The Hidden Meaning Behind The Emojis In Your Child’s Phone

Emojis might seem innocent—just little symbols to add fun to texts.

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However, some carry double meanings that aren’t always obvious, especially when teenagers are using them. As digital communication evolves, so does the hidden language behind it. And while most emoji use is harmless, a few are being used in more worrying ways, sometimes even linked to things like incel culture or risky behaviour. If your child uses emojis regularly (and let’s be honest, they probably do), here are 14 you might want to keep an eye on—and what they might really mean.

1. The red pill emoji (🟥💊)

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What looks like a simple red square or pill has taken on a new life online. Within certain internet groups, especially incel or misogynistic spaces, “taking the red pill” means waking up to the belief that society favours women and oppresses men. It’s pulled from “The Matrix,” but online, it’s become shorthand for a troubling worldview. You might recognise this one if you’ve watched “Adolescence” on Netflix.

If your child is using this emoji, especially with terms like “waking up” or “truth,” it’s worth checking what kind of content they’re engaging with. On its own, it might not mean much, but paired with other subtle signals, it could hint at exposure to harmful ideologies that often masquerade as edgy or intellectual content.

2. The 100 emoji (💯)

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It might look like just an enthusiastic way to say “keeping it real,” but some corners of the internet use it differently. In incel forums and related spaces, it can reference beliefs like the “80/20 rule”—a skewed idea that 80% of women are only attracted to 20% of men, often used to justify toxic views about relationships and dating.

Used alone, this emoji probably isn’t cause for concern. But if it’s showing up in conversations about dating, self-worth, or masculinity, it’s worth a gentle check-in. Emojis rarely tell the full story, but patterns of use alongside certain phrases or accounts can reveal a bit more.

3. The kidney bean emoji (🫘)

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One of the more surprising entries on this list, the humble kidney bean has been adopted in some online communities as a symbol of incel identification. It’s a quiet, almost undetectable way for someone to signal their alignment with that ideology without attracting too much attention.

Unless your child is really into legumes (unlikely, let’s be honest), seeing this emoji used repeatedly or in certain online spaces might be worth exploring further. It’s a perfect example of how internet slang can be hidden in plain sight.

4. The dynamite emoji (🧨)

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This emoji might look like a generic explosion symbol, but when paired with the red pill, it takes on a more serious tone. In some online circles, it represents “exploding the red pill,” meaning someone has taken those ideas to the extreme—often embracing anger, conspiracy thinking, or misogyny.

On its own, it might not be alarming. But context is everything. If you see this alongside language that’s aggressive or talks about “waking people up,” it could indicate that your child is absorbing some pretty harmful narratives.

5. Purple and other coloured hearts (💜💛💖)

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Heart emojis might seem straightforward, but the colour actually changes the message. A purple heart, for instance, can suggest flirtation or horniness, while a yellow one might indicate casual affection. The pink sparkly heart can mean sweet, platonic love—or signal someone’s “not serious” about a relationship.

It’s not necessarily a red flag—but if your child is using these in flirty chats or receiving them from people they don’t know well, it could be a sign they’re exploring emotional or sexual boundaries. Being aware of the tone and setting can help you guide those conversations gently and openly.

6. The devil face emoji (😈)

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It can be playful, or it can mean something far more suggestive. Teens use the devil emoji to hint at mischief, risk-taking, or sexual energy, especially in Snapchat streaks or private DMs. In some cases, it’s also used to joke about doing something rebellious or risqué.

If it pops up in a conversation about school, friends, or parties, it could be harmless. But when paired with other flirtatious emojis or messages, it’s worth paying attention to. Emojis like this tend to be used more when teens are experimenting with boundaries or trying to signal a certain “vibe.”

7. The bowl with spoon emoji (🥣)

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This emoji might look like it belongs in a recipe text, but it’s also been used to symbolise certain sexual acts, according to recent reports. Like many emojis on this list, context is everything—it’s not the emoji itself, but how and where it’s being used that matters.

If your child is using this emoji in conversations that feel unusually secretive or contain other sexualised symbols, it might be a good idea to start a non-judgemental chat about what’s going on. The aim isn’t to shame, but to open the door for honest discussion.

8. The side-eye emoji (👀)

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This one’s a bit more common, often used to say “I’m watching you” or “Did you see that?” But in private messaging, especially among teens, it can hint at sending or requesting explicit photos or videos, or draw attention to something inappropriate.

If it’s showing up frequently in one-on-one conversations, especially with people your child doesn’t know well offline, it might be a sign they’re being pressured or drawn into risky conversations. Keep in mind: this emoji isn’t always bad—but again, it depends on what it’s paired with.

9. The sweat droplets emoji (💦)

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This emoji rarely means what it looks like. While it could technically refer to water or sweat, in most teen conversations it’s used to symbolise sexual excitement or activity. It often shows up alongside the aubergine or peach emojis in flirtatious or explicit messages.

It’s important not to panic if you see it once or twice—sometimes teens use it jokingly or in memes. But frequent use in chats or DMs could mean it’s time for a more serious, open conversation about sexting, safety, and self-respect.

10. The aubergine and peach emojis (🍆🍑)

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By now, most people know these emojis are usually used to represent body parts—the aubergine as male genitalia and the peach as a backside. Despite their innocent appearance, these are among the most misused and misinterpreted emojis out there.

They show up often in explicit content or flirtatious chats, and their presence—especially when paired with 💦—can mean someone is either being suggestive or receiving those kinds of messages. This is where having trust and open lines of communication with your child really counts.

11. The skull emoji (💀)

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This one’s gone through a Gen Z transformation. While older generations use it to represent danger or death, teens often use it to say “I’m dead” from laughing or shock. It’s common in memes or funny content, and it’s not necessarily alarming on its own.

That said, if it’s popping up in darker or more sarcastic contexts, especially with other worrying symbols, it’s worth asking what’s behind the joke. Teens often use humour as a cover for discomfort, so tone can tell you a lot here.

12. The clown face emoji (🤡)

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This one’s not just for circus jokes. Among teens, it’s often used to mock someone—or themselves—for doing something foolish, cringe-worthy, or naïve. “I fell for it again 🤡” is a common phrase, suggesting someone feels tricked or embarrassed.

Used occasionally, it’s harmless. But if your child is regularly using it to describe themselves, it could signal deeper issues with self-esteem or feeling left out socially. Keep an ear out for repeated self-deprecating humour—it’s often a sign someone’s struggling underneath the laughs.

13. The snowflake and balloon emojis (❄️🎈)

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These emojis have been linked to drug-related slang—snowflake sometimes meaning cocaine, and the balloon referring to nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas.” These uses tend to show up in social or party contexts among teens.

If these emojis are appearing alongside party invites, unfamiliar friends, or phrases like “bring your own,” it’s worth checking in. Teens don’t always realise the risks tied to what they think is harmless experimentation, especially when pressure comes from online spaces.

14. The horse emoji (🐎)

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In most cases, the horse emoji is completely innocent. But among some groups, it’s being used to reference ketamine—sometimes nicknamed “horse tranquilliser.” Like the balloon and snowflake, it’s part of a growing trend of teens using emojis to talk about substances without saying them outright.

Again, it’s not the emoji alone—it’s about who they’re talking to, the other language being used, and the context of the conversation. When in doubt, gently ask questions and keep the dialogue open. Your best asset is being a trusted source your child can turn to without fear of judgment.