Envato Elements

There aren’t a whole lot of people worthy of giving your trust to in this world, so it’s important to choose carefully.

Of course, no matter how good of a judge of character you are, it’s always possible to get it wrong and let the wrong people in. While there are no guarantees you won’t get hurt, someone who does these things is way more likely to be trustworthy.

1. They keep their promises.

Source: Unsplash

Whether it’s a big promise or a small one, trustworthy people understand the importance of keeping their word. They don’t make promises they can’t keep, and they follow through on their commitments, even when it’s inconvenient or difficult. This reliability builds confidence in other people and strengthens their relationships.

2. They are honest and transparent.

Envato Elements

They value honesty and transparency in their interactions with people. They don’t hide information or try to deceive people. Instead, they communicate openly and honestly, even when it’s difficult or uncomfortable. This honesty creates trust and respect, as people know they can rely on them to tell the truth.

3. They are consistent in their actions.

Vladimir Poplavskis

They don’t just talk the talk; they walk the walk. Their actions align with their words, and they consistently demonstrate their integrity and reliability. They don’t say one thing and do another, and they don’t make exceptions for themselves or other people. This consistency builds trust over time, as people know what to expect from them.

4. They respect boundaries.


These people understand the importance of respecting boundaries. They don’t overstep or try to control people. Instead, they give people the space they need to be themselves and make their own decisions. This respect definitely encourages trust, as people feel safe and valued in their presence.

5. They listen attentively.

Envato Elements

When you’re talking to a trustworthy person, you feel heard and understood. They genuinely listen to what you have to say, without interrupting or judging. They ask thoughtful questions and offer support and encouragement. This active listening shows that they value your thoughts and feelings and are invested in your well-being.

6. They are empathetic and compassionate.


Trustworthy people have a deep understanding of other people’s emotions and experiences. They can put themselves in someone else’s shoes and offer support and understanding. They don’t judge or criticise; instead, they offer a listening ear and a kind word. This empathy and compassion create a safe space for people to open up and share their vulnerabilities.

7. They admit their mistakes.

Anna Bizon

They’re not perfect and they know it. They make mistakes, just like everyone else. But what sets them apart is their willingness to admit their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions. They don’t try to shift blame or make excuses. Instead, they apologise sincerely and try to make amends. This humility and accountability build trust and respect, as it shows that they’re willing to learn and grow.

8. They are reliable and dependable.

Envato Elements

When you need something done, you can count on a trustworthy person to follow through. They’re reliable and dependable, showing up when they say they will and delivering on their promises. They don’t flake out or leave you hanging. This reliability builds trust, as people know they can depend on them in times of need.

9. They are discreet and respectful of confidentiality.

Envato Elements

They know how to keep a secret. They don’t gossip or share private information without permission. They respect the people’s right to privacy, and understand that trust is built on discretion. When you confide in a trustworthy person, you know your secrets are safe with them.

10. They are supportive and encouraging.

ImageSource / John Rowley

Trustworthy people lift people up and offer support and encouragement. They believe in people’s potential and want to see them succeed. They offer a helping hand, a kind word, or a listening ear, and they celebrate other people’s achievements as much as they do their own. This positivity and encouragement create a supportive environment where people feel safe to take risks and pursue their dreams.

11. They are accountable for their actions.

Envato Elements

They take ownership of their actions and how they affect other people. They don’t make excuses or blame other people for their mistakes. Instead, they acknowledge their role in the situation and take steps to make things right. This accountability shows that they value their relationships and are committed to being a responsible and trustworthy person.

12. They are genuine and authentic.

Envato Elements

Trustworthy people are genuine and authentic in everything they do and every conversation they have. They don’t put on a facade or pretend to be someone they’re not. Instead, they show their true selves, flaws and all. This authenticity furthers trust, as people feel like they can connect with them on a deeper level.

13. They are fair and unbiased.

Envato Elements

They treat everyone with fairness and respect, regardless of their background or beliefs. They don’t discriminate or judge anyone. Instead, they seek to understand different perspectives and find common ground. This fairness and impartiality build trust, as people know they’ll be treated with respect and consideration.

14. They are consistent in their values and principles.

Envato Elements

They have a strong moral compass and live by their values and principles. They don’t compromise their integrity for personal gain or convenience. Instead, they stand up for what they believe in, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. This unwavering commitment to their values earns them trust and respect from people who know they can always count on them to do the right thing.