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Women are often left scratching their heads trying to understand how men think and what makes them tick, but the truth is, they’re not as complex as we sometimes imagine.

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There are certain fundamental things that most men wish women knew about them — things they may not always articulate, but that shape their behaviour and desires. Here’s what the men I spoke to told me.

1. Men have feelings too, even if they don’t always show them.

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Just because men aren’t always as emotionally expressive as women doesn’t mean they don’t experience the same depth of feeling. Men often feel pressure to put on a stoic front, but underneath they are just as sensitive and vulnerable. Don’t assume a man is unfeeling just because he’s not wearing his heart on his sleeve. Learn to read between the lines and give him space to open up at his own pace.

2. Men need alone time to recharge.

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Men aren’t being antisocial when they retreat to their man cave or spend a day engrossed in solo hobbies. Blokes need regular alone time to decompress and recharge their batteries. It’s not a rejection of you — it’s simply a necessary form of self-care. Respect his need for occasional solitude and don’t take it as a sign that he’s pulling away. A little bit of space makes the time you spend together even sweeter.

3. Men want to feel appreciated and needed.

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Behind every great man is a woman who makes him feel valued and essential. Men thrive when they know their contributions are appreciated, both in the relationship and in life in general. Acknowledge his efforts, praise his successes, and let him know that you need him in your life. A man who feels seen and depended upon will move mountains for his partner.

4. Men communicate more directly than women.

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When a man says something, he usually means it at face value without lots of hidden subtext. Men tend to communicate in a very direct, literal way compared to women. This can lead to misunderstandings, with women reading between the lines while the man is simply saying what he means. Recognise this difference in communication styles and take him at his word unless you have good reason to suspect otherwise.

5. Men bond through shared activities.

man guySource: Unsplash

For men, doing things together is a primary way of connecting and strengthening a relationship. While women bond more through conversation, men feel closer when they engage in shared activities, whether it’s playing sports, working on a project, or going on an adventure. Look for opportunities to spend quality time with your man doing things you both enjoy. The experience of being on the same team will bring you closer.

6. Men are visual creatures.

man guySource: Unsplash

It’s no secret that men are extremely visual when it comes to attraction. A man can’t help but notice and appreciate a woman’s physical appearance, whether she’s his partner or a passing stranger. But true attraction goes much deeper than the superficial. Embrace your own unique brand of beauty, inside and out. A confident woman who radiates charisma is irresistible, no matter her shape or size.

7. Men crave respect from their partner.

man guySource: Unsplash

Respect is like oxygen for men — they need it to thrive in a relationship. Men want to know that their partner looks up to them, trusts their judgment, and appreciates their efforts. Belittling a man, constantly questioning his decisions, or talking down to him are easy but effective ways to make him pull away. Build him up in front of others and have his back — it will solidify your bond.

8. Men enjoy the thrill of the chase.

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A little bit of mystery and challenge are like catnip for men, especially in the early stages of dating. While this doesn’t mean playing hard to get, it does mean maintaining healthy boundaries and not being too available. Let him pursue you and work to win your heart. When a man feels like he’s earned your love through his efforts, he’ll treasure you all the more.

9. Men measure themselves by their careers and achievements.

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For better or worse, many men derive much of their identity and self-worth from their professional accomplishments and ability to provide. A man who feels stagnant or unfulfilled in his career may experience a crisis of confidence that spills over into his personal life. Be his cheerleader and sounding board as he figures out his path. Your support will mean the world to him.

10. Men dwell less on the past than women.

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While women tend to be the honorary historians in a relationship, often bringing up past events, men are much more focused on the present moment. Constantly rehashing old arguments or dredging up past mistakes will quickly make him shut down. If there’s an issue from the past that needs to be resolved, address it directly and then commit to moving forward. Don’t let yesterday’s battles poison today’s peace.

11. Men can compartmentalise more easily than women.

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Men have an uncanny ability to mentally isolate different areas of their lives, keeping work, relationships, and personal interests in separate mental boxes. Just because he doesn’t let stress from one area bleed into the others doesn’t mean he’s not fully present or invested. Understand that this is a coping mechanism that helps him maintain balance and perspective. You are always on his mind, even if he’s not constantly expressing it.

12. Men define intimacy differently than women.

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For women, intimacy is often primarily about emotional connection and feeling understood. Men tend to view intimacy through a more physical lens, though they also crave the feeling of being accepted and desired. It’s important to know that his advances are an expression of his love and attraction to you. At the same time, foster intimacy outside the bedroom through conversation, affection, and quality time. A relationship needs both kinds of connection to thrive.

13. Men show their love through actions more than words.

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Men often express their feelings through what they do rather than what they say. He may not constantly profess his love verbally, but he shows it by working hard, being dependable, and always having your back. Pay attention to the little everyday gestures of love and devotion. Making your favourite meal, filling up your car with petrol, or planning a weekend getaway are all ways he’s saying “I love you” without necessarily uttering the words.

14. Men need to feel like heroes.

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Deep down, every man harbours a fantasy of being his partner’s knight in shining armour. He wants to swoop in, save the day, and earn your undying admiration in the process. Let him play the hero now and then, even if you’re perfectly capable of handling things yourself. Ask for his help, praise his valiant efforts, and let him bask in the glow of being your champion. It will strengthen your bond and make him feel like a king.

15. Men show vulnerability through their sense of humour.

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Men often use humour as a way to let down their guard and share their true selves. Cracking jokes, even at his own expense, is a way of showing vulnerability and inviting you to connect with the man behind the punchlines. Laugh with him, not at him, and never mock something he’s sensitive about. By sharing moments of levity, you’re creating space for him to feel safe and understood.

16. Men want true partners, not just arm candy.

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At the end of the day, a man wants a woman who will stand by his side through thick and thin. He’s not looking for a trophy or a pretty face — he wants a true equal who will challenge him, support him, and walk through life as his partner. Be his ride-or-die, his ultimate teammate and soulmate. The bond you’ll create will be truly unshakable.