Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Narcissists live in a pretty constant state of paranoia — and it’s really no wonder, given how mentally messed up they are.

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While their toxic and manipulative behaviour is incredibly harmful to their victims, the catalyst is often their rampant insecurity, which — you guessed it — manifests as paranoid. Here are some of the things that ramp up these feelings in narcissists (and often make their actions even worse).

1. They’re scared of losing their control over people.

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Narcissists thrive when they’re in control, and when they feel that slipping away, it sends them into a paranoid spiral. They start to suspect everyone around them, convinced that people are out to undermine their authority. Losing control is their worst nightmare, and it can make them act out even more.

2. They’re hypersensitive to criticism.

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Even the smallest critique feels like a major attack to a narcissist. They blow it way out of proportion and start thinking everyone is judging them. Their hypersensitivity to criticism fuels their paranoia, making them read into every little comment or action as if people are out to get them.

3. They assume everyone is just as manipulative as they are.

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Narcissists are masters of manipulation, and because they’re so used to deceiving other people, they project that behaviour onto everyone else. They start to believe that everyone is lying or plotting against them, which only feeds their paranoia. It’s a vicious cycle of mistrust and suspicion.

4. They’re afraid people will see the real them.

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Underneath their arrogant exterior, narcissists are full of insecurities. They’re terrified that people will see through their act and discover who they really are. This fear of being exposed for their weaknesses makes them paranoid, constantly worrying that someone will “out” them.

5. They can’t handle being out of sight, out of mind.

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Narcissists lack object constancy, meaning they struggle to maintain positive feelings about someone when they’re not around. This leads to paranoid thoughts about being abandoned or betrayed when they’re not the centre of attention. They can’t stand the idea that people might forget about them.

6. They crave constant admiration — and panic when it’s missing.

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Narcissists live off praise and attention, so when they feel like they’re not getting enough of it, they start to spiral. They get paranoid, thinking people are deliberately withholding admiration or plotting to take them down. That need for validation is like a bottomless pit.

7. They can’t reconcile their inflated self-image with reality.

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There’s a big gap between how narcissists see themselves and how the world sees them, and that creates a lot of cognitive dissonance. To deal with this discomfort, they convince themselves that people are out to discredit or sabotage them. It’s easier than facing their own flaws.

8. They’re constantly scared of being abandoned.

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Despite their bravado, many narcissists have a deep fear of abandonment. They’re always paranoid that partners will cheat, friends will turn on them, or colleagues will replace them. Their fear of being left behind is all-consuming and drives much of their manipulative behaviour.

9. They see everything in black and white.

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Narcissists tend to think in extremes—people are either all good or all bad, and situations are either perfect or a disaster. This kind of black-and-white thinking makes them jump to paranoid conclusions, seeing threats where there are none.

10. Their self-esteem is as fragile as glass.


A narcissist’s self-esteem may look strong from the outside, but it’s incredibly fragile. Any little perceived threat to their ego sends them into a paranoid frenzy, convinced that other people are trying to tear them down. They’re always on the lookout for anything that might shatter their inflated self-image.

11. They don’t get other people’s emotions.

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Narcissists have a hard time understanding how other people feel, and that lack of empathy leads them to misinterpret actions and motives. They assume people are acting out of malice when there’s no ill intent, which feeds their paranoia and mistrust.

12. They’re scared of losing their “narcissistic supply”.

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Narcissists rely on constant external validation, and the idea of losing that source of attention terrifies them. They become paranoid that people will stop feeding their ego, so they become hyper-vigilant about anyone who might threaten their supply of admiration.

13. Their past traumas haunt them.

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Many narcissists have a history of trauma or betrayal, and those past wounds only heighten their paranoia. They’re constantly suspicious of everyone around them, convinced that they’ll be hurt again. These past experiences fuel their distrust and make them even more guarded.

14. They see everyone as competition.

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To a narcissist, life is one big competition, and they’re always paranoid about being outdone. If they see someone as a rival, they become obsessed with the idea that this person is trying to overshadow them. This fear of being replaced drives a lot of their toxic behaviour.

15. They’re consumed by shame.

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Deep down, many narcissists are struggling with intense feelings of shame. This makes them paranoid that other people will see their flaws or judge them for their shortcomings. They’re constantly on guard, afraid that their hidden shame will be exposed to the world.