Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

You’re likely not a terrible person, of course, but can you call yourself a truly kind one?

Not being awful or doing bad things doesn’t automatically make you good. True kindness doesn’t require any grand gestures, but it does call upon you to do these things in your daily life.

1. You say you’re sorry (and mean it) when you mess up.

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Everyone makes mistakes, but owning up to them and offering a genuine apology is a calling card of kindness. It shows you value the other person’s feelings and are willing to take responsibility for your actions. A heartfelt apology can mend fences and strengthen relationships.

2. You’re legitimately pleased for other people’s success.

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A truly kind person isn’t threatened by anyone else’s achievements; they’re genuinely happy for them. Whether it’s a friend’s promotion, a family member’s windfall, or even a stranger’s good fortune, you take the time to acknowledge and celebrate their wins. Your excitement for people is contagious and makes you much more likeable.

3. You offer help without being asked.

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Kindness often goes beyond simply responding to requests for help. You notice when someone is struggling, even if they don’t come right out and ask you to lend a hand. It might be offering to carry groceries for an elderly neighbour, helping a colleague with a project, or simply lending a listening ear to a friend in need. Your proactive support shows you actually care about people.

4. You treat everyone with respect, regardless of their status.

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Kindness doesn’t discriminate based on social standing, job title, or appearance. You treat the CEO with the same courtesy and consideration as you would the janitor. You understand that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their position in life.

5. You stand up for people who are being mistreated.

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Kindness isn’t just about being nice; it’s also about having the courage to speak up against injustice. When you see someone being bullied, discriminated against, or unfairly treated, you don’t stay silent. You use your voice to defend them, even if it means going against the crowd.

6. You give people the benefit of the doubt.

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Instead of jumping to conclusions or assuming the worst, you give people the benefit of the doubt. You understand that everyone has bad days and makes mistakes. You try to see things from their perspective and believe in their good intentions, and that makes you incredibly kind.

7. You forgive easily.

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Holding grudges is toxic for both yourself and your relationships. A truly kind person understands the importance of forgiveness. While it doesn’t mean condoning hurtful behaviour, it does mean letting go of anger and resentment, so that both you and they can move forward.

8. You’re patient and understanding.

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Life is full of frustrations and challenges, but a kind person doesn’t let those things get the better of them. You’re patient with people, even when they’re slow, forgetful, or make mistakes. You get that everyone is on their own journey and offer support and encouragement along the way.

9. You tune in and listen to people so that they feel heard.

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Kindness isn’t just about what you say; it’s also about how you listen. You give people your undivided attention when they’re talking, making eye contact, nodding along, and asking follow-up questions to show you’re engaged, and you hear them.

10. You give a lot of compliments and encouragement.

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Even the tiniest kind word can brighten someone’s day and boost their confidence. You make an effort to notice and acknowledge the good in people, offering sincere compliments and words of encouragement. Your positive feedback helps people feel valued and appreciated.

11. You think about how your behaviour affects other people.

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Kindness involves being aware of how your words and actions affect the people around you. You consider the consequences of your choices and try to create a positive impact. Whether it’s being mindful of your tone of voice, respecting people’s boundaries, or simply being considerate of their feelings, you make an effort to create a harmonious environment.

12. You’re generous with your time and resources.

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Kindness often involves giving of yourself, whether it’s your time, skills, or resources. You’re willing to share what you have with people, even when it’s not convenient or easy.

13. You show kindness to animals and the environment.

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True kindness extends beyond human interactions. You treat animals with compassion and respect because you recognise their inherent value and right to a good life. You also care for the environment, making choices that minimise your impact and contribute to a healthier planet.

14. You don’t judge people.

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Everyone has their own struggles, flaws, and imperfections. A kind person doesn’t judge anyone based on their appearance, choices, or background. You accept people for who they are, recognising their unique strengths and challenges. Your non-judgmental attitude means people feel safe to be themselves.

15. You’re kind to yourself, too.

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Being kind to other people starts with being kind to yourself. You recognise your own worth and value, treating yourself with compassion and understanding. You set healthy boundaries, look after yourself, and forgive yourself for your mistakes. By doing these things, you’re better equipped to extend kindness to other people.