16 Sentences No Woman Ever Wants To Hear From A Man

Sometimes, a man opens his mouth and you instantly wish he hadn’t bothered.

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It’s often a well-meaning comment gone wrong, but other times, it’s just plain thoughtless. Either way, these sentences can make you cringe, roll your eyes, or feel downright insulted. Here are some sentences that are guaranteed to make most women wish they could hit the mute button on the conversation. I certainly do!

1. “You’re overreacting, it must be that time of the month.”

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Yes, because every time a woman responds to something a man does, it must be down to hormones. It couldn’t possibly be because he did something completely inappropriate or wildly infuriating, right?

2. “You’d be prettier if you smiled more.”

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Newsflash: women don’t exist to be decorative or to please men with their appearance, and our value isn’t tied to our looks. The number of times most of us have heard this from men on the streets — perfect strangers, I might add — is ridiculous.

3. “Are you sure you can handle that?”

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Oh no, you’re right — I completely forgot how weak and incapable I am, but thank goodness you’ve reminded me! This reeks of condescension and misogyny. I think I’ve got it covered here, mate.

4. “You’re not like other girls.”

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This is meant to be a compliment, but it’s just word salad. I’ve actually asked men who’ve said this to me HOW I’m not like other women, and they usually don’t have a very good response. I’m actually a lot like other girls, and I’m proud of that.

5. “Calm down, you’re being hysterical.”

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When in the history of the world has telling someone to calm down ever made that happen? Especially when you’re a woman and the person telling you is a man? Pretty much never. Every negative emotion we express isn’t “hysterical” — you’re just emotionally stunted.

6. “You’re too pretty to be so smart.”


This is a backhanded compliment is offensive on multiple levels, and it’s also incredibly reductive. What, so only ugly people are smart? All attractive people are idiots? I just don’t get this, and it infuriates me!

7. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”

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This patronising statement suggests that women are incapable of understanding or dealing with complex issues. A lot of men use this cheekily and pass it off like they’re just joking and being goofy, but it’s still annoying.

8. “Is it that time of the month again?”

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Similar to the first point, but worth repeating because it’s so common and so infuriating. Maybe it is that time of the month, but so what? You pointing it out or invalidating women’s feelings by claiming they’re all down to her cycle isn’t going to help. In fact, it’s probably going to lead to a major explosion.

9. “You’ll change your mind about not wanting kids someday.”

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Men, please do not say this to any woman (or man!) ever. If someone is sure that they don’t want children, in what world is it ever appropriate for you to tell them how YOU think they’ll feel someday? Just because you don’t know yourself doesn’t mean everyone else is in the same boat.

10. “You throw/run/fight like a girl.”

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This is often used as an insult, but I see it as a compliment. Yes, I do many things like a girl — and thank goodness for that because we’re amazingly smart, strong, perceptive, and a variety of other positive qualities.

11. “Are you on your period or something?”

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Yet another variation of the menstruation-based dismissal that doesn’t really need explanation. For people who know so little about periods, men sure do have a lot to say about them.

12. “You’re too emotional to make rational decisions.”


This plays into the stereotype that women are controlled by their emotions, and that one is tacitly false. I’ve dated many men over the years who were far more emotional than I am, for one. For another, having feelings doesn’t make you incapable of reason — the best decisions often comes from a balance of both.

13. “Who’s looking after the kids while you’re at work?”

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This one is usually always directed at working mothers, but never working fathers! Men who say this are basically implying that women belong at home being permanent child minders and never pursuing any other goals, particularly professional ones. Grow up.

14. “You’re too pretty to eat that.”

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It’s never, ever okay to police another person’s body or their eating habits, especially women’s. Not only is it rude and inappropriate, but it could be a major trigger for many women who already have unhealthy relationships with food or their bodies.

15. “Are you sure you want to eat all that?”

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Yep, I sure am — that’s why I ordered it, mate. Why on earth do men think it’s their place to comment on how little or much (or even what) a woman is eating? Are you sure you don’t want me to throw my drink in your face?

16. “You’d be so much prettier if you lost/gained some weight.”

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

I don’t even want to expand on this one — I know so many women out there have been on the receiving end of this comment just like me, and sometimes saying nothing is the most powerful explanation of all.