
Some people give off seriously bad vibes and make you want to run a million miles away from them.

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Maybe it’s a gut feeling, or maybe it’s a pattern of behaviour that sets off your internal alarm bells. Either way, learning to recognise the signs of a toxic person is crucial for protecting your own well-being. Here are some red flags that scream, “Stay away from me!”

1. They constantly criticise and belittle people.

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This person seems to have a knack for finding fault in everything and everyone. They’re quick to criticise your appearance, your choices, or your accomplishments. They make snide remarks, sarcastic comments, and put-downs disguised as jokes. This behaviour isn’t just annoying; it’s a clear sign of their own insecurities and a desire to make themselves feel superior by tearing people down.

2. They are manipulative and controlling.

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This person is a master at pulling strings and getting their way. They use guilt, emotional blackmail, or even threats to manipulate your behaviour and get you to do what they want. They might isolate you from your friends and family, or they might try to control your finances or decisions. This behaviour is toxic and can have a devastating impact on your self-esteem and well-being.

3. They lack empathy and emotional intelligence.

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This person seems completely oblivious to other people’s feelings. They might say hurtful things, disregard your boundaries, or act completely selfishly without any consideration for how their actions might affect you. They have difficulty understanding or relating to your emotions, and they may even dismiss your feelings as invalid or unimportant.

4. They are always the victim and refuse to take responsibility for their actions.

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Nothing is ever their fault. This person always has an excuse, a justification, or someone else to blame for their problems. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions and instead play the victim card at every turn. This behaviour is not only exhausting to deal with, but it also prevents them from learning and growing from their mistakes.

5. They are consistently negative and drain your energy.


This person is like a black hole of negativity. They complain constantly, see the worst in every situation, and always have something to be unhappy about. Spending time with them leaves you feeling drained, exhausted, and emotionally depleted. Their negativity is contagious and can quickly infect your own outlook on life.

6. They lie, cheat, and betray your trust.

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This person is not someone you can rely on. They’re dishonest, deceitful, and have a track record of breaking promises and betraying confidences. They might spread rumours, gossip behind your back, or even steal from you. Their lack of integrity and trustworthiness makes it impossible to build a healthy and fulfilling relationship with them.

7. They are inconsistent and unpredictable.

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You never know what to expect with this person. One minute they’re showering you with affection, the next they’re giving you the cold shoulder. Their moods are unpredictable, and their behaviour is inconsistent. This emotional rollercoaster can leave you feeling confused, insecure, and constantly on edge.

8. They create drama and thrive on chaos.

Valerii Honcharuk

This person seems to attract drama wherever they go. They stir up trouble, pit people against each other, and thrive on conflict. They’re always in the middle of some kind of crisis, and they seem to enjoy the chaos and attention it brings. This behaviour is exhausting and destructive, and it’s best to steer clear of anyone who revels in drama.

9. They are always trying to compete with you.

Liubomyr Vorona

A healthy friendship is built on support and encouragement, not competition. But this person seems to see you as a rival, constantly comparing themselves to you and trying to one-up your achievements. They might belittle your accomplishments, brag about their own, or even try to sabotage your success. This behaviour can create a toxic and competitive atmosphere that can ruin your friendship.

10. They take more than they give in the relationship.

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Friendship is a two-way street, but this person seems to be all take and no give. They might constantly ask for favours, borrow money without paying it back, or expect you to always be there for them, without reciprocating the same level of support. This imbalance can leave you feeling drained, resentful, and unappreciated.

11. They don’t respect your boundaries or personal space.

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Healthy relationships require boundaries, but this person doesn’t seem to understand that concept. They might overshare personal information, constantly invade your personal space, or disregard your requests for alone time. They don’t respect your limits or your need for autonomy, which can leave you feeling suffocated and uncomfortable.

12. They are always the centre of attention and crave constant validation.

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This person loves to be in the spotlight and will go to great lengths to get attention. They might interrupt conversations, dominate discussions, or make everything about themselves. They also crave constant validation and approval, fishing for compliments and seeking external validation to feel good about themselves. This behaviour can be draining and leave you feeling neglected and unimportant.

13. They are emotionally volatile and unpredictable.

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One minute they’re your best friend, the next they’re giving you the silent treatment. Their moods swing wildly, and their reactions are often disproportionate to the situation. This emotional instability can be exhausting to deal with and can leave you feeling like you’re walking on eggshells around them, never knowing what to expect.

14. They don’t apologise or take responsibility for their hurtful actions.

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We all make mistakes, but a good friend will own up to them and apologise sincerely. This person, however, seems incapable of admitting when they’re wrong. They might deny their mistakes, deflect blame, or try to justify their hurtful behaviour. This lack of accountability makes it difficult to trust them or feel safe in the relationship.

15. They make you feel bad about yourself.

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A true friend should lift you up and make you feel good about yourself. This person, however, seems to do the opposite. They might make subtle digs at your appearance, question your choices, or compare you negatively to other people. Their words and actions chip away at your self-esteem and leave you feeling insecure and unworthy. If someone consistently makes you feel bad about yourself, it’s time to reevaluate the relationship.