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We’ve all encountered people who seem oblivious to the impact of their words.

Whether it’s a casual comment that cuts deep or a blatant disregard for someone’s feelings, these verbal jabs can leave lasting wounds. Let’s unpack some of the most cringe-worthy phrases that only an inconsiderate person would utter. If you’ve ever heard these lines, you’re not alone. And if you’ve ever said them? Well, maybe it’s time for a little self-reflection.

1. “You’re too sensitive.”

unhappy couple fightSource: Unsplash

This classic line is a favourite of those who refuse to take responsibility for their hurtful words or actions. Instead of acknowledging the impact of their behaviour, they shift the blame onto the person who’s been hurt, dismissing their valid feelings and making them feel like they’re overreacting. Newsflash: sensitivity is not a weakness.

2. “Calm down, it’s not that big of a deal.”

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Minimising someone’s emotions is a sure-fire way to make them feel invalidated and unheard. What might seem trivial to you could be a major source of stress or anxiety for someone else. Telling them to “calm down” only adds fuel to the fire and shows a complete lack of empathy.

3. “You always/never…”

Source: Unsplash

Generalisations like these are not only inaccurate but also incredibly hurtful. They paint a distorted picture of someone’s character and can make them feel trapped in a negative narrative. Instead of using sweeping statements, try focusing on specific behaviours and expressing your concerns in a constructive way.

4. “I was just joking!”

Source: Unsplash

Using humour as a shield for offensive remarks is a cowardly move. If your “jokes” consistently hurt people’s feelings, it’s time to re-evaluate your sense of humour. Remember, the goal of a joke is to make people laugh, not to wound them with disguised insults.

5. “Well, I’m not surprised, that’s just how you are.”

two women talking at workSource: Unsplash

This dismissive comment implies that someone is incapable of change or growth. It shuts down any possibility of self-improvement and reinforces negative stereotypes. Instead of labelling someone, try encouraging them to explore their potential and break free from limiting beliefs.

6. “You’re so lucky you don’t have to worry about…”

Source: Unsplash

Comparing struggles is a pointless exercise that only leads to resentment and misunderstanding. Everyone faces their own unique challenges, and dismissing someone else’s problems because they don’t align with your own is insensitive and dismissive.

7. “You should just be happy with what you have.”

two women chatting on park bench outdoorsSource: Unsplash

This phrase invalidates someone’s desire for more and implies that they should settle for mediocrity. It’s important to remember that ambition and aspiration are not signs of ingratitude but rather a natural human drive for growth and fulfilment.

8. “You’re overthinking it.”

Source: Unsplash

Telling someone they’re overthinking is a way of dismissing their concerns and implying that their thoughts and feelings are irrational. It’s a dismissive tactic that can make someone feel unheard and invalidated. Instead of shutting down their thought process, try asking open-ended questions to understand their perspective better.

9. “That’s not my problem.”

Source: Unsplash

This callous phrase shuts down any possibility of empathy or assistance. It conveys a lack of concern for others and a refusal to take responsibility for one’s actions. Even if something isn’t directly your problem, a compassionate person would offer support or try to find a solution instead of washing their hands of the situation.

10. “Why can’t you be more like…”

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Comparing someone to another person is a recipe for insecurity and resentment. It implies that they’re not good enough as they are and sets unrealistic expectations. Instead of focusing on comparisons, try appreciating each person’s unique qualities and encouraging them to embrace their individuality.

11. “You’re so dramatic.”


This dismissive comment minimises someone’s emotions and makes them feel like their reactions are exaggerated or unwarranted. It’s a way of invalidating their feelings and dismissing their concerns. Instead of labelling someone as dramatic, try understanding the root of their emotions and offering support.

12. “It’s not a big deal, get over it.”

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Telling someone to “get over it” is dismissive and minimises their experience. Everyone processes things differently, and there’s no set timeline for healing or moving on. Instead of rushing someone, try offering a listening ear and validating their feelings.

13. “You brought this on yourself.”

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Blaming someone for their misfortune is cruel and insensitive. It disregards the complexity of situations and ignores the fact that everyone makes mistakes. Instead of assigning blame, try offering support and understanding.

14. “You shouldn’t feel that way.”

Yuri Arcurs peopleimages.com

Telling someone how they should or shouldn’t feel is invalidating and dismissive. Emotions are complex and personal, and everyone is entitled to feel what they feel. Instead of dictating emotions, try validating them and offering support.

15. “I don’t have time for this.”

Liubomyr Vorona

Dismissing someone’s concerns by claiming you’re too busy is a clear sign of disrespect. It sends the message that their needs are unimportant and not worth your time. Even if you’re genuinely busy, a considerate person would try to find a way to address their concerns or offer support.

16. “Whatever.”

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This one-word response is the epitome of dismissiveness and apathy. It shuts down any further conversation and communicates a complete lack of interest in what the other person has to say. It’s a rude and disrespectful way to end an interaction, leaving the other person feeling unheard and unvalued.