13 Natural Ways To Keep Bugs Out This Summer


Tired of pesky flies buzzing around your barbeque? Wish you could enjoy your patio without slapping at mosquitoes? While you could bring out the big (toxic) guns, there are plenty of all-natural insect-repelling solutions that are kind to both you and the environment. Here are some of the best options to try.

1. Harness the power of essential oils.

Certain scents humans adore are kryptonite to insects, Healthline reveals. Peppermint, clove, lemongrass, lavender, citronella, or cedarwood essential oils are all effective natural repellents. Add a few drops to a diffuser for your patio area, mix with water for a room spray, or create a DIY wearable repellent with a carrier oil like coconut oil.

2. Grow insect-repellent plants strategically.

Mother Nature has your back. Basil, lavender, rosemary, lemon balm, catnip, and marigolds are all aesthetically pleasing plants that naturally deter mosquitoes, flies, and other annoying insects, per The Spruce. Plant them near outdoor seating areas, in window boxes, or strategically around your garden to create a beautiful and bug-resistant barrier.

3. Enlist the help of bug-munching spiders.

While those eight-legged critters might cause a fright, they’re your allies! Spiders are natural exterminators, feasting on the pests you’re trying to deter. Resist the urge to squish every one you see and let them work their web-weaving magic. Focus on relocating them away from high-traffic areas rather than outright elimination.

4. Eliminate standing water – it’s a mosquito breeding ground.

Mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant water. Regularly empty birdbaths, kiddie pools, plant saucers, and any containers that collect rainwater. Ensure rain gutters are free of clogs and check for any buckets or tarps unintentionally forming mini ponds in your yard. Removing breeding grounds is key to winning the mosquito war.

5. Set up a fan or two on your patio or deck.

Besides offering relief from the heat, a strategically placed fan makes your outdoor space inhospitable to pests. Insects like mosquitoes are weak fliers. The strong air current disrupts their flight, making it harder for them to target and land on you. It’s a simple yet effective summer party trick!

6. Use DIY traps for fruit flies and wasps.

A little apple cider vinegar with a drop of dish soap is irresistible to fruit flies. They’re attracted by the sweetness, then get trapped by the sticky soap. For wasps, mix water with some jam and dish soap. Place bowls of either concoction in problem areas to trap these pesky intruders.

7. Hang dryer sheets to repel mosquitoes and other flying pests.

They might make your laundry smell fresh, but it turns out, bugs hate the artificial fragrance of dryer sheets! Hang them strategically around outdoor seating areas, in doorways, or clip them onto your clothes when venturing into bug-prone zones. As a bonus, dryer sheets can also help deter squirrels and mice from venturing into storage or attic spaces.

8. Keep your kitchen surfaces spotless.

Crumbs, spilled juice, and open sugary drinks attract ants and other unwanted visitors. Regular cleaning and promptly putting away food reduces temptation. For stubborn ant trails, try wiping down their paths with white vinegar mixed with water to disrupt their scent paths and deter them from returning.

9. Seal any cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior.

Even tiny cracks around windows, doors, or foundation create entry points for pests. Caulk any gaps you find to keep crawlies from setting up shop. Bonus benefit: this also improves your home’s energy efficiency!

10. Make natural citrus-peel bug repellent.

Don’t throw out those orange or lemon peels! Citrus fruit contains natural insect repellent compounds that keep pests at bay. Simply boil a pot of mixed citrus peels along with a few sprigs of rosemary. Allow the mixture to steep for at least an hour, then strain and use as a natural all-purpose spray for deterring ants and other bugs.

11. Switch to yellow outdoor light bulbs.

Regular incandescent bulbs act like a bug magnet, especially at night. Yellow “bug lights” emit a wavelength less attractive to insects, reducing the swarms hovering around your porch lights and minimizing that annoying buzzing.

12. Maintain a tidy yard with mowed grass and trimmed bushes.

Overgrown grass, piles of fallen leaves, and dense shrubs make perfect hiding spots for ticks, spiders, and other critters. Keep your lawn mowed, trim bushes away from the house, and remove debris piles to make your outdoor spaces less bug-friendly.

13. Embrace the power of bats.

Bats have an undeserved bad reputation. These nocturnal creatures are voracious insect eaters, consuming thousands of mosquitoes in a single night. If your area permits it, consider installing a bat house in your yard or property to attract these natural pest control allies.