Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

One of the biggest introvert stereotypes is that we’re antisocial homebodies who hate leaving the house.

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That’s not entirely true — most of us have close (albeit small) social circles with friends we absolutely adore and love spending time with. However, most of us do love staying in more than we love going out. Who wouldn’t, really?

1. Home is a sanctuary from overstimulation.

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For introverts, the outside world can be a bit much sometimes. Home provides a calm, controlled environment where we can escape the noise, crowds, and general hustle and bustle. It’s like a cosy bubble away from the chaos of the world.

2. We can recharge our social batteries.

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Socialising can be draining for introverts, even if we enjoy it. Home is where we can replenish our energy. It’s not about being antisocial; it’s about finding balance. A night in can make the next social outing much more enjoyable.

3. There’s no need for small talk.

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Small talk can be painfully awkward for many introverts. At home, there’s no pressure to chat about the weather or come up with witty responses. We can enjoy comfortable silence or deep conversations with close family or flatmates.

4. We have full control over our environment.

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Introverts often prefer having control over their surroundings. At home, we can adjust the lighting, temperature, and noise levels to our liking. Want to sit in complete silence? No problem. Fancy some background music? Easy peasy.

5. It’s easier to focus on hobbies and interests.

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Home provides the perfect setting for introverts to dive deep into our passions. Whether it’s reading, painting, gaming, or any other solo activity, we can fully immerse ourselves without interruptions or self-consciousness.

6. We can be our authentic selves.

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Many introverts feel we have to put on a bit of an act in social situations. At home, we can truly be ourselves. If we want to dance like no one’s watching, we’re free to go for it. Talking to ourselves? There’s no one around to judge!

7. It’s a judgement-free zone.

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Home is a safe space where introverts don’t have to worry about being seen as ‘too quiet’ or ‘antisocial’. We can simply exist without the pressure of meeting social expectations. It’s liberating to just be, without explanation or apology.

8. We can control social interactions.

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At home, introverts have the power to decide when and how we interact with others. We can choose to invite friends over, have a video chat, or simply enjoy our own company. Having control over social engagement is incredibly comforting.

9. It’s easier to process thoughts and emotions.

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Introverts often need quiet time to reflect on our experiences and feelings. Home provides the perfect environment for this internal processing. It’s like a personal think tank where we can make sense of the world.

10. We can avoid unexpected social situations.

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While spontaneous meet-ups can be fun, they can also be stressful for introverts. Being at home means not having to worry about bumping into acquaintances or being roped into last-minute plans. It’s a relief to know exactly what to expect.

11. Home is full of familiar comforts.

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From a favourite mug to a well-worn sofa, home is filled with objects that bring comfort. These familiar items can be soothing for introverts, especially after dealing with new or challenging situations outside.

12. We can enjoy entertainment on our own terms.

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At home, introverts can pause a film when we need a break, re-read our favourite book for the hundredth time, or binge-watch a series without feeling rushed. It’s entertainment tailored to their exact preferences and schedule.

13. It’s easier to maintain routines.

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Many introverts find comfort in routines, and home is the perfect place to establish and maintain them. Whether it’s a morning meditation or an evening cup of tea, these rituals can provide structure and calm for us that we really relish.

14. We can avoid sensory overload.

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The outside world can be a sensory minefield for some introverts. At home, we can control the level of sensory input and create an environment that’s just right for our needs. There are no overwhelming smells, sounds, or sights unless we choose them.

15. Home is where our pets are.

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For many introverts, pets provide the perfect company, especially because they offer companionship without the demands of human interaction. Cuddling with a cat or walking the dog can be wonderfully fulfilling without being socially draining.

16. We can take breaks when needed.

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In social situations, it can be tricky to step away for a breather. At home, introverts can take breaks whenever we need to. When we’re feeling overwhelmed, a few minutes of quiet time in the bedroom can work wonders. (No, not like that!)

17. It’s a great place for creativity to flourish.

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Many introverts have busy and creative minds, and home provides the space to express it. Whether through art, writing, music, or any other creative pursuit, home is often where we feel most inspired and free to create.

18. We can practise self-care without judgement.

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Self-care looks different for everyone, and at home, introverts can indulge in whatever makes us feel good. Whether it’s a long bath, a face mask, or simply lounging in pyjamas all day, home is the perfect place for judgement-free self-care. Now you see why we never want to leave the house!