Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Real intelligence has nothing to do with IQ scores or a degree from Oxford — it’s all about how you see the world and operate within it.

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The truth of the matter is, the smarter you are, the less tolerance you have for things that don’t adhere to the rules of logic and common sense, which is why you might struggle to put up with these TK things.

1. People who ignore facts for emotions drive you nuts.

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It’s maddening when someone clings to a belief despite clear evidence to the contrary. Whether it’s climate change denial or insisting the Earth is flat, watching people dismiss hard facts in favour of feelings or conspiracy theories can be incredibly frustrating for those who value logic and reason.

2. Wilful ignorance makes your blood boil.

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There’s a difference between not knowing something and choosing not to know. When people actively avoid learning or understanding important issues, especially when information is readily available, it can be infuriating. The phrase “I don’t want to know” might as well be nails on a chalkboard to intelligent people.

3. You’re irritated when people misuse words.

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“Literally” used figuratively? “Your” instead of “you’re”? Please get it right! While everyone makes mistakes, repeatedly using words wrong or poor grammar can be genuinely distracting and annoying for more linguistically minded people.

4. The lack of critical thinking in the media drives you up the wall.

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Clickbait headlines, biased reporting, and a lack of fact-checking in news stories can be incredibly frustrating. If you’re always shouting at the telly or furiously fact-checking articles, you’re probably craving more intellectual rigour in your media diet.

5. You’re fed up with people who can’t admit when they’re wrong.

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We all make mistakes, but some people seem incapable of acknowledging when they’re wrong. Stubbornly refusing to own up to an error, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, is incredibly infuriating.

6. Small talk feels like a waste of time.

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While you get its social function, engaging in endless chatter about the weather or what you had for lunch can feel mind-numbingly dull. You’d much rather dive into deeper, more stimulating conversations.

7. You’re irritated by people who don’t respect your time.

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Chronic lateness, unnecessary meetings, or people who ramble without getting to the point really grind your gears. If you value efficiency and productivity, these time-wasters can feel like a personal affront to your intelligence and your schedule.

8. Pseudoscience and superstition make you want to scream.

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Horoscopes, healing crystals, or the latest fad diet with no scientific backing can drive a rational thinker up the wall. The prevalence of pseudoscience in everyday life can be a constant source of irritation for those who appreciate the scientific method and evidence-based thinking. This nonsense is destroying the world!

9. You’re annoyed by people who don’t fact-check before sharing information.

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Thanks to social media in particular, misinformation spreads like wildfire. If you’re constantly correcting false stories or debunking urban legends shared by friends and family, you’re probably pretty smart (and wish more people were like you).

10. Bureaucracy and inefficient systems drive you mad.

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Filling out the same form three times, getting through automated phone systems, or dealing with outdated procedures can be infuriating. You always end up thinking, “There must be a better way to do this.” Clearly, you’re alone in this thought!

11. You can’t stand when people mistake confidence for competence.

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It’s frustrating to watch someone with more bravado than skill get ahead, especially when quieter, more competent people are overlooked. If you value substance over style, this can be particularly irksome (and that’s putting it nicely).

12. People’s lack of curiosity baffles you.

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For the intellectually curious, it’s hard to understand people who show no interest in learning new things or hearing new ideas. If you’re regularly frustrated by friends or colleagues who never ask questions or seem content with surface-level knowledge, you’re probably craving more stimulating company.

13. You’re annoyed by the glorification of anti-intellectualism.

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The idea that being educated or intellectual is somehow negative or elitist can be maddening. You always bristle at phrases like “I’m not book smart, I’m street smart” or media portrayals that mock intelligence, and who could blame you?

14. People who can’t see the bigger picture annoy you.

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Whether it’s in work projects or societal issues, it can be frustrating to deal with people who can’t zoom out and see the larger context. You hate short-term thinking or a lack of strategic planning. What’s the point?

15. You’re frustrated by the slow pace of progress.

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Whether it’s in technology, social issues, or environmental concerns, the gap between what’s possible and what’s actually being done can be crazy-making. You wonder why clearly broken things aren’t fixed with more urgency, and it really does your head in.

16. The lack of nuance in discussions is exhausting.

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Complex issues rarely have simple solutions, but many people and media outlets often present things in black and white terms. If you find yourself cringing at oversimplified arguments or longing for more nuanced discussions, you’re probably a bit smarter than a lot of people.

17. You’re annoyed by people who don’t understand basic probability.

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

From lottery tickets to unfounded health scares, watching people misunderstand risk and probability can be frustrating. If you find yourself constantly explaining concepts like “correlation doesn’t equal causation,” statistical literacy is a strong point for you, even if it’s not really for other people.

18. Repetitive tasks bore you to tears.


While you understand that some repetition is necessary in life and work, tasks that don’t engage your mind can feel like torture. If you’re always looking for ways to automate or streamline repetitive processes, you need a bit more intellectual stimulation in your day.

19. You’re irritated by the misuse of data and statistics.

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Seeing numbers taken out of context, manipulated to mislead, or used to support faulty arguments leaves you fuming. You dive into the source data and always question the methodology behind headline statistics. Why doesn’t anyone else?

20. You can’t stand when people don’t follow through on commitments.

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Reliability and integrity are often highly valued by intelligent individuals. You find yourself increasingly frustrated by people who don’t do what they say they’ll do, or who make excuses instead of taking responsibility. What’s wrong with everyone?!

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