Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

It makes sense that your tastes and preferences will change with age — that’s to be expected as you grow and evolve.

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The things you used to pay no attention to — or even outright brush off as useless/boring — when you were younger suddenly become the ones you’re drawn to and find incredibly appealing. Here are a few such things — can you relate?

1. A quiet night in becomes the new night out.

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Remember when staying home on a Friday night felt like missing out? As we get older, the allure of a peaceful evening at home gets a lot stronger. Cosying up on the sofa with a good book or film, perhaps with a nice cuppa or glass of wine, starts to feel like luxury rather than a compromise.

2. Early mornings don’t seem so dreadful anymore.

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Once upon a time, the idea of willingly waking up at dawn might have seemed absurd. But with age comes an appreciation for those quiet, early hours. Whether it’s for a peaceful cup of coffee, a morning walk, or just some uninterrupted ‘me time’, early mornings can become a cherished part of the day.

3. Gardening transforms from a chore to a hobby.

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What might have felt like tedious yard work in your younger years can evolve into a fulfilling pastime. The satisfaction of nurturing plants, the therapeutic nature of digging in the soil, and the joy of watching your garden flourish all contribute to gardening’s growing appeal.

4. Comfortable shoes trump stylish ones.

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Gone are the days of suffering for fashion. As we age, the appeal of shoes that prioritise comfort over style grows stronger. That doesn’t mean abandoning style altogether, but rather finding that sweet spot where comfort and aesthetics meet.

5. Naps become a luxury, not a punishment.

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Remember when naps were something you resisted as a child? As adults, particularly as we get older, the idea of a midday snooze becomes increasingly appealing. A short nap can feel like a mini-holiday, recharging both body and mind.

6. Watching the news doesn’t seem so boring.

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While the news might have seemed dull in our younger years, staying informed about current events becomes more important as we age. Understanding what’s happening in the world around us feels increasingly relevant to our daily lives.

7. Saving money becomes more satisfying than spending it.

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The thrill of splurging on the latest gadget or fashion item often wanes with age. Instead, watching your savings grow or making a smart investment can provide a different kind of excitement. Financial security becomes more appealing than fleeting material pleasures.

8. Quality over quantity becomes the mantra for everything.

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Whether it’s friendships, possessions, or experiences, the focus shifts from having more to having better. A few close friends, well-made items that last, and meaningful experiences start to matter more than a packed social calendar or a house full of stuff.

9. The simple pleasure of a good cup of tea or coffee is truly appreciated.


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As we age, the ritual of brewing and savouring a perfect cuppa becomes almost meditative. The nuances in flavour, the warmth of the mug in your hands, the moment of pause it provides in a busy day — all of these aspects become more appealing.

10. Health becomes wealth.

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In our youth, health might have been taken for granted. But as we get older, maintaining good health becomes increasingly important and appealing. Regular check-ups, eating well, and staying active start to feel less like chores and more like investments in our wellbeing.

11. The joys of a tidy, organised home are fully realised.


While a messy room might have felt rebellious in our younger years, the appeal of a clean, organised living space grows with age. The peace of mind that comes with knowing where everything is and having a clutter-free environment becomes more valuable.

12. Cooking at home becomes preferable to eating out.

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As we age, the satisfaction of preparing a meal from scratch often outweighs the convenience of dining out. Not only is it often healthier and more cost-effective, but it also provides a sense of accomplishment and control over what we’re consuming.

13. The great outdoors calls louder than ever.

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While we might have preferred indoor activities in our youth, the appeal of nature often grows stronger with age. Whether it’s hiking, birdwatching, or simply sitting in a park, spending time outdoors becomes more rejuvenating and necessary for our wellbeing.

14. Forgiveness becomes easier and more important.

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As we accumulate life experiences, the ability to forgive — both other people and ourselves — becomes more appealing. We realise that holding onto grudges only weighs us down, and that forgiveness is often more about our peace of mind than excusing other people’s bad behaviour.

15. The value of a good night’s sleep is fully appreciated.

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Gone are the days of pulling all-nighters without consequence. As we age, a full, uninterrupted night’s sleep becomes one of life’s greatest pleasures. The impact of quality sleep on our mood, productivity, and overall health becomes increasingly apparent.

16. Learning for the sake of learning becomes enjoyable.

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While education might have felt like a chore in our younger years, the joy of learning simply for the sake of expanding our knowledge grows with age. Whether it’s taking up a new language, delving into history, or exploring a new skill, learning becomes its own reward.

17. The charm of nostalgia grows stronger.

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As we accumulate more life experiences, looking back on fond memories becomes increasingly appealing. Whether it’s revisiting favourite films from our youth, listening to music from decades past, or reminiscing with old friends, the comfort of nostalgia grows more potent with age.

18. Embracing your true self becomes more important than fitting in.

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Perhaps one of the most liberating aspects of ageing is the growing appeal of authenticity. The need to conform to other people’s expectations diminishes, replaced by a desire to be true to oneself. Embracing our quirks, opinions, and unique traits becomes not just appealing, but essential.