Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

A little bit of verbal affirmation of your love for someone is great, but as they say, actions really do speak louder than words.

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If you truly want to show someone how much you care about them, you’ll get the message across much more easily via your behaviour. Here are some little things you can do to let your partner know you love them without saying a peep.

1. Brewing their favourite cuppa

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Remember how they take their tea or coffee? Preparing it just the way they like it, without being asked, shows you’ve been paying attention. This thoughtful gesture can brighten their morning and set a positive tone for the day ahead. It’s a small act that says, “I care about your preferences and want to make your day a bit easier.”

2. Listening without interrupting

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Giving someone your undivided attention is a rare gift these days, that’s for sure. When you put away your phone, maintain eye contact, and truly listen to what they’re saying without interjecting, you’re showing that you value their thoughts and feelings.

3. Sending a ‘thinking of you’ text

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A quick message to let someone know they’ve crossed your mind can be incredibly touching. It doesn’t need to be long or profound — even a simple “Hope you’re having a good day” can brighten their mood and remind them that they matter to you.

4. Remembering important dates

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Birthdays, anniversaries, and other significant milestones are worth celebrating. By keeping track of these dates and acknowledging them, you’re demonstrating that you care about the events that matter to your loved ones. It’s not about lavish gifts, but rather the thoughtfulness of remembering and recognising these special occasions.

5. Offering a helping hand without being asked

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When you notice someone struggling with a task and step in to assist without prompting, you’re showing genuine care and consideration. Whether it’s carrying groceries, tidying up, or tackling a challenging project together, your willingness to lend a hand speaks volumes about your love and support.

6. Giving genuine compliments

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Sincere praise can boost someone’s confidence and brighten their day. Take notice of the little things — a new hairstyle, a well-done task, or a kind gesture — and express your appreciation. Genuine compliments show that you’re paying attention and value the person’s efforts and qualities.

7. Creating space for alone time

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Recognising when your partner or friend needs some solitude and respecting that need is a powerful act of love. By giving them space without feeling offended or neglected, you’re demonstrating trust and understanding.

8. Sharing in their excitement

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When someone you care about achieves a goal or experiences something positive, joining in their enthusiasm can strengthen your bond. By genuinely celebrating their successes, big or small, you’re showing that their happiness matters to you.

9. Keeping their favourite snacks on hand

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Stocking up on their preferred treats shows thoughtfulness and consideration. Whether it’s a particular brand of crisps or a specific type of chocolate, having these items readily available demonstrates that you’ve taken note of their likes and want to cater to them.

10. Respecting their boundaries


Recognising and honouring personal boundaries is a profound act of love. This might mean accepting when they need space, respecting their privacy, or acknowledging their comfort levels in various situations. By doing so, you’re showing that you value their autonomy and emotional well-being above your own desires or expectations.

11. Sharing the mental load

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Taking initiative in household planning, remembering appointments, or managing shared responsibilities without being prompted can significantly reduce stress for your partner. This shows that you’re invested in the relationship and willing to shoulder your fair share of the often invisible mental workload.

12. Expressing gratitude for the little things

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

Acknowledging and appreciating the small, everyday actions your loved ones do can make them feel valued. Whether it’s thanking them for making dinner or expressing appreciation for their punctuality, recognising these efforts reinforces positive behaviours and nurtures a culture of gratitude in your relationship.

13. Being present during tough times


Sometimes, the most powerful act of love is simply being there. Sitting with someone during their struggles, offering a shoulder to cry on, or just providing silent company can be incredibly comforting. Your presence alone can convey support and care more effectively than words ever could.

14. Surprising them with their favourite meal

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Taking the time to prepare a loved one’s favourite dish, especially when they’ve had a long day, is a heart-warming gesture. It shows that you’re attuned to their preferences and willing to put in effort to bring them joy and comfort through food.

15. Keeping promises and commitments

Vladimir Poplavskis

Consistency in following through on your word builds trust and reliability in relationships. When you honour your commitments, whether big or small, you’re demonstrating respect for the other person’s time and feelings.

16. Showing interest in their passions

Allen and Kleanthous

Taking time to learn about or engage in your loved one’s hobbies and interests, even if they’re not your own, is a powerful way to connect. Ask questions, listen attentively, and perhaps even participate occasionally.

17. Offering physical affection

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Simple, non-sexual physical contact like hugs, hand-holding, or a gentle touch on the arm can convey warmth and care. These gestures release oxytocin, often called the “love hormone,” creating feelings of bonding and trust. Remember to respect personal boundaries and preferences for physical touch.

18. Forgiving small mistakes

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Choosing not to dwell on minor slip-ups or oversights shows maturity and understanding in a relationship. By letting go of small grievances without harbouring resentment, you create a more positive and forgiving environment. This approach demonstrates emotional intelligence and a commitment to maintaining harmony in your relationships.