Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Generally speaking, most relationship “rules” are a load of rubbish.

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However, there are some that have cropped up in recent years from more forward-thinking psychologists that may have some merit, even if they’re not universally applicable. The “777 Rule” is a simple guideline for nurturing your relationship. Basically, it says you should spend 7 minutes of undivided attention, 7 meaningful touches, and 7 words of appreciation with your partner each day. To be honest, it’s not a terrible idea!

1. It creates a daily ritual of connection.

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By following the 777 Rule, you’re establishing a daily habit of focusing on your partner. A bit of consistent effort can help keep your relationship strong, even when life gets hectic.

2. The 7 minutes of attention encourage active listening.

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Setting aside time for undivided attention means putting down your phone and really listening to your partner. As a result, it can help you understand each other better and feel more connected.

3. It reminds you to be physically affectionate.

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The 7 touches part of the rule keeps physical intimacy on your radar. These don’t have to be sexual — a hug, hand-hold, or back rub can all help maintain your physical bond and keep you feeling close and connected.

4. Expressing appreciation becomes a daily habit.

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Saying 7 words of appreciation each day helps you focus on the positives in your relationship. It’s easy to take your partner for granted, but this practice keeps gratitude at the forefront.

5. It’s a manageable commitment for busy couples.

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The beauty of the 777 Rule is that it doesn’t require a huge time investment. Even on your busiest days, you can likely find time for these small gestures of love and attention. Who doesn’t have an extra 21 minutes to spare?

6. The rule can reignite the spark in long-term relationships.

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For couples who’ve been together a while, the 777 Rule can help bring back some of that early relationship energy. It encourages you to be more intentional about showing affection and appreciation.

7. It promotes mindfulness in your relationship.

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Following this rule requires you to be present and mindful in your interactions with your partner. This can help you both feel more seen and valued in the relationship.

8. The rule can help break negative communication patterns.

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If you’ve fallen into habits of criticism or neglect, the 777 Rule provides a framework for more positive interactions. It shifts your focus to connection and appreciation.

9. It can reduce feelings of being taken for granted.

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When both partners are making a daily effort to show attention and appreciation, it’s less likely that either will feel undervalued or taken for granted in the relationship.

10. The rule encourages non-verbal communication.

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The 7 touches part of the rule reminds us that not all communication needs to be verbal. Physical touch can convey love and support in powerful ways.

11. It can help maintain emotional intimacy.


Regular moments of focused attention and appreciation can help maintain emotional closeness, even when you can’t spend a lot of time together.

12. The rule is adaptable to different relationship stages.

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Whether you’re newly dating or have been married for decades, the 777 Rule can be adapted to suit your relationship. The important thing is the daily practice of connection.

13. It can serve as a relationship health check.

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If you’re struggling to meet the 777 Rule, it might be a sign that your relationship needs more attention. Use it as a barometer for your connection.

14. The rule can help during relationship rough patches.

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Even when you’re going through a difficult time, committing to these small daily gestures can help maintain your bond and remind you of your love for each other.

15. It promotes a positive focus in your relationship.

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By encouraging daily appreciation and affection, the 777 Rule helps you focus on the positives in your relationship rather than dwelling on negatives or taking each other for granted.