Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Think about the smartest person you know — are they happy?

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I’m not saying that intelligent people are all clinically depressed or anything, but with all that increased brain power comes a lot more misery, even if they don’t show it. Here’s why, as multiple studies over the years have proven, intelligence is so often tied to unhappiness.

1. They overthink everything.

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Smart people tend to turn things over in their heads a million times, and that constant mental chatter can make it tough to just chill out and enjoy the moment. It’s like they can’t find the off switch for their brain, and always being ‘on’ is exhausting.

2. They’re more aware of the world’s problems.


When you’re clever, you tend to see all the messed-up stuff going on in the world. It’s good to be up on what’s happening around them, but it can also make them feel pretty down about humanity’s future. It’s hard to stay optimistic when you’re hyper-aware of all the issues we’re facing.

3. They have high expectations for themselves and other people.

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Brainy people often set the bar sky-high for themselves and everyone around them, which can lead to a lot of disappointment when reality doesn’t match up to their lofty ideals. They often find it hard to accept that not everyone operates at their level.

4. They struggle to find people on their intellectual level.

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It can get pretty lonely when you’re the smartest person in the room all the time. Finding someone who can keep up with their mental gymnastics can be really tough. This can make deep connections hard to come by, leading to feelings of isolation.

5. They’re more prone to mental health issues.

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Turns out, having a big brain doesn’t protect you from the blues. In fact, it might make you more likely to struggle with stuff like depression and anxiety. The constant whir of thoughts can sometimes take a toll on their mental health.

6. They often feel out of sync with society.

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Smart people might feel like they’re from another planet sometimes. They’re often the ones questioning what’s popular or scratching their heads at the things considered “normal” in today’s society. It can make them feel like they’re always swimming against the current and not quite fitting in.

7. They struggle with existential dread.

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When you’re smart enough to think about the big questions in life, it can really do your head in. They might find themselves lying awake at night, wondering about the meaning of life. These deep thoughts can be both fascinating and terrifying.

8. They’re more likely to be night owls.

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For some reason, smart people and late nights often go hand in hand. This can be a real pain when they have to drag themselves out of bed for early morning commitments. Their body clock seems to run on a different schedule than the rest of the world.

9. They’re often perfectionists.

man seriousSource: Unsplash

Many brainy people have a hard time accepting ‘good enough’. They’re always pushing for perfection, which can be exhausting, and can lead to burnout and constant dissatisfaction with their work.

10. They can struggle with imposter syndrome.

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Weirdly, even super smart people often feel like frauds. They might be acing it in their field, but inside they’re waiting for someone to expose them as a fake. The constant self-doubt can be really draining and affect their confidence.

11. They might feel a sense of responsibility to use their intelligence.

sad blonde woman head in handsSource: Unsplash

Smart people often feel this pressure to change the world or make a big impact, and that can lead to a lot of stress and disappointment if they feel they’re not living up to their potential. The weight of their own expectations can be pretty heavy.

12. They can get bored pretty easily.

serious guy looking to the sideSource: Unsplash

Highly intelligent people often need constant mental stimulation. When they don’t get it, they can become restless and dissatisfied. Sadly, boredom can lead to frustration with everyday tasks and routines that don’t challenge them enough.

13. They might struggle in the dating world.

female pensiveSource: Unsplash

Finding a compatible partner is hard enough for regular people, but the super smart ones really struggle. They might have trouble connecting with people or feel misunderstood in romantic relationships. It’s not always easy to find someone who can keep up with their intellectual interests.

14. They often have a heightened sense of justice.

man standing aloneSource: Unsplash

Smart people might be more tuned in to unfairness in the world, which can lead to a lot of frustration when they see injustices that other people overlook or just accept. It’s hard for them to just shrug off things that seem wrong or unfair.

15. They can be their own worst critics.

guy on his own side viewSource: Unsplash

The ability to see multiple perspectives often turns inward, leading to harsh self-criticism. They might constantly second-guess their decisions and beat themselves up over their so-called ‘failures’ in life. They’ve got an overly critical voice in their head that never shuts up.

16. They might struggle with decision-making.

woman looking through blindsSource: Unsplash

Being able to see lots of possible outcomes can make choosing really tough, and that can lead to stress even with small decisions. They might spend ages weighing up options for things other people decide quickly because they don’t want to pick the wrong thing.

17. They often feel misunderstood.

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Intelligent people might find that other people don’t get their ideas or perspectives. This can lead to feeling frustrated or isolated in social situations. It’s not always easy to explain complex thoughts to people who might not be on the same wavelength.

18. They have trouble “turning off” their brains.

upset woman with closed eyesSource: Unsplash

Having brains that are constantly mulling over everything can make it hard to relax, and this inability to “switch off” can lead to trouble sleeping and general stress. Their minds keep buzzing even when they’re trying to chill out.

19. They’re often drawn to complex problems.

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While tackling tricky issues can be rewarding, it can also be draining. Constantly grappling with tough problems can lead to mental exhaustion. Sometimes, they might long for simpler challenges but find it hard to resist the complex ones.

20. They tend to struggle with the mundane aspects of life.

unhappy womanSource: Unsplash

Highly intelligent people might find everyday tasks mind-numbingly boring, and this can lead to a sense of frustration with the necessary but unexciting parts of daily life. We’ve all gotta do it, but they’re not happy about it, that’s for sure!

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