Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

We often hear about the downsides of ageing — wrinkles, aches and pains, and the dreaded ‘mid-life crisis’.

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But amidst all the talk of decline, there’s a whole host of amazing things about getting older that often get overlooked. Yes, there’s all that wisdom and experience, but there’s also a newfound sense of freedom, self-acceptance, and the joy of truly living life on your own terms. Here are some of the other perks in store.

1. You care less about what other people think.

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Remember those days when you’d agonise over what people thought of you, your clothes, or your choices? Well, guess what? As you get older, that fades away. You start to realise that life’s too short to worry about pleasing everyone. You embrace your quirks, own your style, and march to the beat of your own drum. It’s liberating, really.

2. You have a greater appreciation for the little things.

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A sunny day, a good cup of tea, a chat with a loved one – these simple pleasures become even more precious as you get older. You learn to savour the moment and find happiness in the everyday experiences that you might have taken for granted in your younger years.

3. You’ve accumulated a wealth of life experience and wisdom.

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You’ve navigated through ups and downs, made mistakes, learned lessons, and come out the other side stronger and wiser. This wealth of experience gives you a unique perspective on life, and you’re able to offer valuable insights and advice to those around you. You become a bit of a sage, someone people turn to for guidance and support.

4. You have more time for the things you love.

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As your responsibilities shift and your children grow up (if you have them), you suddenly find yourself with more free time. This is your chance to rediscover old passions or explore new ones. Whether it’s travelling, learning a new language, or volunteering, you have the freedom to pursue your interests and create a life that truly fulfils you.

5. You’re more comfortable in your own skin.


The insecurities and self-doubts that plagued you in your younger years start to fade. You become more accepting of your flaws and imperfections, recognising that they’re part of what makes you unique. You radiate a quiet confidence that comes from years of self-discovery and acceptance. It’s a beautiful thing to witness.

6. You have stronger and more meaningful relationships.

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As you get older, you tend to focus on quality over quantity when it comes to relationships. You invest your time and energy in the people who truly matter, nurturing deep and meaningful connections. These relationships become a source of comfort, support, and joy, enriching your life in countless ways.

7. You’re less likely to get caught up in drama and petty conflicts.

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You’ve learned that life’s too short to waste time on negativity and drama. You steer clear of gossip, avoid toxic people, and choose your battles wisely. You focus on creating a positive and peaceful environment for yourself and those around you. This emotional maturity allows you to enjoy a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

8. You have a greater sense of perspective and resilience.

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Life’s challenges don’t seem as insurmountable as they once did. You’ve weathered storms, overcome obstacles, and learned that you’re capable of handling whatever comes your way. This resilience gives you a sense of calm and inner strength, allowing you to face adversity with grace and determination. You know that you’ll get through it, one way or another.

9. You’re more financially secure.

Years of hard work and smart financial decisions can lead to greater financial security as you get older. You might have paid off your mortgage, built up a comfortable nest egg, or simply learned to live within your means. This financial stability provides peace of mind and allows you to enjoy life without the constant worry of money.

10. You have a deeper understanding of your own values and priorities.

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As you get older, you gain clarity about what truly matters in life. You’re less likely to be swayed by societal pressures or external expectations. You live life according to your own values and priorities, making choices that align with your authentic self. This sense of purpose and direction can be incredibly empowering and fulfilling.

11. You’re less afraid to speak your mind and stand up for what you believe in.

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You’ve earned the right to have an opinion, and you’re not afraid to share it. You’re more assertive and confident in expressing your thoughts and feelings, even if they go against the grain. This authenticity and willingness to speak your truth is inspiring.

12. You have a greater sense of gratitude and appreciation for life.

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As you get older, you become more aware of the fragility of life and the preciousness of each moment. You learn to appreciate the good times and find meaning even in the challenges. This gratitude creates a sense of contentment and joy, even in the face of adversity. You cherish the time you have with loved ones and make the most of every opportunity.

13. You find it easier to forgive yourself and other people.

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You understand that everyone makes mistakes, and you’re more willing to extend forgiveness and grace, both to yourself and to other people. You let go of grudges, and choose to focus on healing and moving forward. This forgiveness creates space for compassion and understanding, which ultimately leads to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

14. You’re not afraid to embrace change and try new things.

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Age is just a number, and you refuse to let it define you. You’re open to new experiences, willing to learn new skills, and embrace change with a sense of curiosity and adventure. You understand that life is a constant journey of growth and evolution, and you’re excited to see what the future holds. This openness to new possibilities keeps you young at heart and allows you to continue to thrive and evolve throughout your life.