
Ever find yourself trapped in a conversation where the other person only talks about themselves? Does every topic magically shift back to their amazing life? You might be dealing with a chronic bragger. Learn the telltale signs that someone’s ego is in overdrive so you can avoid them at all costs.

1. The Spotlight’s Always on Them.

man guySource: Unsplash

You know the type – no matter the conversation, it somehow always swings back to their latest feat or fancy purchase. It’s like they’ve got a magnetic pull that drags every topic back to Planet Me. Even when the conversation starts with someone else’s news or achievements, it’s only a matter of time before it’s all about them again, with their stories taking center stage and everyone else’s relegated to the background.

2. Their Stories Sound Like Blockbusters.

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Every tale they tell is epic, filled with drama, excitement, or wild success. If their stories leave you wondering when the movie’s coming out, they might be laying it on a bit thick. It’s not just the content but the delivery too – dramatic pauses, exaggerated expressions, and all the trimmings of a Hollywood script. The stories are so over the top, you start to wonder if you’re a character in their personal drama series.

3. Compliment Fishing Is Their Favorite Sport.

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They drop hints or stories that are just begging for a “Wow, you’re amazing!” If it feels like you’re constantly being baited to applaud them, you’re probably dealing with a master compliment fisher. They might downplay a huge achievement or share a “struggle” that’s clearly a thinly veiled opportunity for you to shower them with praise. It’s like a game where the only winning move is to boost their ego.

4. Humble Bragging Is Their Art Form.

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They’ve perfected the art of bragging under the guise of humility. “Ugh, it’s so hard to find good parking for my luxury car” – sound familiar? That’s the humble brag in action. It’s a clever tactic, combining a complaint with a not-so-subtle nod to their success or luxury, leaving you in the awkward position of sympathizing with their “plight” while also acknowledging their brag.

5. Their Achievements Are Always Just a Bit Bigger.

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No matter what you’ve done, they’ve done something just a tad more impressive. Climbed a hill? They’ve scaled a mountain. It’s like a never-ending game of one-upmanship. This relentless need to outdo everyone else’s stories can turn friendly sharing into a competitive sport, where the only goal is to emerge as the most accomplished person in the room.

6. Social Media Is Their Bragging Playground.

serious guy sitting at computerSource: Unsplash

Their social media feeds are like a highlight reel of their greatness. Every post screams “Look at my fabulous life!” leaving little room for anything or anyone else. From exotic vacations to gourmet meals, their online persona is carefully curated to project an image of success and opulence, often leaving followers feeling like they’re spectators to a never-ending parade of achievements.

7. They’re Quick to Put People Down.

unhappy sad coupleSource: Unsplash

In their quest to shine brighter, they might throw a bit of shade on other people’s achievements. It’s like they can only feel tall when everyone else is cut down to size. This subtle (or sometimes not-so-subtle) belittling can manifest as backhanded compliments or outright dismissals, making it clear that no one else’s success can hold a candle to theirs.

8. Listening Isn’t Their Strong Suit.

woman standing aloneSource: Unsplash

When other people speak, they seem more preoccupied with what awesome thing they’ll say next rather than truly listening. Conversations feel more like monologues with a live audience (that’s you). Their eyes glaze over when it’s not their turn to speak, and you can almost see the gears turning as they plan their next conversational coup to steer the spotlight back to them.

9. Name-Dropping Is Their Hobby.

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They have a habit of casually mentioning every semi-famous person they’ve brushed shoulders with, turning casual chats into a who’s-who of name-dropping. It’s as if their value is amplified by the perceived importance of the people they know, using these associations to bolster their own sense of importance in other people’s eyes.

10. They Rarely Celebrate Anyone Else.

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When it’s time to cheer for someone else’s win, they’re either conspicuously quiet or find a way to steer the conversation back to their own triumphs. It’s as though acknowledging someone else’s success might somehow diminish their own, leading them to either change the subject quickly or one-up the achievement with a story of their own.