Even the happiest couples bicker and squabble.


It’s normal, healthy even. A relationship without disagreements is either a fantasy or a red flag. So, ditch the notion of perfect harmony and embrace the reality of a loving, yet occasionally heated, partnership. Here are 13 things that even the most blissful couples argue about. It’s not about avoiding conflict; it’s about navigating it with honesty and respect.

Household chores

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Who does what around the house? Does one person always leave the dishes for the other? Does someone slack off on the hoovering while the other one cleans up their mess? Fair division of labour is essential, and a little disagreement about it is perfectly normal.

Money matters

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Finances are a major source of stress in any relationship. Who pays for what? How much should we save? Should we splurge on that holiday or stick to a budget? It’s not about being greedy; it’s about finding a financial balance that works for both of you.

Time management

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How do you spend your time together? Does one person always want to go out, while the other prefers a quiet night in? How much time do you dedicate to work, hobbies, and socialising? Finding a balance that respects both your needs is crucial for a healthy relationship.

Parenting styles

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If you have kids, disagreements about discipline, education, and parenting approaches are inevitable. One of you might be more lenient, while the other is stricter. It’s about finding a middle ground that nurtures your children while respecting each other’s perspectives.

In-laws and extended family

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Dealing with extended family can be a minefield. Your partner’s family might have different values, traditions, or expectations. Navigating these differences can be tricky, and disagreements are bound to arise. It’s about finding ways to respect both families while staying true to your own values.

Communication styles

Polina Lebed

Do you talk openly about everything, or do you tend to bottle things up? Does one of you get easily overwhelmed by intense emotions, while the other thrives on deep conversations? Understanding and adapting to each other’s communication styles is key to resolving conflicts and strengthening your bond.

Physical intimacy

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Even the most passionate couples have disagreements about intimacy. It’s not about quantity; it’s about quality. Do you feel connected? Are your needs being met? Open communication and a willingness to compromise are essential for maintaining a healthy intimate life.

Future plans and goals

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Where do you see yourselves in five, ten, or twenty years? Do you want to get married, have children, or move to a different country? Discussing your future plans and aspirations is important, but it can also lead to disagreements if your visions don’t align.

Personal habits

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Everyone has habits that annoy their partner. It could be leaving clothes on the floor, snoring, or chewing loudly. These seemingly minor annoyances can build up over time and lead to conflict. It’s about finding ways to accommodate each other’s quirks and habits without resentment.


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Who gets the final say on major decisions? Do you consult each other, or does one person always take the lead? Finding a balance of power and respecting each other’s opinions is crucial for a healthy partnership.

Past experiences

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Past traumas, heartbreaks, or negative experiences can affect how you relate to your current partner. If one of you is carrying baggage from previous relationships, it can trigger insecurities, jealousy, or trust issues. It’s important to be open and understanding about each other’s pasts.


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A little bit of jealousy can be healthy in a relationship, but too much can be toxic. If one of you is constantly feeling insecure or threatened by the other’s interactions with people, it can create a breeding ground for arguments and resentment.

Technology and social media

David Pereiras

How much time do you spend on your phones? Do you feel like your partner is constantly distracted by social media or glued to their screens? Technology can be a major source of conflict in modern relationships. It’s about finding a balance that allows you to stay connected to each other without neglecting your relationship.