Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

When a relationship comes to an end, a lot of people are filled with shame that they just couldn’t make things work.

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However, unless you cheated or majorly betrayed your partner, a breakup isn’t a personal reflection on you — it’s just something that happens in life when things aren’t meant to be. For that reason, the “loud breakup” is becoming more and more popular. Here’s why it is and why it’s gaining traction.

1. It’s not about screaming matches in public.

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When you hear ‘loud breakup’, you might think of couples having a shouting match in the middle of the high street. But that’s not what this trend is about. It’s more about being open and vocal about the end of a relationship, rather than keeping it hush-hush. Think of it as the opposite of ghosting — there’s no mistaking that this ship has sailed.

2. Social media plays a big role.

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Thanks to Instagram and TikTok, everything’s out there for the world to see. A loud breakup often involves announcing the split on social media, sometimes with long posts explaining what went wrong. It’s like a public service announcement for your love life. Some might say it’s oversharing, but hey, different strokes for different folks.

3. It’s a way of taking control of the narrative.

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One of the reasons people opt for a loud breakup is to get their side of the story out there first. It’s about setting the record straight before rumours start flying. By being upfront about the split, they’re trying to avoid the whispers that can happen when a relationship ends.

4. It can be a form of closure.

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For some, making a big declaration about the end of a relationship feels like drawing a line under it. It’s a way of saying ‘this chapter is closed’ and moving on. Of course, whether it actually helps with moving on is up for debate, but that’s the idea behind it.

5. It’s not always mutual.

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Sometimes, a loud breakup is a one-sided affair. One person decides to go public with the split, which can leave the other person feeling a bit blindsided. It’s not exactly the most considerate way to end things, but it happens.

6. It can be a cry for support.

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Going through a breakup can be tough, and some people use the loud breakup as a way of rallying their support network. By putting it all out there, they’re inviting friends and family to reach out and offer comfort. They need help, but they’re hoping they won’t have to ask for it directly.

7. It’s not without its risks.

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While being open about a breakup might feel liberating, it can also backfire. Airing your dirty laundry in public can lead to judgment from other people, or even damage your reputation. Plus, you might regret oversharing once the dust settles. It’s worth thinking twice before hitting that ‘post’ button.

8. It’s part of a wider trend of openness.

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The loud breakup fits into a broader movement of being more open about personal struggles. From mental health to relationship troubles, people are increasingly willing to share their experiences online. It’s breaking down taboos, but it’s also changing the way we think about privacy.

9. It can be a power move.

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For some, a loud breakup is about reclaiming power in a situation where they felt powerless. By controlling how the news gets out, they’re trying to take charge of the situation. Whether that’s healthy or not is another question altogether.

10. It’s not for everyone.

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While some people swear by the loud breakup, others prefer to keep things private. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to ending a relationship. What works for one person might be a nightmare for another. The key is figuring out what feels right for you — without trampling on your ex’s feelings in the process.