cues and connect with people on a deeper level. So if you want to be more intelligent, don’t be afraid to crack a joke or two — just make sure it’s actually funny.

15. They know when to say “I don’t know”.

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Finally, highly intelligent people are not afraid to admit when they don’t know something. They’re not consumed by their egos or the need to appear infallible. They know that true wisdom comes from recognising the limits of one’s own knowledge and being open to learning from other people. They’re not afraid to ask for help when they need it, or to say “I don’t know” when confronted with a question they can’t answer. So if you want to be more intelligent, start by embracing your own ignorance — and don’t be afraid to admit when you need to learn more.