Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Between work, family, friends, and general adult responsibilities, finding time just for you can feel pretty much impossible.

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When every minute of your day is already accounted for, how are you supposed to carve out a section of it to look after yourself? It’s not easy, but it is possible, no matter how much you have going on. Here are a few things you can do to find even an extra few minutes of ‘me time’.

1. Wake up 15 minutes earlier.

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I know, mornings are hard enough, but just 15 minutes can make a big difference. Use this time to make yourself a cuppa, do some stretching, or just sit and breathe before the day kicks off. You might be surprised how much calmer and more centred you feel throughout the day with this little morning ritual.

2. Use your lunch break wisely.

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Instead of eating at your desk, try to step away. Even if it’s just for 15 minutes, use this time to take a walk, read a book, or do something you enjoy. It’s amazing how refreshing a proper break can be. Plus, you’ll likely return to work more focused and productive.

3. Turn off notifications for an hour.

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Pick a time when you’re not expecting any urgent calls, and silence your phone. It’s incredible how much calmer you’ll feel without constant pings and buzzes demanding your attention. You might even become more productive and creative without the constant interruptions.

4. Learn to say no.

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You don’t have to agree to every invitation or request. It’s okay to turn things down sometimes to give yourself a breather. Your time is valuable, so be selective about how you spend it. After all, every time you say yes to something, you’re saying no to something else — often your own time and peace of mind.

5. Make your commute count.

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If you take public transport, use this time for yourself. Read a book, listen to a podcast, or just enjoy some music. If you drive, an audiobook can turn traffic into “you” time. This can transform a potentially stressful part of your day into something you actually look forward to.

6. Schedule it like any other appointment.

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Put ‘me time’ in your calendar and treat it like any other important commitment. Even if it’s just 30 minutes, having it scheduled makes it more likely to happen. And don’t feel guilty about it — this time is just as important as any work meeting or doctor’s appointment.

7. Multitask, yes, but be smart about it.

Seva Levytskyi

Combine chores with something you enjoy. Listen to your favourite music while cleaning, or catch up on a podcast while cooking. It makes the tasks more enjoyable and gives you a sense of ‘me time’. You might even start to dread folding the washing!

8. Create a bedtime routine.

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Set aside 30 minutes before bed for yourself. Read, do some light stretching, or practice a hobby. It’s a great way to wind down and get some time for you. Plus, a consistent bedtime routine can help improve your sleep quality.

9. Use waiting time wisely.

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Waiting at the doctor’s office or for your kids to finish practice? Bring a book, do some journaling, or use a meditation app. Turn that “wasted” time into valuable personal time. You might even start to appreciate these moments of forced pause in your busy day.

10. Get up when you first wake up.

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It’s tempting to hit snooze, but try getting up when you first wake. You might find you have some extra time before you need to start your day. This can be a great opportunity for some quiet reflection or to do something you enjoy before the demands of the day begin.

11. Set boundaries with technology.

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Try not to check work emails after a certain time. Use that evening time for yourself instead of getting sucked into work stuff or endless scrolling. This can help you mentally switch off from work mode and truly relax in your personal time.

12. Make the most of your weekends.

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Even if it’s just for an hour, try to do something just for you on the weekend. It could be a hobby, a long bath, or just sitting in a park. Having something to look forward to can make the whole week feel more manageable.

13. Delegate or outsource when possible.

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If you can afford it, consider hiring help for some tasks. If not, see if you can trade favours with friends or family. Freeing up some time from chores can give you more time for yourself. Remember, asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness — it’s a smart way to manage your time and energy.

14. Learn to be present.

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Sometimes, finding time for yourself is about being fully present in the moment. Whether you’re having a cup of tea or taking a shower, try to really focus on the experience. It can turn everyday activities into little pockets of “me time”. This practice of mindfulness can help reduce stress and increase your overall enjoyment of life.

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