Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and while that may be true, that doesn’t make tough times any less painful as they’re happening.

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Still, it’s true that certain life experiences — particularly the extremely unpleasant ones — have the power to help us grow as people and teach us lessons we wouldn’t have learned otherwise. Here are some troubles you may have been through that have made you the wise person you are today.

1. You’ve experienced a major financial setback.

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Losing a huge amount of money or facing bankruptcy can be gut-wrenching, but it’s also an incredible teacher. You’ll learn the true value of money, how to prioritise your spending, and develop resilience in the face of adversity. Not only that, but you’ll end up with financial habits and a deeper appreciation for what truly matters in life.

2. You’ve lived in a foreign country for an extended period.

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Immersing yourself in a different culture broadens your horizons like nothing else. You’ll gain a new perspective on your own culture, learn to adapt to unfamiliar situations, and develop empathy for people from diverse backgrounds. This experience often results in increased cultural sensitivity and a more global outlook on life.

3. You’ve lost someone close to you.

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Grief is a powerful teacher. Losing a loved one forces you to confront mortality and reassess your priorities. You’ll learn the importance of cherishing relationships, expressing love and gratitude, and making the most of your time. It’s a painful experience, but it tends to give you a deeper appreciation for life and stronger connections with those around you.

4. You’ve failed spectacularly at something you were passionate about.

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Pouring your heart into a project or dream only to see it crumble can be devastating. However, this experience teaches you resilience, humility, and the value of perseverance. You’ll learn that failure is not the end but a stepping stone to success, and that your worth isn’t tied to your accomplishments.

5. You’ve worked a job you absolutely hated.

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Slogging through a job that makes you miserable might seem like a waste of time, but it’s incredibly educational. You’ll learn about your own values, what you’re willing to tolerate, and the importance of pursuing work that aligns with your passions. As a result, you might have better career choices and a stronger sense of purpose.

6. You’ve been in a toxic relationship.

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While painful, being in an unhealthy romantic relationship or friendship teaches you valuable lessons about self-worth, boundaries, and red flags. You’ll learn to prioritise your own well-being, recognise manipulation tactics, and understand the qualities that make for healthy, supportive relationships.

7. You’ve volunteered for a cause you care about.

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Giving your time and energy to help people without expecting anything in return is a profound experience. You’ll gain perspective on your own life, develop empathy, and learn about social issues first-hand. You often end up with a sense of fulfilment and a desire to continue making a positive impact in the world.

8. You’ve travelled alone.

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Solo travel pushes you out of your comfort zone and forces you to rely on yourself. You’ll learn problem-solving skills, gain confidence in your abilities, and discover the joy of your own company. This experience often results in increased self-reliance and a better understanding of your own needs and desires.

9. You’ve faced a health scare or chronic illness.

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Dealing with serious health issues reminds you of your mortality and the fragility of life. You’ll learn to appreciate your body, prioritise self-care, and find strength you didn’t know you had. It inevitably leads to a renewed focus on health and wellness, and a deeper empathy for people facing similar challenges.

10. You’ve had to start over from scratch.

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Whether it’s moving to a new city, changing careers, or rebuilding after a major life upheaval, starting over teaches you adaptability and resilience. You’ll learn that you’re capable of reinventing yourself and that change, while scary, can lead to incredible growth and opportunities.

11. You’ve forgiven someone who deeply hurt you.

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Choosing to forgive someone who has wronged you is a powerful act of emotional growth. You’ll learn about the complexities of human nature, the weight of carrying grudges, and the freedom that comes with letting go. It improves your relationships and gives you a more compassionate outlook on life.

12. You’ve taken responsibility for a major mistake.

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Owning up to a significant error, especially when it affects other people, is a humbling experience. You’ll learn about accountability, the importance of integrity, and how to make amends. This often results in improved self-awareness and stronger, more authentic relationships with other people.

13. You’ve pursued a passion project without guaranteed success.

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Dedicating time and energy to something you love, regardless of the outcome, is incredibly rewarding. You’ll learn about intrinsic motivation, the value of the creative process, and how to find joy in the journey rather than just the destination.