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We all go through rough patches in life, and it’s normal for our mood to dip and our motivation to wane from time to time.

But for some men, that dip can turn into an eternal state of being kind of miserable. As a result, their whole lives change in ways they don’t even realise. For instance, men who are chronically unhappy tend to stop doing these things over time, and that won’t be helping their moods!

1. They stop pursuing their passions.

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Maybe it was playing guitar, tinkering with cars, or writing code. Whatever it was that lit their fire, they’ve let it burn out. When life gets tough, it’s easy to put hobbies and passions on the back burner, but these passions are so important! They provide a sense of purpose, joy, and accomplishment. If you’ve lost interest in the things you used to love, it could be a sign that you’re not as happy as you once were.

2. They stop taking care of their physical health.

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Exercise, healthy eating, and good sleep habits tend to go out the window when you’re feeling down. Unhappy men often reach for comfort food, skip workouts, and stay up late scrolling through social media. While these things might provide temporary relief, they ultimately contribute to their unhappiness. Taking care of your body is crucial for both physical and mental health.

3. They stop connecting with people.

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Unhappy men stop being the one to make the first move socially. They retreat into their own world, waiting for invitations that may never come. This passive approach to friendship leads to increased isolation and a shrinking social circle, which only makes them even more unhappy.

4. They stop setting goals and making plans.

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When you’re feeling unhappy, the future might seem bleak and uncertain. Unhappy men tend to stop making plans, setting goals, or even thinking about what they want out of life, but having something to look forward to is important for their mental health. It gives them a sense of purpose and direction. Even small goals, like trying a new recipe or going for a hike, can make a big difference.

5. They stop trying new things.

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When they’re stuck in a rut, unhappy men tend to resist trying new things. They stick to their routines, avoid taking risks, and stay within their comfort zones. However, novelty and challenge are essential for personal growth and happiness. Trying new things, whether it’s a new hobby, a new food, or a new travel destination, can bring back their passion for life if they’re willing to try it.

6. They stop expressing gratitude.

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When they’re feeling down, unhappy men tend to focus on the negative aspects of their lives and forget about all the good things they have. However, as silly as it sounds, practising gratitude can have a profound impact on our happiness. Taking time each day to appreciate the things they’re thankful for, whether it’s our health, our loved ones, or even just a sunny day, can shift their perspective and make them feel much better.

7. They stop learning and growing.

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Learning new things and challenging ourselves mentally are important for our well-being. It keeps our minds sharp, expands our horizons, and boosts our confidence. When we stop learning, we stagnate and become bored with life. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a course, or learning a new skill, continuous learning is crucial for a fulfilling life. Unhappy men have often stop trying to learn new things, which is a shame.

8. They stop laughing and having fun.

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Laughter is the best medicine, they say, and it’s true! When men are feeling down, they lose their sense of humour and forget how to have fun. That’s not a good thing, because laughter is so important for mental health. It reduces stress, boosts our mood, and strengthens our relationships. Making time for fun activities, whether it’s watching a funny film, playing games with friends, or simply goofing around, can help us reconnect with our joy.

9. They stop caring about their appearance.

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When men are feeling unhappy, they might let their grooming habits slide. They might skip shaving, wear the same clothes for days, and neglect their personal hygiene. While it’s okay to have lazy days, consistently neglecting their appearance can destroy their self-esteem and make them feel even worse. Taking the time to shower, shave, and put on clean clothes can boost their confidence and improve their mood, but it’s hard to get them to realise that.

10. They stop dreaming and imagining.

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When life feels heavy, it’s easy to lose sight of our dreams and aspirations. Unhappy might stop daydreaming, setting goals, or even imagining a better future. But dreams are important; they fuel our motivation and give us something to strive for. Take some time to reconnect with their passions and envision the life they want to create.

11. They stop asking for help.

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When they’re struggling, men often feel ashamed, embarrassed, or afraid to ask for help. They might think they need to handle everything on their own or that we’re burdening people by reaching out. But everyone needs help sometimes, and there’s no shame in asking for it. Talking to a friend, family member, therapist, or other trusted person can provide them with much-needed support and perspective.

12. They stop practising self-compassion.

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When they’re unhappy, men tend to be overly critical of themselves. They might dwell on their mistakes, beat themselves up for their shortcomings, and focus on their negative qualities. What they don’t understand is that self-compassion is crucial for their well-being. It means treating themselves with kindness and understanding, just as they would treat a friend. Instead of judging themselves harshly, they should try to speak to themselves with love and encouragement.

13. They stop taking breaks and relaxing.

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When they’re stressed and unhappy, men might push themselves to work harder, longer, and faster. They often feel like they need to be productive all the time or that they don’t deserve to rest. However, taking breaks and relaxing is really important for their mental and physical health. It allows them to recharge, de-stress, and come back to their tasks with renewed energy and focus.

14. They stop celebrating their wins.

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Unhappy men often men downplay their achievements or focus on their failures. They might feel like they’re not good enough or that their accomplishments don’t matter. But celebrating their wins, no matter how small they may seem, is important for their self-esteem and motivation. These men need to take the time to acknowledge their successes and give themselves credit for their hard work.

15. They stop believing in themselves.

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When life throws us curveballs, it’s easy to lose faith in ourselves and our abilities. Unhappy men often doubt their decisions, question their worth, and feel like they’re incapable of achieving their goals. However, believing in yourself is the foundation for success and happiness. It gives you the courage to take risks, the resilience to overcome challenges, and the determination to keep moving forward. It’s important for them to remember their strengths, their accomplishments, and the potential that lies within themselves.