Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Intelligence is a trait everyone would like to think they have, but some people legitimately do possess it in spades.

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Their smarts no doubt make their lives a lot more colourful (and easier in many ways), but what is it like to live with someone with higher than average brainpower? Needless to say, it’s an interesting and rewarding experience.

1. Conversations are never boring.

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When you live with a highly intelligent person, everyday discussions can turn into deep, thought-provoking exchanges. From breakfast table chats about current events to late-night philosophical debates, there’s rarely a dull moment in conversation.

2. You’re constantly learning new things.

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Highly intelligent individuals often have a wealth of knowledge on various subjects. Living with them can feel like having a walking encyclopedia at home. You always end up picking up interesting facts or gaining new perspectives on topics you’d never considered before.

3. Problem-solving becomes a team sport.

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When faced with challenges, living with a highly intelligent person can be incredibly helpful. They often approach problems from unique angles, offering creative solutions you might not have thought of. Whether it’s fixing a household appliance or navigating a complex situation, their analytical skills can be a great asset.

4. You might feel intellectually challenged at times.

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While it’s often stimulating to be around a highly intelligent person, it can also be intimidating. You might sometimes feel out of your depth in conversations or worry about keeping up intellectually. It’s important to remember that intelligence comes in many forms, and everyone has their own strengths to bring to the table.

5. Patience is key when explaining “simple” things.

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Highly intelligent people sometimes struggle with tasks that seem simple to other people. They might overthink straightforward processes or have difficulty understanding why certain social norms exist. In these situations, patience and clear communication become crucial.

6. You become accustomed to random bursts of creativity.

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Living with a highly intelligent person often means being privy to their moments of inspiration. They might wake up in the middle of the night with a brilliant idea or suddenly start scribbling notes while watching TV. These creative bursts can be exciting to witness, even if they sometimes come at odd hours.

7. Decision-making can be a complex process.

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Highly intelligent individuals often consider multiple angles before making decisions. While this thoroughness can lead to better outcomes, it might also mean that even simple choices, like where to go for dinner, can turn into lengthy discussions about pros and cons.

8. You learn to appreciate different forms of intelligence.

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Living with someone highly intelligent often highlights that there are many types of intelligence. While they might excel in logical reasoning or abstract thinking, you might find that you have strengths in areas like emotional intelligence or practical skills. This realisation can lead to a greater appreciation of diverse abilities.

9. Humour can be on another level.

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Highly intelligent people often have a knack for witty, sometimes complex humour, so you’re always laughing at clever wordplay or intricate jokes that other people never pick up on. However, you might also need to explain their humour to people who don’t quite catch the nuances.

10. You become adept at redirecting hyperfocus.

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Many highly intelligent individuals have the ability to focus intensely on topics that interest them. While this can lead to incredible achievements, it can also mean they neglect other important tasks. You become skilled at gently redirecting their attention when necessary.

11. Emotional intelligence doesn’t always match cognitive intelligence.

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It’s important to remember that high intelligence doesn’t automatically equate to high emotional intelligence. You might find that your highly intelligent partner sometimes struggles with empathy or reading social cues. This can require patience and clear communication about emotional needs.

12. You learn to value silence.

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Highly intelligent people often need quiet time to process their thoughts. You notice that your home has periods of comfortable silence as they mull over ideas or work through complex problems in their mind. Learning to appreciate these quiet moments can be an important part of living together harmoniously.

13. Your bookshelf (or e-reader) is always full.

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Living with a highly intelligent person often means being surrounded by books or digital content. They typically have an insatiable appetite for knowledge, which can lead to an ever-growing collection of reading material on various subjects. You might find your own reading list expanding as a result.

14. You become a sounding board for ideas.

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Highly intelligent individuals often need to verbalise their thoughts to process them fully. You become their go-to listener as they work through complex ideas or theories. While this can be fascinating, it can also be overwhelming at times if you’re not equally invested in the topic.

15. You learn to appreciate the beauty of precision.

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

Many highly intelligent people have a love for accuracy and precision. You might notice them correcting minor errors or insisting on exact measurements. While this attention to detail can sometimes be frustrating, it can also lead to high-quality outcomes in various aspects of life.

16. Time management can be a challenge.

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Highly intelligent people can sometimes lose track of time when engrossed in their thoughts or projects. You might end up taking on the role of timekeeper, gently reminding them of appointments or daily tasks that they’ve overlooked in their intellectual pursuits.

17. You develop a thicker skin for debate.

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Living with a highly intelligent person often means engaging in frequent debates. They typically enjoy intellectual sparring and may argue points for the sake of exploration rather than disagreement. Over time, you might get more comfortable with this style of interaction and developing stronger argumentation skills.

18. You learn to navigate information overload.

Myron Standret

Highly intelligent individuals often consume and share large amounts of information. While this can be enriching, it can also be overwhelming. You might need to develop strategies to manage this information flow, such as setting boundaries on discussion topics or allocating specific times for in-depth conversations.

19. You gain a new perspective on the world.

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Living with someone highly intelligent often means being exposed to unique viewpoints and analyses of the world. You might find your own perspectives shifting as you’re challenged to think more deeply about various issues. This can lead to personal growth and a broader understanding of the world around you.

20. You learn that intelligence isn’t everything.

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Perhaps one of the most important lessons from living with a highly intelligent person is realising that intelligence, while valuable, isn’t the only important quality in life. You learn to appreciate other traits like kindness, humour, and practical skills, understanding that a well-rounded life and relationship require a balance of many different attributes.

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