Anna Bizon

Highly intelligent people often possess a knack for picking up on subtle cues in people’s behaviour, speech, and even body language. This isn’t some kind of superpower, but rather a combination of keen observation, emotional intelligence, and an ability to connect dots that most people never even notice.

1. Their choice of words and how they phrase things

Anna Bizon

Words can be incredibly revealing. Intelligent people often pay close attention to not only what someone says, but how they say it. Do they use precise language, or do they speak in vague generalities? Are they prone to hyperbole, or do they keep their statements grounded in reality? Someone’s vocabulary and phrasing can offer insights into their level of education, their thought processes, and even their emotional state.

2. The emotions lurking beneath the surface

Envato Elements

A forced smile or a nervous laugh can speak volumes. Highly intelligent people are often adept at reading between the lines of verbal and non-verbal communication. They might notice the subtle shift in someone’s tone of voice that reveals underlying frustration, or the fleeting expression of sadness that flashes across their face before being masked by a cheerful facade. This ability to perceive hidden emotions can be invaluable in building deeper connections and navigating social situations.

3. The gaps between words and actions

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Everyone has encountered people who say one thing and do another. Intelligent individuals tend to be particularly attuned to these inconsistencies. They might notice the colleague who preaches teamwork but consistently takes sole credit for group projects, or the friend who claims to be open-minded but dismisses differing opinions without consideration. Recognising these discrepancies can help intelligent people make more informed judgments about people’s trustworthiness and reliability.

4. The way they treat those they perceive as “beneath” them

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How someone interacts with waiters, store clerks, or other service workers can be incredibly telling. Intelligent people often observe how people treat those they perceive as having lower social status. Do they show respect and kindness, or do they act entitled and condescending? This seemingly small detail can reveal a great deal about someone’s character, values, and empathy.

5. Their intellectual curiosity and thirst for knowledge

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Intelligent people are often drawn to those who share their passion for learning and expanding their horizons. They might notice the spark in someone’s eyes when they discuss a topic they’re passionate about, or the eagerness with which they engage in intellectual debates. Conversely, they might find it difficult to connect with those who seem content with the status quo and show little interest in intellectual pursuits.

6. Their level of self-awareness and introspection

Envato Elements

The ability to reflect on one’s own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours is a hallmark of intelligence. Intelligent people often notice this quality in other people. They might be drawn to those who are open about their struggles and willing to examine their own flaws, while finding it challenging to connect with those who seem oblivious to their own shortcomings or lack the capacity for self-reflection.

7. Their capacity for empathy and compassion

serious guy in glasses looking upSource: Unsplash

Empathy, the ability to understand and share other people’s feelings, is often considered a key component of emotional intelligence. Highly intelligent people tend to notice this quality in others. They might be drawn to those who show genuine concern for other people’s well-being, while finding it difficult to connect with those who seem cold, callous, or indifferent to people’s suffering.

8. Their willingness to admit when they’re wrong

blonde woman looking to the rightSource: Unsplash

No one is infallible, but some people have a harder time admitting their mistakes than others. Intelligent people often notice this trait in other people. They might respect those who are humble enough to acknowledge when they’re wrong and willing to learn from their errors, while finding it frustrating to deal with those who are stubbornly defensive or quick to deflect blame onto everyone else.

9. Their sense of humour and what makes them laugh

Envato Elements

Humour is a complex and often revealing aspect of personality. Intelligent people often pay attention to the kind of jokes someone enjoys. Do they appreciate witty wordplay, clever puns, or satirical observations? Or do they gravitate towards slapstick comedy, crude jokes, or humour that relies on stereotypes? Someone’s sense of humour can offer insights into their intelligence, creativity, and even their values.

10. Their ability to handle criticism and feedback

Yuri Arcurs

No one enjoys being criticised, but some people react to feedback with defensiveness, anger, or denial. Intelligent people often observe how others handle criticism. Do they listen thoughtfully, consider different perspectives, and use feedback as an opportunity for growth? Or do they lash out, dismiss feedback out of hand, or refuse to acknowledge any room for improvement? How someone handles criticism can reveal a great deal about their maturity, open-mindedness, and willingness to learn.

11. Their ability to adapt to new situations and challenges

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Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and the ability to adapt to change is crucial. Intelligent people often notice how other people respond to new situations and challenges. Do they embrace change with curiosity and a willingness to learn, or do they resist it with fear and rigidity? Someone’s adaptability can be a good indicator of their resilience, problem-solving skills, and overall ability to thrive in an ever-changing world.

12. Their ability to think critically and see multiple perspectives

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In a world inundated with information, the ability to think critically and evaluate information from different angles is more important than ever. Intelligent people often notice this trait in others. Do they question assumptions, seek diverse viewpoints, and engage in thoughtful analysis? Or do they accept information at face value, blindly follow the crowd, or cling to simplistic black-and-white thinking? The ability to think critically is a hallmark of intelligence and a valuable asset in navigating complex issues.

13. Their level of emotional maturity and self-regulation

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Emotional maturity involves managing emotions effectively, communicating constructively, and maintaining healthy relationships. Intelligent people often observe how other people handle their emotions and interact with those around them. Do they exhibit self-control, express emotions appropriately, and resolve conflicts peacefully? Or do they fly off the handle easily, engage in passive-aggressive behaviour, or struggle to maintain healthy boundaries? Emotional maturity is a key indicator of personal growth and interpersonal effectiveness.

14. Their passion and drive, or lack thereof

frustrated guy in sunglasses outsideSource: Unsplash

Passion is contagious, and intelligent people often notice the fire in people’s eyes when they talk about their dreams and goals. They might be drawn to those who radiate enthusiasm, pursue their interests with relentless determination, and inspire everyone around them with their unwavering commitment. Conversely, they might find it difficult to connect with those who seem apathetic, unmotivated, or lacking in direction. Passion is a powerful force that can propel people to achieve great things, and it’s something that intelligent people often notice and admire in other people.