Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

It’s certainly possible to have expectations that are a little too high or even unrealistic in relationships.

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However, that’s not to say that you shouldn’t have any expectations — many of them are normal and healthy. Wanting a partner who does these things isn’t out of line or inappropriate. In fact, they’re part of a healthy relationship!

1. They respect your boundaries and personal space.

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A great partner gets that you need your own time and space. They don’t try to control your every move or get upset when you want to do your own thing. They respect your boundaries and understand that having separate lives actually makes your relationship stronger.

2. They communicate openly and honestly.

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Good communication is key in any relationship. A solid partner isn’t afraid to speak their mind, but they do it in a kind way. They’re honest about their feelings and thoughts, and they listen when you share yours. No mind games or silent treatment here — just open, honest chats.

3. They support your goals and dreams.

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A keeper is someone who cheers you on. They’re excited about your goals and dreams, even if they’re different from theirs. They don’t try to hold you back or make you feel bad for wanting to achieve things. Instead, they’re your biggest fan and help you work towards what you want in life.

4. They show emotional maturity.

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An emotionally mature partner can handle tough situations without blowing up or shutting down. They take responsibility for their actions and feelings. When you’re having a disagreement, they can talk it out calmly instead of turning it into a big drama. It’s all about being able to deal with life’s ups and downs together.

5. They’re reliable and keep their promises.

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It’s not asking too much to want a partner who does what they say they’ll do. Reliability is super important. If they make plans with you, they stick to them. If they promise to help with something, they follow through. You can count on them to be there when they say they will be.

6. They show genuine interest in your life.

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A good partner cares about what’s going on with you. They ask about your day, remember the little things you tell them, and actually listen when you’re talking. They’re interested in your hobbies, your work, and the people in your life. It’s not just about them — they want to know your world too.

7. They’re willing to compromise and find solutions together.

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In any relationship, you’re not always going to agree on everything. A great partner is willing to meet you halfway. They don’t always insist on getting their way. Instead, they work with you to find solutions that make you both happy. It’s about teamwork, not winning or losing.

8. They show affection in ways that matter to you.

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Everyone shows and receives love differently. A good partner tries to understand how you like to be shown affection. Maybe it’s through physical touch, kind words, or thoughtful actions. They make an effort to show you love in ways that really speak to you.

9. They take responsibility for their actions and apologise when needed.

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Nobody’s perfect, and a good partner knows that. When they mess up, they own it. They don’t make excuses or try to blame other people. Instead, they apologise sincerely and try to make things right. It’s about being mature enough to admit when they’re wrong.

10. They respect your friends and family.

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Your partner doesn’t have to be best buddies with all your friends and family, but they should respect them. They understand these people are important to you and make an effort to get along with them. They don’t try to isolate you from your loved ones or speak badly about them.

11. They have their own interests and hobbies.

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It’s healthy for your partner to have their own thing going on. They should have hobbies and interests outside of your relationship. This keeps things interesting and gives you both some space. Plus, it’s great to have a partner who’s passionate about something and can teach you new things.

12. They’re financially responsible.

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Money talks are never fun, but they’re important. A good partner is responsible with their cash. They don’t expect you to bankroll their life or hide big debts from you. They’re open about money matters and work with you to reach financial goals together.

13. They make you feel safe and secure.

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Feeling safe with your partner is a must. This isn’t just about physical safety, but emotional safety too. You should feel comfortable being yourself around them, sharing your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or ridicule. They make you feel secure in the relationship, not constantly worrying or second-guessing where you stand.

14. They’re willing to grow and work on themselves.

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Nobody’s perfect, and a great partner knows they’ve always got room to grow. They’re open to feedback and willing to work on themselves. This might mean going to therapy, reading self-help books, or just being open to conversations about how they can be a better partner. They’re not stuck in their ways, but always trying to be the best version of themselves.

15. They share your core values.

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While you don’t need to agree on everything, sharing core values is important. This could be about big life decisions like having kids, religious beliefs, or political views. A good partner is on the same page as you when it comes to the things that really matter in life. It makes navigating big decisions much easier.

16. They make you laugh and bring joy to your life.

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Last but definitely not least, a great partner should make you happy! They should be able to make you laugh, even on tough days. You enjoy spending time with them and look forward to seeing them. They bring more joy and laughter into your life than stress or sadness. After all, isn’t that what relationships are all about?

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