Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Some people just rub you the wrong way for reasons you can’t really put your finger on.

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There’s just something about them, an aura they give off, that makes you really dislike them and not want to be around them. Even if you think there’s no real reason for your distaste for them, chances are, it’s because they have several of these qualities.

1. They’re always negative.


Constant complainers and pessimists can be exhausting to be around. These people seem to find the dark cloud in every silver lining, bringing down the mood wherever they go. Their negativity can be contagious, making everyone around them feel drained and pessimistic after spending time with them.

2. They have zero empathy.

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People who can’t (or won’t) put themselves in other people’s shoes are often seen as cold and unlikeable. They dismiss people’s feelings all the time and fail to consider how their actions affect everyone around them. Plus, they tend to make insensitive comments and never offer to comfort anyone when they’re struggling. It’s like they just don’t care about anyone else’s feelings.

3. They’re always the victim.

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Nothing is ever their fault, and the world is always out to get them. These people have a knack for turning every situation into a personal slight against them. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions and instead blame other people or circumstances for their problems. This constant victimhood becomes tiresome.

4. They’re overly judgemental.

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Those who are quick to criticise people without looking at themselves tend to be unlikeable. They love to point out people’s flaws and make snap judgements based on superficial information, and it makes everyone around them feel uncomfortable. It also shows just how insecure the unlikeable person is.

5. They’re extremely and unapologetically self-centred.

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People who only talk about themselves and show little interest in anyone else are hard to like. They overtake conversations, talk about themselves non-stop, and totally ignore other people’s needs and feelings. They’re so self-absorbed that it’s impossible to connect with them on a meaningful level.

6. They gossip all the time about anyone and everyone.

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While a bit of harmless chat is normal, people who constantly spread rumours or talk behind everyone else’s backs are not nice people to be around. Not only does this behaviour scream immaturity, but it also makes people wonder what the gossip might be saying about them when they’re not around.

7. They always have to do one better.

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These people can’t stand to hear about other people’s achievements or experiences without chiming in about how they’ve done something better. Whether it’s travel experiences, work success, or personal stories, they always have one to top yours. Ugh, go away!

8. They lack basic manners.

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Simple courtesies go a long way in making someone likeable. Always “forgetting” to say “please” and “thank you,” interrupting people, and even talking with their mouths full leave a bad impression. They just seem rude to the people around them, and incredibly unlikeable.

9. They’re unreliable — you just can’t count on them.

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People who never keep their promises or show up on time are hard to like. Their unreliability inconveniences people and shows a lack of respect for other people’s time and efforts. It’s difficult to build any kind of relationship, personal or professional, with someone you can’t count on.

10. They’re overly aggressive or confrontational.

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While assertiveness can be a positive trait, people who are always looking for a fight just push everyone away. They start drama over small issues and approach every disagreement as a battle to be won. It creates unnecessary tension and makes everyone around them uncomfortable. No, thanks!

11. They lack a sense of humour.

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People who take themselves too seriously or can’t laugh at themselves are usually seen as unlikeable. A good sense of humour, especially the ability to laugh at your own mistakes, can make someone much more approachable and enjoyable to be around.

12. They’re always right (even when they’re very clearly not).

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Nobody likes a know-it-all. People who can’t admit when they’re wrong or refuse to consider other viewpoints can be incredibly frustrating to deal with. This trait not only makes them seem arrogant, but also stifles meaningful discussion and growth.

13. They’re perpetually jealous.

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Constant jealousy is an unattractive trait. People who can’t genuinely be chuffed for the good things that happen to other people and instead react with envy or attempts to diminish people’s achievements are not the kind of people you want to be around.

14. They overshare inappropriately.

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Openness can be a good thing, but there’s a line between being genuine and oversharing. People who constantly give TMI, especially in inappropriate settings, can make others uncomfortable. This lack of boundaries can be off-putting and ends up making everyone avoid them.

15. They’re inflexible.

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People who are rigid in their thinking and unable to adapt to new situations or ideas are often difficult to like. Their inflexibility can manifest as an unwillingness to try new things, an inability to compromise, or a resistance to change. Either way, it makes them frustrating to work with or even be friends with!

16. They lack authenticity.

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People who constantly put on a facade or change their personality to fit in are often seen as unlikeable. Their inauthentic behaviour can come across as insincere or manipulative, and it’s hard to trust or connect with someone like that. Likeable people tend to be those who are comfortable being themselves, flaws and all.

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