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We’re all human, which means we make mistakes, we trip up, we have those facepalm moments.

However, some mistakes should only be made once. Seriously, if you find yourself doing these things over and over, it might be time for a little self-reflection. Maybe you’re not as smart as you think you are, or maybe you’re just having a serious case of “temporary dumbness.”

1. You trust someone blindly after they’ve already betrayed you.

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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Seriously, if someone has shown you they’re not trustworthy, don’t give them a second, third, or fourth chance. They’ve proven who they are, so believe them. Cut your losses and move on to people who actually deserve your trust and respect.

2. You spend money you don’t have to impress people you don’t even like.

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Racking up credit card debt to buy designer clothes or a fancy car just to impress people who don’t actually care about you? That’s not just a financial mistake, it’s a self-worth issue. Learn to value yourself for who you are, not what you own. Invest in experiences, not stuff, and surround yourself with people who appreciate you for you.

3. You stay in a toxic relationship hoping the person will change.

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Listen, people rarely change unless they want to. If you’re in a relationship that’s draining you emotionally, mentally, or physically, don’t waste your time waiting for a magical transformation. You deserve to be with someone who treats you with respect and love, not someone who brings you down. Cut the cord and find someone who actually deserves your heart.

4. You prioritise work over your health and well-being.

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Sure, work is important, but it’s not everything. Neglecting your health – whether it’s skipping sleep, exercise, or healthy meals – is a recipe for disaster. Burnout, illness, and a whole lot of regret are just around the corner. Make time for self-care, prioritise your well-being, and remember that your health is your most valuable asset.

5. You compare yourself to others and constantly feel inadequate.

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Stop scrolling through social media and comparing your life to someone else’s highlight reel. It’s a toxic habit that will only make you feel bad about yourself. Focus on your own journey, celebrate your unique strengths, and remember that everyone’s path is different. You are enough, just as you are.

6. You gossip or spread rumours about others.

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Gossiping might feel good in the moment, but it’s a toxic habit that can damage relationships and reputations. Plus, it just makes you look bad. Rise above the petty drama, focus on your own life, and treat people with kindness and respect. A good rule of thumb: if you wouldn’t say it to their face, don’t say it behind their back.

7. You dwell on the past instead of focusing on the present.

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We all have regrets and past hurts, but constantly replaying them in your mind won’t change anything. It’ll only keep you stuck in the past and prevent you from moving forward. Learn from your experiences, forgive yourself and other people, and focus on creating a brighter future. The present moment is all you have, so make the most of it.

8. You ignore your gut instincts and intuition.

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Your intuition is like a superpower – it can guide you towards what’s right for you and warn you of potential danger. If something feels off or doesn’t sit right with you, trust your gut. Don’t ignore those red flags or brush off your inner voice. Your intuition is often smarter than you think, so learn to listen to it and trust it.

9. You get scammed by the same shady email twice.

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Alright, we’ve all clicked on a suspicious link or two, but if you fall for the “Nigerian prince” scam again, it’s time for a reality check. It’s one thing to be a little gullible, but repeatedly falling for the same tricks is just asking for trouble. Do your research, be sceptical of unsolicited offers, and protect yourself from online scams.

10. You trust a friend who constantly gossips about everyone else.

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If someone spills everyone else’s secrets to you, chances are they’re spilling yours too. This person might be fun to gossip with, but they’re not someone you can trust with your own personal information. Find friends who value loyalty and discretion, and leave the gossipmongers to their own devices.

11. You ignore your gut feeling about a person or situation.

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Sometimes, your intuition is trying to tell you something important. If you have a bad feeling about a person or situation, don’t ignore it. Trust your gut and take precautions. It’s better to be safe than sorry, and your intuition might just save you from a world of trouble.

12. You keep dating the same type of person, even though it always ends badly.

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We all have a “type,” but if your type consistently leads to heartbreak, it’s time to switch things up. Look for partners who possess qualities that you truly value, not just the superficial traits you’re usually drawn to. Break the cycle and open yourself up to new possibilities in love.

13. You fall for get-rich-quick schemes or fad diets over and over.

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If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t waste your time and money on schemes that promise overnight success or miracle weight loss. Invest in your education, build sustainable habits, and focus on long-term goals. Remember, real success takes time, effort, and dedication.

14. You refuse to ask for help even when you’re clearly struggling.

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Everyone needs help sometimes, and there’s no shame in asking for it. Whether it’s a personal problem or a professional challenge, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Don’t let your pride get in the way of getting the support you need to succeed.

15. You try to change someone who clearly doesn’t want to change.

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You can’t force someone to change, no matter how much you care about them. If someone isn’t willing to put in the effort to improve themselves or their behaviour, it’s best to accept them for who they are or move on. Don’t waste your energy trying to fix someone who doesn’t want to be fixed.

16. You constantly seek validation and approval from other people.

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It’s normal to want to be liked and appreciated, but constantly seeking external validation is a recipe for unhappiness. Learn to love and accept yourself for who you are, without needing anyone’s approval. Focus on your own goals, values, and passions, and don’t let other people’s opinions dictate your self-worth.