
If you’re not using social media to advance your career, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. And I’m not just talking about the obvious stuff like LinkedIn or posting your resume online. There are some seriously creative and unconventional ways to use social media to get ahead in your career. But here’s the thing: it takes some guts and some strategic thinking. So, if you’re ready to take your career to the next level, let’s dive into 10 unusual ways to use social media to your advantage.

Create a niche Twitter account

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Forget about your personal Twitter account with random tweets about your cat and what you had for lunch. Create a separate, niche Twitter account that’s all about your industry or area of expertise. Share interesting articles, engage in conversations with thought leaders, and show off your knowledge. By establishing yourself as an authority in your field, you’ll attract the attention of potential employers or clients who are looking for someone with your skills and insights.

Slide into DMs

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No, I’m not talking about sliding into someone’s DMs with a cheesy pickup line. I’m talking about using direct messaging to get in touch with people in your industry who you admire or want to learn from. Don’t just ask for a job or a favor right off the bat – start by building a relationship. Ask thoughtful questions, share your own insights, and show that you’re genuinely interested in what they do. Over time, those connections can turn into valuable opportunities.

Create a YouTube series

Source: Unsplash

If you’ve got a particular skill or area of expertise, why not create a YouTube series to share your knowledge with the world? It doesn’t have to be fancy or high-production – just grab your phone and start recording. Share tips, tutorials, or insights that showcase your unique perspective and abilities. By building a following and establishing yourself as an expert, you’ll open up new opportunities for speaking gigs, consulting work, or even job offers.

Host a Twitter chat

Source: Unsplash

Twitter chats are a great way to connect with people in your industry and show off your expertise. Pick a topic that’s relevant to your field and invite people to join in the conversation at a specific time each week. Ask thought-provoking questions, share your own insights, and engage with participants. By hosting a regular chat, you’ll build your own community of engaged followers who see you as a leader and a go-to resource.

Create a LinkedIn newsletter

Source: Unsplash

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for building your professional brand, but it’s not just about posting your resume and connecting with old coworkers. One unusual way to stand out on LinkedIn is to create your own newsletter. Share your thoughts on industry trends, offer advice for job seekers, or showcase your own work and accomplishments. By consistently providing value to your audience, you’ll build a loyal following and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.

Use Instagram to showcase your work

Source: Unsplash

If you’re in a creative field like design, photography, or writing, Instagram can be a powerful tool for showcasing your work and attracting potential clients or employers. But don’t just post random photos of your latte art – be strategic about what you share. Create a cohesive visual brand, use relevant hashtags to reach your target audience, and share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your creative process. By building a strong visual presence on Instagram, you’ll stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of people who appreciate your unique style and perspective.

Participate in LinkedIn groups

man using laptopSource: Unsplash

LinkedIn groups are a goldmine for networking and career advancement, but most people don’t use them to their full potential. Instead of just lurking in the background, actively participate in discussions and offer your own insights and advice. Share relevant articles, ask thought-provoking questions, and engage with other members. By consistently providing value and building relationships within your niche, you’ll establish yourself as a go-to resource and open up new opportunities for collaboration or career growth.

Create a Facebook group

Source: Unsplash

Facebook groups are a powerful way to build a community around your area of expertise or industry. Create a group that provides value to your target audience, whether it’s sharing job opportunities, offering advice and support, or facilitating discussions on relevant topics. As the group owner, you’ll have the opportunity to establish yourself as a leader and build relationships with people who share your interests and goals. Plus, you never know who might be in the group – your next boss or client could be just a click away.

Use TikTok to show your personality

Source: Unsplash

TikTok isn’t just for teenagers doing viral dances – it can also be a powerful tool for showcasing your personality and building your personal brand. Create short, engaging videos that highlight your unique skills, interests, or sense of humor. Share career advice, give a behind-the-scenes look at your work, or just have fun and show off your personality. By building a following on TikTok, you’ll stand out from the sea of boring resumes and cover letters and show potential employers or clients that you’re a real person with a unique perspective.

Collaborate with others on social media

woman mobileSource: Unsplash

One of the most powerful ways to use social media to advance your career is to collaborate with others in your industry or niche. Reach out to people you admire and propose a collaboration, whether it’s co-hosting a webinar, creating a joint YouTube video, or even just sharing each other’s content. By working together, you’ll expand your reach, build new relationships, and show that you’re a team player who’s willing to work with others to achieve a common goal. Plus, you never know where those collaborations might lead – your next job or business partnership could be just a DM away.