First impressions can be powerful, but it’s not always possible to get a full read on a person straight away.
Someone might be super friendly, open, and fun when you first meet, only to reveal themselves as totally toxic once you get to know them better. And while you can’t immediately write someone off because you’re feeling a bit cynical, there are certain personality types that, while pretty great in the beginning, inevitably turn into complete nightmares down the line.
1. The overly charming type
At first, their charm feels flattering and magnetic. They’re witty, confident, and seem to light up every room. But overly charming people can sometimes use their charisma to manipulate or distract you from their true intentions. If their charm feels performative or too good to be true, trust your instincts and keep an eye out for inconsistencies in their actions.
2. The boundary pusher
They seem easygoing and fun at first, but quickly start testing your boundaries. Maybe they pressure you into doing things you’re not comfortable with or dismiss your “no” as a joke. Over time, this kind of behaviour can escalate, leaving you feeling disrespected and uneasy. Healthy relationships, of any kind, respect boundaries without question.
3. The perpetual victim
Initially, their vulnerability might draw you in—they’ve been wronged by an ex, a friend, or a coworker. While everyone has tough experiences, perpetual victims tend to blame everyone else for their problems without taking accountability. If they never own up to their part in conflicts, it’s a sign they might not handle future challenges with you maturely.
4. The one-upper
At first, their stories seem impressive, but over time, you notice they always need to outdo everyone else. If you achieved something, they did it better. If you’re struggling, they’ve had it worse. Their constant need to one-up anyone and everyone can make relationships feel competitive rather than supportive. Mutual respect and listening are key to healthy connections.
5. The gossip enthusiast
They’re quick to spill tea about mutual friends, coworkers, or even strangers, which can feel entertaining initially. However, if they’re comfortable sharing everyone else’s business, there’s a good chance they’ll talk about you behind your back too. Be cautious about what you share with someone who thrives on gossip.
6. The inconsistent communicator
One day, they’re all in—texting, calling, and planning things with enthusiasm. The next, they’re distant, unresponsive, or vague. Their hot-and-cold behaviour can leave you feeling confused and unimportant. Consistency is a key indicator of reliability in any relationship, so if their communication is all over the place, take note.
7. The overly critical type
At first, they might frame their criticism as “helpful advice” or “just being honest,” but over time, you realise their comments leave you feeling small or insecure. People who regularly put everyone else down—whether subtly or overtly—often project their insecurities and can make you doubt yourself. Constructive feedback is fine, but constant negativity is not.
8. The love-bomber
In romantic relationships, this person might shower you with affection, gifts, and grand promises early on. It feels amazing at first, but love-bombing often comes with strings attached. Once the initial high fades, they may become controlling or demanding, leaving you wondering where the sweet person you met disappeared to.
9. The flake
They make plans enthusiastically, but when the time comes, they’re always cancelling or coming up with excuses. While occasional changes are normal, habitual flakiness shows a lack of respect for your time and priorities. If their actions don’t align with their words, you might want to reconsider their reliability.
10. The person who thrives on chaos
They seem exciting and full of energy, but drama seems to follow them everywhere. Whether it’s constant conflicts, exaggerated stories, or risky behaviours, their chaotic lifestyle can eventually drag you into unnecessary stress. If their life feels like a soap opera, think twice before getting too involved.
11. The overly agreeable one
They never seem to have an opinion of their own, always going along with whatever you or other people suggest. While this might seem nice at first, it can point to a lack of authenticity or even suppressed resentment. Genuine connections require honesty, not constant people-pleasing.
12. The boundaryless oversharer
From the first interaction, they tell you their life story, complete with every traumatic detail. While vulnerability is essential for relationships, oversharing too quickly can be a sign of emotional instability or a lack of self-awareness. Healthy relationships grow gradually, with trust and intimacy building over time.
13. The overly possessive friend or partner
Initially, their constant attention and eagerness to spend time with you might feel flattering. However, possessiveness can quickly turn controlling, making you feel smothered or unable to maintain other relationships. A healthy bond allows space and independence, so if someone is overly possessive, it’s a red flag worth noticing.