Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Only about 10% of the world’s population is left-handed, so that’s not very many.

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Because of that, the world is often designed for right-handed people, and while it’s not the worst thing in the world, it does lead to some minor annoyances in their day-to-day life. If you’re left-handed, chances are you’ll relate to these struggles.

1. Smudged ink is your constant companion.


Writing with your left hand often means dragging your hand through fresh ink. The result? Smudged pages and a perpetually stained hand. It’s like your own personal ink stamp, whether you want it or not.

2. Scissors are your arch-nemesis.

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Regular scissors just don’t cut it for lefties. Trying to use right-handed scissors feels awkward and often results in jagged, torn edges. Finding a good pair of left-handed scissors can feel like stumbling upon buried treasure.

3. Spiral notebooks make writing a nightmare.

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The metal spiral of notebooks always seems to be in the way when you’re left-handed. Your hand constantly bumps against it, making writing uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. It’s enough to make you want to stick to loose-leaf paper forever.

4. Can openers feel like they’re from another planet.

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Most can openers are designed for right-handed use. Trying to operate one as a leftie can feel like attempting to solve a complex puzzle. It often results in awkward manoeuvring and the occasional failed attempt to open a simple tin.

5. You’re always elbowing your neighbour at dinner.

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Eating next to a right-handed person can turn into an unintentional game of elbow wars. You’re constantly bumping arms, trying to carve out enough space to eat comfortably. It’s a dance of awkwardness that never seems to end.

6. Computer mice are rarely on your side.

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Most computer setups cater to righties, with the mouse placed on the right side. Using your left hand feels unnatural, and moving the mouse to the left side can disrupt the entire office layout. It’s a small thing that can make a big difference in your workday.

7. Guitar shops are a source of frustration.

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Walking into a guitar shop as a leftie can be disheartening. The walls are lined with beautiful instruments… that you can’t play. Left-handed guitars are often scarce, limiting your options and making it harder to find your perfect instrument.

8. Three-ring binders are your sworn enemy.

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Similar to spiral notebooks, three-ring binders pose a constant obstacle. The rings get in the way of your writing hand, making it difficult to write on the left side of the page. It’s a small annoyance that adds up over time.

9. Playing cards were not made with you in mind.

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The numbers and suits on playing cards are designed for right-handed people. As a leftie, you either have to awkwardly fan them out in your right hand or accept that you’ll always be showing your hand to your opponents.

10. You’re always adjusting your watch.

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Watches are typically designed to be worn on the left wrist, with the crown on the right side. For lefties who prefer to wear their watch on the right wrist, this means constant fidgeting to adjust the time or date.

11. Power tools can feel downright dangerous.

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Many power tools are designed with right-handed users in mind. Using them as a leftie can feel awkward at best and unsafe at worst. It often requires extra caution and sometimes specialised left-handed versions of the tools.